mirror of
synced 2025-03-23 10:23:17 +01:00
Fixed incorrect defaults for IFAC size after increase in default values in RNS
This commit is contained in:
@ -2810,6 +2810,11 @@ class SidebandCore():
ifac_netkey = self.config["connect_tcp_ifac_passphrase"]
if ifac_netname != None or ifac_netkey != None:
ifac_size = 16
ifac_size = None
tcpinterface = RNS.Interfaces.TCPInterface.TCPClientInterface(
@ -2834,7 +2839,7 @@ class SidebandCore():
if_mode = None
self.reticulum._add_interface(tcpinterface, mode=if_mode, ifac_netname=ifac_netname, ifac_netkey=ifac_netkey)
self.reticulum._add_interface(tcpinterface, mode=if_mode, ifac_netname=ifac_netname, ifac_netkey=ifac_netkey, ifac_size=ifac_size)
self.interface_tcp = tcpinterface
except Exception as e:
@ -2857,6 +2862,11 @@ class SidebandCore():
ifac_netkey = self.config["connect_i2p_ifac_passphrase"]
if ifac_netname != None or ifac_netkey != None:
ifac_size = 16
ifac_size = None
i2pinterface = RNS.Interfaces.I2PInterface.I2PInterface(
@ -2880,7 +2890,7 @@ class SidebandCore():
if_mode = None
self.reticulum._add_interface(i2pinterface, mode = if_mode, ifac_netname=ifac_netname, ifac_netkey=ifac_netkey)
self.reticulum._add_interface(i2pinterface, mode = if_mode, ifac_netname=ifac_netname, ifac_netkey=ifac_netkey, ifac_size=ifac_size)
for si in RNS.Transport.interfaces:
if type(si) == RNS.Interfaces.I2PInterface.I2PInterfacePeer:
@ -290,6 +290,20 @@ def shared_radio_horizon(c1, c2,):
"antenna_distance": antenna_distance
def ghtest():
import pygeodesy
from pygeodesy.ellipsoidalKarney import LatLon
ginterpolator = pygeodesy.GeoidKarney("./assets/geoids/egm2008-5.pgm")
# Make an example location
# Get the geoid height
single_position=LatLon(lat, lon)
h = ginterpolator(single_position)
# def tests():
# import RNS
# import numpy as np
@ -282,280 +282,285 @@ class RVDetails(MDRecycleView):
self.data = []
def update_source(self, rendered_telemetry=None):
if not rendered_telemetry:
rendered_telemetry = []
sort = {
"Physical Link": 10,
"Location": 20,
"Ambient Light": 30,
"Ambient Temperature": 40,
"Relative Humidity": 50,
"Ambient Pressure": 60,
"Battery": 70,
"Timestamp": 80,
"Received": 90,
"Information": 5,
self.entries = []
rendered_telemetry.sort(key=lambda s: sort[s["name"]] if s["name"] in sort else 1000)
for s in rendered_telemetry:
extra_entries = []
def pass_job(sender=None):
release_function = pass_job
formatted_values = None
name = s["name"]
if name == "Timestamp":
ts = s["values"]["UTC"]
if ts != None:
ts_str = datetime.fromtimestamp(ts).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
formatted_values = f"Recorded [b]{RNS.prettytime(time.time()-ts, compact=True)} ago[/b] ({ts_str})"
def copy_info(e=None):
toast("Copied to clipboard")
release_function = copy_info
elif name == "Information":
info = s["values"]["contents"]
if info != None:
istr = str(info)
def copy_info(e=None):
toast("Copied to clipboard")
release_function = copy_info
external_text = escape_markup(istr)
formatted_values = f"[b]Information[/b]: {external_text}"
elif name == "Received":
formatted_values = ""
by = s["values"]["by"];
via = s["values"]["via"];
if not rendered_telemetry:
rendered_telemetry = []
sort = {
"Physical Link": 10,
"Location": 20,
