Updated keyboard shortcuts and guide

This commit is contained in:
Mark Qvist 2024-06-06 15:40:41 +02:00
parent a0b40fc825
commit ad17283eff

View File

@ -240,6 +240,7 @@ class SidebandApp(MDApp):
self.msg_sound = None
self.audio_msg_mode = LXMF.AM_OPUS_OGG
self.compat_error_dialog = None
self.rec_dialog_is_open = True
Window.softinput_mode = "below_target"
self.icon = self.sideband.asset_dir+"/icon.png"
@ -960,6 +961,33 @@ class SidebandApp(MDApp):
self.messages_view.ids.message_text.write_tab = True
Clock.schedule_once(tab_job, 0.15)
elif self.rec_dialog != None and self.rec_dialog_is_open:
if text == " ":
elif keycode == 40:
elif len(modifiers) > 1 and "shift" in modifiers and "ctrl" in modifiers:
def clear_att():
if self.attach_path != None:
self.attach_path = None
self.attach_type = None
if text == "a":
clear_att(); self.message_attachment_action(None)
if text == "i":
clear_att(); self.message_attach_action(attach_type="defimg")
if text == "f":
clear_att(); self.message_attach_action(attach_type="file")
if text == "v":
self.audio_msg_mode = LXMF.AM_OPUS_OGG
if text == "c":
self.audio_msg_mode = LXMF.AM_CODEC2_2400
if len(modifiers) > 0:
if modifiers[0] == "ctrl":
if text == "q":
@ -1201,6 +1229,7 @@ class SidebandApp(MDApp):
Clock.schedule_once(cbu, 0.15+0.25)
def open_conversation(self, context_dest, direction="left"):
self.rec_dialog_is_open = False
self.outbound_mode_paper = False
self.outbound_mode_command = False
self.outbound_mode_propagation = False
@ -1247,9 +1276,11 @@ class SidebandApp(MDApp):
Clock.schedule_once(scb, 0.33)
def close_messages_action(self, sender=None):
self.rec_dialog_is_open = False
def message_send_action(self, sender=None):
self.rec_dialog_is_open = False
if self.messages_view.ids.message_text.text == "":
if not (self.attach_type != None and self.attach_path != None):
@ -1660,35 +1691,39 @@ class SidebandApp(MDApp):
self.rec_dialog.save_item.disabled = False
self.msg_rec_a_rec = a_rec_action
def a_play(sender):
if self.rec_dialog.recording:
if not self.rec_dialog.playing:
RNS.log("Playing recording...") # TODO: Remove
RNS.log("Playing recording...", RNS.LOG_DEBUG)
self.rec_dialog.playing = True
self.rec_dialog.play_item.children[0].children[0].icon = "stop"
self.rec_dialog.play_item.text = "[size="+str(ss)+"]Stop[/size]"
RNS.log("Stopping playback...") # TODO: Remove
RNS.log("Stopping playback...", RNS.LOG_DEBUG)
self.rec_dialog.playing = False
self.rec_dialog.play_item.children[0].children[0].icon = "play"
self.rec_dialog.play_item.text = "[size="+str(ss)+"]Play[/size]"
self.msg_rec_a_play = a_play
def a_finished(sender):
RNS.log("Playback finished") # TODO: Remove
RNS.log("Playback finished", RNS.LOG_DEBUG)
self.rec_dialog.playing = False
self.rec_dialog.play_item.children[0].children[0].icon = "play"
self.rec_dialog.play_item.text = "[size="+str(ss)+"]Play[/size]"
self.msg_audio._finished_callback = a_finished
def a_save(sender):
if self.rec_dialog.recording:
self.rec_dialog_is_open = False
@ -1750,6 +1785,8 @@ class SidebandApp(MDApp):
except Exception as e:
self.msg_rec_a_save = a_save
cancel_button = MDRectangleFlatButton(text="Cancel", font_size=dp(18))
rec_item = DialogItem(IconLeftWidget(icon="record", on_release=a_rec_action), text="[size="+str(ss)+"]Start Recording[/size]", on_release=a_rec_action)
play_item = DialogItem(IconLeftWidget(icon="play", on_release=a_play), text="[size="+str(ss)+"]Play[/size]", on_release=a_play, disabled=True)
