# coding=utf-8
Layer that support point clustering

from math import atan, exp, floor, log, pi, sin, sqrt
from os.path import dirname, join

from kivy.lang import Builder
from kivy.metrics import dp
from kivy.properties import (

from mapview.view import MapLayer, MapMarker

    size_hint: None, None
    source: root.source
    size: list(map(dp, self.texture_size))
    allow_stretch: True

        color: root.text_color
        pos: root.pos
        size: root.size
        text: "{}".format(root.num_points)
        font_size: dp(18)

# longitude/latitude to spherical mercator in [0..1] range
def lngX(lng):
    return lng / 360.0 + 0.5

def latY(lat):
    if lat == 90:
        return 0
    if lat == -90:
        return 1
    s = sin(lat * pi / 180.0)
    y = 0.5 - 0.25 * log((1 + s) / (1 - s)) / pi
    return min(1, max(0, y))

# spherical mercator to longitude/latitude
def xLng(x):
    return (x - 0.5) * 360

def yLat(y):
    y2 = (180 - y * 360) * pi / 180
    return 360 * atan(exp(y2)) / pi - 90

class KDBush:
    kdbush implementation from:

    def __init__(self, points, node_size=64):
        self.points = points
        self.node_size = node_size

        self.ids = ids = [0] * len(points)
        self.coords = coords = [0] * len(points) * 2
        for i, point in enumerate(points):
            ids[i] = i
            coords[2 * i] = point.x
            coords[2 * i + 1] = point.y

        self._sort(ids, coords, node_size, 0, len(ids) - 1, 0)

    def range(self, min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y):
        return self._range(
            self.ids, self.coords, min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y, self.node_size

    def within(self, x, y, r):
        return self._within(self.ids, self.coords, x, y, r, self.node_size)

    def _sort(self, ids, coords, node_size, left, right, depth):
        if right - left <= node_size:
        m = int(floor((left + right) / 2.0))
        self._select(ids, coords, m, left, right, depth % 2)
        self._sort(ids, coords, node_size, left, m - 1, depth + 1)
        self._sort(ids, coords, node_size, m + 1, right, depth + 1)

    def _select(self, ids, coords, k, left, right, inc):
        swap_item = self._swap_item
        while right > left:
            if (right - left) > 600:
                n = float(right - left + 1)
                m = k - left + 1
                z = log(n)
                s = 0.5 + exp(2 * z / 3.0)
                sd = 0.5 * sqrt(z * s * (n - s) / n) * (-1 if (m - n / 2.0) < 0 else 1)
                new_left = max(left, int(floor(k - m * s / n + sd)))
                new_right = min(right, int(floor(k + (n - m) * s / n + sd)))
                self._select(ids, coords, k, new_left, new_right, inc)

            t = coords[2 * k + inc]
            i = left
            j = right

            swap_item(ids, coords, left, k)
            if coords[2 * right + inc] > t:
                swap_item(ids, coords, left, right)

            while i < j:
                swap_item(ids, coords, i, j)
                i += 1
                j -= 1
                while coords[2 * i + inc] < t:
                    i += 1
                while coords[2 * j + inc] > t:
                    j -= 1

            if coords[2 * left + inc] == t:
                swap_item(ids, coords, left, j)
                j += 1
                swap_item(ids, coords, j, right)

            if j <= k:
                left = j + 1
            if k <= j:
                right = j - 1

    def _swap_item(self, ids, coords, i, j):
        swap = self._swap
        swap(ids, i, j)
        swap(coords, 2 * i, 2 * j)
        swap(coords, 2 * i + 1, 2 * j + 1)

    def _swap(self, arr, i, j):
        tmp = arr[i]
        arr[i] = arr[j]
        arr[j] = tmp

    def _range(self, ids, coords, min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y, node_size):
        stack = [0, len(ids) - 1, 0]
        result = []
        x = y = 0

        while stack:
            axis = stack.pop()
            right = stack.pop()
            left = stack.pop()

            if right - left <= node_size:
                for i in range(left, right + 1):
                    x = coords[2 * i]
                    y = coords[2 * i + 1]
                    if x >= min_x and x <= max_x and y >= min_y and y <= max_y:

            m = int(floor((left + right) / 2.0))

            x = coords[2 * m]
            y = coords[2 * m + 1]

            if x >= min_x and x <= max_x and y >= min_y and y <= max_y:

            nextAxis = (axis + 1) % 2

            if min_x <= x if axis == 0 else min_y <= y:
                stack.append(m - 1)
            if max_x >= x if axis == 0 else max_y >= y:
                stack.append(m + 1)

        return result

    def _within(self, ids, coords, qx, qy, r, node_size):
        sq_dist = self._sq_dist
        stack = [0, len(ids) - 1, 0]
        result = []
        r2 = r * r

        while stack:
            axis = stack.pop()
            right = stack.pop()
            left = stack.pop()

            if right - left <= node_size:
                for i in range(left, right + 1):
                    if sq_dist(coords[2 * i], coords[2 * i + 1], qx, qy) <= r2:

            m = int(floor((left + right) / 2.0))

            x = coords[2 * m]
            y = coords[2 * m + 1]

            if sq_dist(x, y, qx, qy) <= r2:

            nextAxis = (axis + 1) % 2

            if (qx - r <= x) if axis == 0 else (qy - r <= y):
                stack.append(m - 1)
            if (qx + r >= x) if axis == 0 else (qy + r >= y):
                stack.append(m + 1)

        return result

    def _sq_dist(self, ax, ay, bx, by):
        dx = ax - bx
        dy = ay - by
        return dx * dx + dy * dy

class Cluster:
    def __init__(self, x, y, num_points, id, props):
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        self.num_points = num_points
        self.zoom = float("inf")
        self.id = id
        self.props = props
        self.parent_id = None
        self.widget = None