"Ambient Light": 30,
"Ambient Temperature": 40,
"Relative Humidity": 50,
"Ambient Pressure": 60,
"Battery": 70,
"Timestamp": 80,
"Received": 90,
"Information": 5,
self.entries = []
rendered_telemetry.sort(key=lambda s: sort[s["name"]] if s["name"] in sort else 1000)
for s in rendered_telemetry:
extra_entries = []
def pass_job(sender=None):
release_function = pass_job
formatted_values = None
name = s["name"]
if name == "Timestamp":
ts = s["values"]["UTC"]
if ts != None:
ts_str = datetime.fromtimestamp(ts).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
formatted_values = f"Recorded [b]{RNS.prettytime(time.time()-ts, compact=True)} ago[/b] ({ts_str})"
def copy_info(e=None):
toast("Copied to clipboard")
release_function = copy_info
elif name == "Information":
info = s["values"]["contents"]
if info != None:
istr = str(info)
def copy_info(e=None):
toast("Copied to clipboard")
release_function = copy_info
external_text = escape_markup(istr)
formatted_values = f"[b]Information[/b]: {external_text}"
elif name == "Received":
formatted_values = ""
by = s["values"]["by"];
via = s["values"]["via"];
if by == self.app.sideband.lxmf_destination.hash:
if via == self.delegate.object_hash:
formatted_values = "Collected directly by [b]this device[/b], directly [b]from emitter[/b]"
if by == self.app.sideband.lxmf_destination.hash:
if via == self.delegate.object_hash:
formatted_values = "Collected directly by [b]this device[/b], directly [b]from emitter[/b]"
via_str = self.app.sideband.peer_display_name(via)
if via_str == None:
via_str = "an [b]unknown peer[/b]"
formatted_values = f"Collected directly by [b]this device[/b], via {via_str}"
via_str = self.app.sideband.peer_display_name(via)
if via_str == None:
via_str = "an [b]unknown peer[/b]"
formatted_values = f"Collected directly by [b]this device[/b], via {via_str}"
if via != None and via == by:
vstr = self.app.sideband.peer_display_name(via)
formatted_values = f"Received from, and collected by [b]{vstr}[/b]"
if via != None:
if via != None and via == by:
vstr = self.app.sideband.peer_display_name(via)
via_str = f"Received from [b]{vstr}[/b]"
via_str = "Received from an [b]unknown peer[/b]"
formatted_values = f"Received from, and collected by [b]{vstr}[/b]"
if by != None:
dstr = self.app.sideband.peer_display_name(by)
by_str = f", collected by [b]{dstr}[/b]"
by_str = f", collected by an [b]unknown peer[/b]"
formatted_values = f"{via_str}{by_str}"
if formatted_values == "":
formatted_values = None
if not by == self.app.sideband.lxmf_destination.hash and not self.app.sideband.is_trusted(by):
extra_entries.append({"icon": "alert", "text": "Collected by a [b]non-trusted[/b] peer"})
elif name == "Battery":
p = s["values"]["percent"]
cs = s["values"]["_meta"]
if cs != None: cs_str = f" ({cs})"
if p != None: formatted_values = f"{name} [b]{p}%[/b]"+cs_str
elif name == "Ambient Pressure":
p = s["values"]["mbar"]
if p != None: formatted_values = f"{name} [b]{p} mbar[/b]"
dt = "mbar"
if "deltas" in s and dt in s["deltas"] and s["deltas"][dt] != None:
d = s["deltas"][dt]
formatted_values += f" (Δ = {d} mbar)"
elif name == "Ambient Temperature":
c = s["values"]["c"]
if c != None: formatted_values = f"{name} [b]{c}° C[/b]"