@ -1781,6 +1818,7 @@ class SidebandApp(MDApp):
self.rec_dialog.rec_item.children[0].children[0].icon = "record"
self.rec_dialog_is_open = True
def message_attach_action(self, attach_type=None):
@ -1788,6 +1826,7 @@ class SidebandApp(MDApp):
rec_attach_types = ["audio"]
self.attach_path = None
self.rec_dialog_is_open = False
if attach_type in file_attach_types:
self.attach_type = attach_type
@ -1796,6 +1835,7 @@ class SidebandApp(MDApp):
def message_attachment_action(self, sender):
self.rec_dialog_is_open = False
if self.attach_path == None:
def a_img_lb(sender):
@ -1926,6 +1966,7 @@ class SidebandApp(MDApp):
### Conversations screen
def conversations_action(self, sender=None, direction="left", no_transition=False):
self.rec_dialog_is_open = False
if self.include_objects:
self.include_conversations = True
self.include_objects = False
@ -5302,18 +5343,44 @@ The Propagation Nodes also distribute copies of messages between each other, suc
If you use Reticulum and LXMF on hardware that does not carry any identifiers tied to you, it is possible to establish a completely free and anonymous communication system with Reticulum and LXMF clients."""
guide_text8 = """
[size=18dp][b]Keyboard Shortcuts[/b][/size][size=5dp]\n \n[/size] - [b]Ctrl+Q[/b] or [b]Ctrl-W[/b] Shut down Sideband
- [b]Ctrl-R[/b] Go to Conversations
[size=18dp][b]Keyboard Shortcuts[/b][/size][size=5dp]\n \n[/size]To ease navigation and operation of the program, Sideband has keyboard shortcuts mapped to the most common actions. A reference is included below.
[b]Quick Actions[/b]
- [b]Ctrl-W[/b] Go back
- [b]Ctrl+Q[/b] Shut down Sideband
- [b]Ctrl-R[/b] Start LXMF sync (from Conversations screen)
- [b]Ctrl-N[/b] Create new conversation
- [b]Ctrl-[i]n[/i][/b] Go to conversation number [i]n[/i]
[b]Message Actions[/b]
- [b]Ctrl-Shift-A[/b] add message attachment
- [b]Ctrl-Shift-V[/b] add high-quality voice
- [b]Ctrl-Shift-C[/b] add low-bandwidth voice
- [b]Ctrl-Shift-I[/b] add medium-quality image
- [b]Ctrl-Shift-F[/b] add file
- [b]Ctrl-D[/b] or [b]Ctrl-S[/b] Send message
- [b]Ctrl-U[/b] Display own telemetry
[b]Voice Recording[/b]
- [b]Space[/b] Start/stop recording
- [b]Enter[/b] Save recording to message
- [b]Ctrl-[i]n[/i][/b] Go to conversation number [i]n[/i]
- [b]Ctrl-R[/b] Go to Conversations
- [b]Ctrl-O[/b] Go to Objects & Devices
- [b]Ctrl-L[/b] Go to Announce Stream
- [b]Ctrl-M[/b] Go to Situation Map
- [b]Ctrl-T[/b] Go to Telemetry configuration
- [b]Ctrl-G[/b] Go to Guide"""
- [b]Ctrl-G[/b] Go to Guide
- [b]Ctrl-U[/b] Display own telemetry
[b]Map Controls[/b]
- [b]Up[/b], [b]down[/b], [b]left[/b], [b]right[/b] Navigate
- [b]W[/b], [b]A[/b], [b]S[/b], [b]D[/b] Navigate
- [b]H[/b], [b]J[/b], [b]L[/b], [b]K[/b] Navigate
- [b]E[/b] or [b]+[/b] Zoom in
- [b]Q[/b] or [b]-[/b] Zoom out
- Hold [b]Shift[/b] to navigate more coarsely
- Hold [b]Alt[/b] to navigate more finely"""
guide_text9 = """
[size=18dp][b]Please Support This Project[/b][/size][size=5dp]\n \n[/size]It took me more than seven years to design and built the entire ecosystem of software and hardware that makes this possible. If this project is valuable to you, please go to [u][ref=link]https://unsigned.io/donate[/ref][/u] to support the project with a donation. Every donation directly makes the entire Reticulum project possible.