        # preprocess lon/lat
        self.lon = xLng(x)
        self.lat = yLat(y)

class Marker:
    def __init__(self, lon, lat, cls=MapMarker, options=None):
        self.lon = lon
        self.lat = lat
        self.cls = cls
        self.options = options

        # preprocess x/y from lon/lat
        self.x = lngX(lon)
        self.y = latY(lat)

        # cluster information
        self.id = None
        self.zoom = float("inf")
        self.parent_id = None
        self.widget = None

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<Marker lon={} lat={} source={}>".format(
            self.lon, self.lat, self.source

class SuperCluster:
    """Port of supercluster from mapbox in pure python

    def __init__(self, min_zoom=0, max_zoom=16, radius=40, extent=512, node_size=64):
        self.min_zoom = min_zoom
        self.max_zoom = max_zoom
        self.radius = radius
        self.extent = extent
        self.node_size = node_size

    def load(self, points):
        """Load an array of markers.
        Once loaded, the index is immutable.
        from time import time

        self.trees = {}
        self.points = points

        for index, point in enumerate(points):
            point.id = index

        clusters = points
        for z in range(self.max_zoom, self.min_zoom - 1, -1):
            start = time()
            print("build tree", z)
            self.trees[z + 1] = KDBush(clusters, self.node_size)
            print("kdbush", (time() - start) * 1000)
            start = time()
            clusters = self._cluster(clusters, z)
            print("clustering", (time() - start) * 1000)
        self.trees[self.min_zoom] = KDBush(clusters, self.node_size)

    def get_clusters(self, bbox, zoom):
        """For the given bbox [westLng, southLat, eastLng, northLat], and
        integer zoom, returns an array of clusters and markers
        tree = self.trees[self._limit_zoom(zoom)]
        ids = tree.range(lngX(bbox[0]), latY(bbox[3]), lngX(bbox[2]), latY(bbox[1]))
        clusters = []
        for i in range(len(ids)):
            c = tree.points[ids[i]]
            if isinstance(c, Cluster):
        return clusters

    def _limit_zoom(self, z):
        return max(self.min_zoom, min(self.max_zoom + 1, z))

    def _cluster(self, points, zoom):
        clusters = []
        c_append = clusters.append
        trees = self.trees
        r = self.radius / float(self.extent * pow(2, zoom))

        # loop through each point
        for i in range(len(points)):
            p = points[i]
            # if we've already visited the point at this zoom level, skip it
            if p.zoom <= zoom:
            p.zoom = zoom

            # find all nearby points
            tree = trees[zoom + 1]
            neighbor_ids = tree.within(p.x, p.y, r)

            num_points = 1
            if isinstance(p, Cluster):
                num_points = p.num_points
            wx = p.x * num_points
            wy = p.y * num_points

            props = None

            for j in range(len(neighbor_ids)):
                b = tree.points[neighbor_ids[j]]
                # filter out neighbors that are too far or already processed
                if zoom < b.zoom:
                    num_points2 = 1
                    if isinstance(b, Cluster):
                        num_points2 = b.num_points
                    # save the zoom (so it doesn't get processed twice)
                    b.zoom = zoom
                    #  accumulate coordinates for calculating weighted center
                    wx += b.x * num_points2
                    wy += b.y * num_points2
                    num_points += num_points2
                    b.parent_id = i

            if num_points == 1:
                p.parent_id = i
                    Cluster(wx / num_points, wy / num_points, num_points, i, props)
        return clusters

class ClusterMapMarker(MapMarker):
    source = StringProperty(join(dirname(__file__), "icons", "cluster.png"))
    cluster = ObjectProperty()
    num_points = NumericProperty()
    text_color = ListProperty([0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1])

    def on_cluster(self, instance, cluster):
        self.num_points = cluster.num_points

    def on_touch_down(self, touch):
        return False

class ClusteredMarkerLayer(MapLayer):
    cluster_cls = ObjectProperty(ClusterMapMarker)
    cluster_min_zoom = NumericProperty(0)
    cluster_max_zoom = NumericProperty(16)
    cluster_radius = NumericProperty("40dp")
    cluster_extent = NumericProperty(512)
    cluster_node_size = NumericProperty(64)

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self.cluster = None
        self.cluster_markers = []

    def add_marker(self, lon, lat, cls=MapMarker, options=None):
        if options is None:
            options = {}
        marker = Marker(lon, lat, cls, options)
        return marker

    def remove_marker(self, marker):

    def reposition(self):
        if self.cluster is None:
        margin = dp(48)
        mapview = self.parent
        set_marker_position = self.set_marker_position
        bbox = mapview.get_bbox(margin)
        bbox = (bbox[1], bbox[0], bbox[3], bbox[2])
        for point in self.cluster.get_clusters(bbox, mapview.zoom):
            widget = point.widget
            if widget is None:
                widget = self.create_widget_for(point)
            set_marker_position(mapview, widget)

    def build_cluster(self):
        self.cluster = SuperCluster(

    def create_widget_for(self, point):
        if isinstance(point, Marker):
            point.widget = point.cls(lon=point.lon, lat=point.lat, **point.options)
        elif isinstance(point, Cluster):
            point.widget = self.cluster_cls(lon=point.lon, lat=point.lat, cluster=point)
        return point.widget

    def set_marker_position(self, mapview, marker):
        x, y = mapview.get_window_xy_from(marker.lat, marker.lon, mapview.zoom)
        marker.x = int(x - marker.width * marker.anchor_x)
        marker.y = int(y - marker.height * marker.anchor_y)