dt = "c"
if "deltas" in s and dt in s["deltas"] and s["deltas"][dt] != None:
d = s["deltas"][dt]
formatted_values += f" (Δ = {d}° C)"
elif name == "Relative Humidity":
r = s["values"]["percent"]
if r != None: formatted_values = f"{name} [b]{r}%[/b]"
dt = "percent"
if "deltas" in s and dt in s["deltas"] and s["deltas"][dt] != None:
d = s["deltas"][dt]
formatted_values += f" (Δ = {d}%)"
elif name == "Physical Link":
rssi = s["values"]["rssi"]; rssi_str = None
snr = s["values"]["snr"]; snr_str = None
q = s["values"]["q"]; q_str = None
if q != None: q_str = f"Link Quality [b]{q}%[/b]"
if rssi != None:
rssi_str = f"RSSI [b]{rssi} dBm[/b]"
if q != None: rssi_str = ", "+rssi_str
if snr != None:
snr_str = f"SNR [b]{snr} dB[/b]"
if q != None or rssi != None: snr_str = ", "+snr_str
if q_str or rssi_str or snr_str:
formatted_values = q_str+rssi_str+snr_str
elif name == "Location":
lat = s["values"]["latitude"]
lon = s["values"]["longitude"]
alt = s["values"]["altitude"]
speed = s["values"]["speed"]
heading = s["values"]["heading"]
accuracy = s["values"]["accuracy"]
updated = s["values"]["updated"]
updated_str = f", logged [b]{RNS.prettytime(time.time()-updated, compact=True)} ago[/b]"
coords = f"{lat}, {lon}"
fcoords = f"{round(lat,4)}, {round(lon,4)}"
self.delegate.coords = coords
if alt == 0:
alt_str = "0"
alt_str = RNS.prettydistance(alt)
formatted_values = f"Coordinates [b]{fcoords}[/b], altitude [b]{alt_str}[/b]"
if speed != None:
if speed > 0.000001:
speed_formatted_values = f"Speed [b]{speed} Km/h[/b], heading [b]{heading}°[/b]"
speed_formatted_values = f"Speed [b]0 Km/h[/b]"
speed_formatted_values = None
extra_formatted_values = f"Uncertainty [b]{accuracy} meters[/b]"+updated_str
data = {"icon": s["icon"], "text": f"{formatted_values}"}
extra_entries.append({"icon": "map-marker-question", "text": extra_formatted_values})
if speed_formatted_values != None:
extra_entries.append({"icon": "speedometer", "text": speed_formatted_values})
if "distance" in s:
if "orthodromic" in s["distance"]:
od = s["distance"]["orthodromic"]
if od != None:
od_text = f"Geodesic distance [b]{RNS.prettydistance(od)}[/b]"
extra_entries.append({"icon": "earth", "text": od_text})
if "euclidian" in s["distance"]:
ed = s["distance"]["euclidian"]
if ed != None:
ed_text = f"Euclidian distance [b]{RNS.prettydistance(ed)}[/b]"
extra_entries.append({"icon": "axis-arrow", "text": ed_text})
if "vertical" in s["distance"]:
vd = s["distance"]["vertical"]
if vd != None:
if vd < 0:
relstr = "lower"
vd = abs(vd)
if via != None:
vstr = self.app.sideband.peer_display_name(via)
via_str = f"Received from [b]{vstr}[/b]"
relstr = "greater"
vd_text = f"Altitude is [b]{RNS.prettydistance(vd)}[/b] {relstr} than this device"
extra_entries.append({"icon": "altimeter", "text": vd_text})
via_str = "Received from an [b]unknown peer[/b]"
if by != None:
dstr = self.app.sideband.peer_display_name(by)
by_str = f", collected by [b]{dstr}[/b]"
by_str = f", collected by an [b]unknown peer[/b]"
if "angle_to_horizon" in s["values"]:
oath = s["values"]["angle_to_horizon"]
if oath != None:
if self.delegate.viewing_self:
oath_text = f"Local horizon is at [b]{round(oath,3)}°[/b]"
oath_text = f"Object's horizon is at [b]{round(oath,3)}°[/b]"
