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synced 2025-03-25 11:13:15 +01:00
Improved markdown rendering
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Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
from .md import mdconv
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
import mistune
from mistune.core import BaseRenderer
from mistune.plugins.formatting import strikethrough, mark, superscript, subscript, insert
from mistune.plugins.table import table, table_in_list
from mistune.plugins.footnotes import footnotes
from mistune.plugins.task_lists import task_lists
from mistune.plugins.spoiler import spoiler
from mistune.util import escape as escape_text, safe_entity
def mdconv(markdown_text, domain=None, debug=False):
parser = mistune.create_markdown(renderer=BBRenderer(), plugins=[strikethrough, mark, superscript, subscript, insert, footnotes, task_lists, spoiler])
return parser(markdown_text)
class BBRenderer(BaseRenderer):
NAME = "bbcode"
def __init__(self, escape=False):
super(BBRenderer, self).__init__()
self._escape = escape
def render_token(self, token, state):
func = self._get_method(token["type"])
attrs = token.get("attrs")
if "raw" in token: text = token["raw"]
elif "children" in token: text = self.render_tokens(token["children"], state)
if attrs: return func(**attrs)
else: return func()
if attrs: return func(text, **attrs)
else: return func(text)
# Simple renderers
def emphasis(self, text): return f"[i]{text}[/i]"
def strong(self, text): return f"[b]{text}[/b]"
def codespan(self, text): return f"[icode]{text}[/icode]"
def linebreak(self): return "\n"
def softbreak(self): return "\n"
def list_item(self, text): return f"• {text}\n"
def task_list_item(self, text, checked=False): e = "" if checked else ""; return f"{e} {text}\n"
def strikethrough(self, text): return f"[s]{text}[/s]"
def insert(self, text): return f"[u]{text}[/u]"
def inline_spoiler(self, text): return f"[ISPOILER]{text}[/ISPOILER]"
def block_spoiler(self, text): return f"[SPOILER]\n{text}\n[/SPOILER]"
def block_error(self, text): return f"[color=red][icode]{text}[/icode][/color]\n"
def block_html(self, html): return ""
def link(self, text, url, title=None): return f"[u]{text}[/u] ({url})"
def footnote_ref(self, key, index): return f"[sup][u]{index}[/u][/sup]"
def footnotes(self, text): return f"[b]Footnotes[/b]\n{text}"
def footnote_item(self, text, key, index): return f"[ANAME=footnote-{index}]{index}[/ANAME]. {text}"
def superscript(self, text: str) -> str: return f"[sup]{text}[/sup]"
def subscript(self, text): return f"[sub]{text}[/sub]"
def block_quote(self, text: str) -> str: return f"| [i]{text}[/i]"
def paragraph(self, text): return f"{text}\n\n"
def blank_line(self): return ""
def block_text(self, text): return text
# Renderers needing some logic
def text(self, text):
if self._escape: return escape_text(text)
else: return text
def inline_html(self, html: str) -> str:
if self._escape: return escape_text(html)
else: return html
def heading(self, text, level, **attrs):
if 1 <= level <= 3: return f"[HEADING={level}]{text}[/HEADING]\n"
else: return f"[HEADING=3]{text}[/HEADING]\n"
def block_code(self, code: str, **attrs) -> str:
special_cases = {"plaintext": None, "text": None, "txt": None}
if "info" in attrs:
lang_info = safe_entity(attrs["info"].strip())
lang = lang_info.split(None, 1)[0].lower()
bbcode_lang = special_cases.get(lang, lang)
if bbcode_lang: return f"[CODE={bbcode_lang}]{escape_text(code)}[/CODE]\n"
else: return f"[CODE]{escape_text(code)}[/CODE]\n"
else: return f"[CODE]{escape_text(code)}[/CODE]\n"
def list(self, text, ordered, **attrs):
depth = 0; sln = ""; tli = ""
if "depth" in attrs: depth = attrs["depth"]
if depth != 0: sln = "\n"
if depth == 0: tli = "\n"
def remove_empty_lines(text):
lines = text.split("\n")
non_empty_lines = [line for line in lines if line.strip() != ""]
nli = ""; dlm = "\n"+" "*depth
if depth != 0: nli = dlm
return nli+dlm.join(non_empty_lines)
text = remove_empty_lines(text)
return sln+text+"\n"+tli
# TODO: Implement various table types and other special formatting
def table(self, children, **attrs): return children
def table_head(self, children, **attrs): return children
def table_body(self, children, **attrs): return children
def table_row(self, children, **attrs): return children
def table_cell(self, text, align=None, head=False, **attrs): return f"{text}\n"
def def_list(self, text): return f"{text}\n"
def def_list_head(self, text): return f"{text}\n"
def def_list_item(self, text): return f"{text}\n"
def abbr(self, text, title): return text
def mark(self, text): return text
def image(self, text, url, title=None): return ""
def thematic_break(self): return "-------------\n"
Reference in New Issue
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