extra_entries.append({"icon": "arrow-split-horizontal", "text": oath_text})
formatted_values = f"{via_str}{by_str}"
if self.delegate.viewing_self and "radio_horizon" in s["values"]:
orh = s["values"]["radio_horizon"]
if orh != None:
range_text = RNS.prettydistance(orh)
rh_formatted_text = f"Radio horizon of [b]{range_text}[/b]"
extra_entries.append({"icon": "radio-tower", "text": rh_formatted_text})
if formatted_values == "":
formatted_values = None
if "azalt" in s and "local_angle_to_horizon" in s["azalt"]:
lath = s["azalt"]["local_angle_to_horizon"]
if lath != None:
lath_text = f"Local horizon is at [b]{round(lath,3)}°[/b]"
extra_entries.append({"icon": "align-vertical-distribute", "text": lath_text})
if "azalt" in s:
azalt_formatted_text = ""
if "azimuth" in s["azalt"]:
az = s["azalt"]["azimuth"]
az_text = f"Azimuth [b]{round(az,3)}°[/b]"
azalt_formatted_text += az_text
if not by == self.app.sideband.lxmf_destination.hash and not self.app.sideband.is_trusted(by):
extra_entries.append({"icon": "alert", "text": "Collected by a [b]non-trusted[/b] peer"})
if "altitude" in s["azalt"]:
al = s["azalt"]["altitude"]
al_text = f"altitude [b]{round(al,3)}°[/b]"
if len(azalt_formatted_text) != 0: azalt_formatted_text += ", "
azalt_formatted_text += al_text
extra_entries.append({"icon": "compass-rose", "text": azalt_formatted_text})
if "above_horizon" in s["azalt"]:
astr = "above" if s["azalt"]["above_horizon"] == True else "below"
dstr = str(round(s["azalt"]["altitude_delta"], 3))
ah_text = f"Object is [b]{astr}[/b] the horizon (Δ = {dstr}°)"
extra_entries.append({"icon": "angle-acute", "text": ah_text})
if not self.delegate.viewing_self and "radio_horizon" in s["values"]:
orh = s["values"]["radio_horizon"]
if orh != None:
range_text = RNS.prettydistance(orh)
rh_formatted_text = f"Object's radio horizon is [b]{range_text}[/b]"
extra_entries.append({"icon": "radio-tower", "text": rh_formatted_text})
if "radio_horizon" in s:
rh_icon = "circle-outline"
crange_text = RNS.prettydistance(s["radio_horizon"]["combined_range"])
if s["radio_horizon"]["within_range"]:
rh_formatted_text = f"[b]Within[/b] shared radio horizon of [b]{crange_text}[/b]"
rh_icon = "set-none"
rh_formatted_text = f"[b]Outside[/b] shared radio horizon of [b]{crange_text}[/b]"
extra_entries.append({"icon": rh_icon, "text": rh_formatted_text})
def select(e=None):
geo_uri = f"geo:{lat},{lon}"
def lj():
threading.Thread(target=lj, daemon=True).start()
release_function = select
formatted_values = f"{name}"
for vn in s["values"]:
v = s["values"][vn]
formatted_values += f" [b]{v} {vn}[/b]"
dt = vn
elif name == "Battery":
p = s["values"]["percent"]
cs = s["values"]["_meta"]
if cs != None: cs_str = f" ({cs})"
if p != None: formatted_values = f"{name} [b]{p}%[/b]"+cs_str
elif name == "Ambient Pressure":
p = s["values"]["mbar"]
if p != None: formatted_values = f"{name} [b]{p} mbar[/b]"
dt = "mbar"
if "deltas" in s and dt in s["deltas"] and s["deltas"][dt] != None:
d = s["deltas"][dt]
formatted_values += f" (Δ = {d} {vn})"
data = None
if formatted_values != None:
if release_function:
data = {"icon": s["icon"], "text": f"{formatted_values}", "on_release": release_function}
formatted_values += f" (Δ = {d} mbar)"
elif name == "Ambient Temperature":
c = s["values"]["c"]
if c != None: formatted_values = f"{name} [b]{c}° C[/b]"
dt = "c"
if "deltas" in s and dt in s["deltas"] and s["deltas"][dt] != None:
d = s["deltas"][dt]
formatted_values += f" (Δ = {d}° C)"
elif name == "Relative Humidity":
r = s["values"]["percent"]
if r != None: formatted_values = f"{name} [b]{r}%[/b]"
dt = "percent"
if "deltas" in s and dt in s["deltas"] and s["deltas"][dt] != None:
d = s["deltas"][dt]
formatted_values += f" (Δ = {d}%)"
elif name == "Physical Link":
rssi = s["values"]["rssi"]; rssi_str = None
snr = s["values"]["snr"]; snr_str = None
q = s["values"]["q"]; q_str = None
if q != None: q_str = f"Link Quality [b]{q}%[/b]"
if rssi != None:
rssi_str = f"RSSI [b]{rssi} dBm[/b]"
if q != None: rssi_str = ", "+rssi_str
if snr != None:
snr_str = f"SNR [b]{snr} dB[/b]"
if q != None or rssi != None: snr_str = ", "+snr_str
if q_str or rssi_str or snr_str:
formatted_values = q_str+rssi_str+snr_str
elif name == "Location":
lat = s["values"]["latitude"]
lon = s["values"]["longitude"]
alt = s["values"]["altitude"]
speed = s["values"]["speed"]
heading = s["values"]["heading"]
accuracy = s["values"]["accuracy"]
updated = s["values"]["updated"]
updated_str = f", logged [b]{RNS.prettytime(time.time()-updated, compact=True)} ago[/b]"
coords = f"{lat}, {lon}"
fcoords = f"{round(lat,4)}, {round(lon,4)}"
self.delegate.coords = coords
if alt == 0:
alt_str = "0"
alt_str = RNS.prettydistance(alt)
formatted_values = f"Coordinates [b]{fcoords}[/b], altitude [b]{alt_str}[/b]"
if speed != None:
if speed > 0.000001:
speed_formatted_values = f"Speed [b]{speed} Km/h[/b], heading [b]{heading}°[/b]"
speed_formatted_values = f"Speed [b]0 Km/h[/b]"
speed_formatted_values = None
extra_formatted_values = f"Uncertainty [b]{accuracy} meters[/b]"+updated_str
data = {"icon": s["icon"], "text": f"{formatted_values}"}
if data != None:
for extra in extra_entries:
extra_entries.append({"icon": "map-marker-question", "text": extra_formatted_values})
if speed_formatted_values != None:
extra_entries.append({"icon": "speedometer", "text": speed_formatted_values})
if len(self.entries) == 0:
self.entries.append({"icon": "timeline-question-outline", "text": f"No telemetry available for this device"})
if "distance" in s:
if "orthodromic" in s["distance"]:
od = s["distance"]["orthodromic"]
if od != None:
od_text = f"Geodesic distance [b]{RNS.prettydistance(od)}[/b]"
extra_entries.append({"icon": "earth", "text": od_text})
if "euclidian" in s["distance"]:
ed = s["distance"]["euclidian"]
if ed != None:
ed_text = f"Euclidian distance [b]{RNS.prettydistance(ed)}[/b]"
extra_entries.append({"icon": "axis-arrow", "text": ed_text})
if "vertical" in s["distance"]:
vd = s["distance"]["vertical"]
if vd != None:
if vd < 0:
relstr = "lower"
vd = abs(vd)
relstr = "greater"
vd_text = f"Altitude is [b]{RNS.prettydistance(vd)}[/b] {relstr} than this device"
extra_entries.append({"icon": "altimeter", "text": vd_text})
self.data = self.entries
if "angle_to_horizon" in s["values"]:
oath = s["values"]["angle_to_horizon"]
if oath != None:
if self.delegate.viewing_self:
oath_text = f"Local horizon is at [b]{round(oath,3)}°[/b]"
oath_text = f"Object's horizon is at [b]{round(oath,3)}°[/b]"
extra_entries.append({"icon": "arrow-split-horizontal", "text": oath_text})
if self.delegate.viewing_self and "radio_horizon" in s["values"]:
orh = s["values"]["radio_horizon"]
if orh != None:
range_text = RNS.prettydistance(orh)
rh_formatted_text = f"Radio horizon of [b]{range_text}[/b]"
extra_entries.append({"icon": "radio-tower", "text": rh_formatted_text})
if "azalt" in s and "local_angle_to_horizon" in s["azalt"]:
lath = s["azalt"]["local_angle_to_horizon"]
if lath != None:
lath_text = f"Local horizon is at [b]{round(lath,3)}°[/b]"
extra_entries.append({"icon": "align-vertical-distribute", "text": lath_text})
if "azalt" in s:
azalt_formatted_text = ""
if "azimuth" in s["azalt"]:
az = s["azalt"]["azimuth"]
az_text = f"Azimuth [b]{round(az,3)}°[/b]"
azalt_formatted_text += az_text
if "altitude" in s["azalt"]:
al = s["azalt"]["altitude"]
al_text = f"altitude [b]{round(al,3)}°[/b]"
if len(azalt_formatted_text) != 0: azalt_formatted_text += ", "
azalt_formatted_text += al_text
extra_entries.append({"icon": "compass-rose", "text": azalt_formatted_text})
if "above_horizon" in s["azalt"]:
astr = "above" if s["azalt"]["above_horizon"] == True else "below"
dstr = str(round(s["azalt"]["altitude_delta"], 3))
ah_text = f"Object is [b]{astr}[/b] the horizon (Δ = {dstr}°)"
extra_entries.append({"icon": "angle-acute", "text": ah_text})
if not self.delegate.viewing_self and "radio_horizon" in s["values"]:
orh = s["values"]["radio_horizon"]
if orh != None:
range_text = RNS.prettydistance(orh)
rh_formatted_text = f"Object's radio horizon is [b]{range_text}[/b]"
extra_entries.append({"icon": "radio-tower", "text": rh_formatted_text})
if "radio_horizon" in s:
rh_icon = "circle-outline"
crange_text = RNS.prettydistance(s["radio_horizon"]["combined_range"])
if s["radio_horizon"]["within_range"]:
rh_formatted_text = f"[b]Within[/b] shared radio horizon of [b]{crange_text}[/b]"
rh_icon = "set-none"
rh_formatted_text = f"[b]Outside[/b] shared radio horizon of [b]{crange_text}[/b]"
extra_entries.append({"icon": rh_icon, "text": rh_formatted_text})
def select(e=None):
geo_uri = f"geo:{lat},{lon}"
def lj():
threading.Thread(target=lj, daemon=True).start()
release_function = select
formatted_values = f"{name}"
for vn in s["values"]:
v = s["values"][vn]
formatted_values += f" [b]{v} {vn}[/b]"
dt = vn
if "deltas" in s and dt in s["deltas"] and s["deltas"][dt] != None:
d = s["deltas"][dt]
formatted_values += f" (Δ = {d} {vn})"
data = None
if formatted_values != None:
if release_function:
data = {"icon": s["icon"], "text": f"{formatted_values}", "on_release": release_function}
data = {"icon": s["icon"], "text": f"{formatted_values}"}
if data != None:
for extra in extra_entries:
if len(self.entries) == 0:
self.entries.append({"icon": "timeline-question-outline", "text": f"No telemetry available for this device"})
self.data = self.entries
except Exception as e:
import traceback
exception_info = "".join(traceback.TracebackException.from_exception(e).format())
RNS.log(f"An {str(type(e))} occurred while updating service telemetry: {str(e)}", RNS.LOG_ERROR)
RNS.log(exception_info, RNS.LOG_ERROR)
layout_object_details = """
Reference in New Issue
Block a user