# -- coding: utf-8 -- ''' Module of Windows API for creating taskbar balloon tip notification in the taskbar's tray notification area. ''' __all__ = ('WindowsBalloonTip', 'balloon_tip') import time import ctypes import atexit from threading import RLock from sbapp.plyer.platforms.win.libs import win_api_defs WS_OVERLAPPED = 0x00000000 WS_SYSMENU = 0x00080000 WM_DESTROY = 2 CW_USEDEFAULT = 8 LR_LOADFROMFILE = 16 LR_DEFAULTSIZE = 0x0040 IDI_APPLICATION = 32512 IMAGE_ICON = 1 NOTIFYICON_VERSION_4 = 4 NIM_ADD = 0 NIM_MODIFY = 1 NIM_DELETE = 2 NIM_SETVERSION = 4 NIF_MESSAGE = 1 NIF_ICON = 2 NIF_TIP = 4 NIF_INFO = 0x10 NIIF_USER = 4 NIIF_LARGE_ICON = 0x20 class WindowsBalloonTip: ''' Implementation of balloon tip notifications through Windows API. * Register Window class name: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms632596.aspx * Create an overlapped window using the registered class. - It's hidden everywhere in GUI unless ShowWindow(handle, SW_SHOW) function is called. * Show/remove a tray icon and a balloon tip notification. Each instance is a separate notification with different parameters. Can be used with Threads. ''' _class_atom = 0 _wnd_class_ex = None _hwnd = None _hicon = None _balloon_icon = None _notify_data = None _count = 0 _lock = RLock() @staticmethod def _get_unique_id(): ''' Keep track of each created balloon tip notification names, so that they can be easily identified even from outside. Make sure the count is shared between all the instances i.e. use a lock, so that _count class variable is incremented safely when using balloon tip notifications with Threads. ''' WindowsBalloonTip._lock.acquire() val = WindowsBalloonTip._count WindowsBalloonTip._count += 1 WindowsBalloonTip._lock.release() return val def __init__(self, title, message, app_name, app_icon='', timeout=10, **kwargs): ''' The app_icon parameter, if given, is an .ICO file. ''' atexit.register(self.__del__) wnd_class_ex = win_api_defs.get_WNDCLASSEXW() class_name = 'PlyerTaskbar' + str(WindowsBalloonTip._get_unique_id()) wnd_class_ex.lpszClassName = class_name # keep ref to it as long as window is alive wnd_class_ex.lpfnWndProc = win_api_defs.WindowProc( win_api_defs.DefWindowProcW ) wnd_class_ex.hInstance = win_api_defs.GetModuleHandleW(None) if wnd_class_ex.hInstance is None: raise Exception('Could not get windows module instance.') class_atom = win_api_defs.RegisterClassExW(wnd_class_ex) if class_atom == 0: raise Exception('Could not register the PlyerTaskbar class.') self._class_atom = class_atom self._wnd_class_ex = wnd_class_ex # create window self._hwnd = win_api_defs.CreateWindowExW( # dwExStyle, lpClassName, lpWindowName, dwStyle 0, class_atom, '', WS_OVERLAPPED, # x, y, nWidth, nHeight 0, 0, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, # hWndParent, hMenu, hInstance, lpParam None, None, wnd_class_ex.hInstance, None ) if self._hwnd is None: raise Exception('Could not get create window.') win_api_defs.UpdateWindow(self._hwnd) # load .ICO file for as balloon tip and tray icon if app_icon: icon_flags = LR_LOADFROMFILE | LR_DEFAULTSIZE hicon = win_api_defs.LoadImageW( None, app_icon, IMAGE_ICON, 0, 0, icon_flags ) if hicon is None: raise Exception('Could not load icon {}'.format(app_icon)) self._balloon_icon = self._hicon = hicon else: self._hicon = win_api_defs.LoadIconW( None, ctypes.cast(IDI_APPLICATION, win_api_defs.LPCWSTR) ) # show the notification self.notify(title, message, app_name) if timeout: time.sleep(timeout) def __del__(self): ''' Clean visible parts of the notification object, then free all resources allocated for creating the nofitication Window and icon. ''' self.remove_notify() if self._hicon is not None: win_api_defs.DestroyIcon(self._hicon) if self._wnd_class_ex is not None: win_api_defs.UnregisterClassW( self._class_atom, self._wnd_class_ex.hInstance ) if self._hwnd is not None: win_api_defs.DestroyWindow(self._hwnd) def notify(self, title, message, app_name): ''' Displays a balloon in the systray. Can be called multiple times with different parameter values. ''' # remove previous visible balloon tip nofitication if available self.remove_notify() # add icon and messages to window hicon = self._hicon flags = NIF_TIP | NIF_INFO icon_flag = 0 if hicon is not None: flags |= NIF_ICON # if icon is default app's one, don't display it in message if self._balloon_icon is not None: icon_flag = NIIF_USER | NIIF_LARGE_ICON notify_data = win_api_defs.get_NOTIFYICONDATAW( 0, self._hwnd, id(self), flags, 0, hicon, app_name, 0, 0, message, NOTIFYICON_VERSION_4, title, icon_flag, win_api_defs.GUID(), self._balloon_icon ) self._notify_data = notify_data if not win_api_defs.Shell_NotifyIconW(NIM_ADD, notify_data): raise Exception('Shell_NotifyIconW failed.') if not win_api_defs.Shell_NotifyIconW(NIM_SETVERSION, notify_data): raise Exception('Shell_NotifyIconW failed.') def remove_notify(self): ''' Removes the notify balloon, if displayed. ''' if self._notify_data is not None: win_api_defs.Shell_NotifyIconW(NIM_DELETE, self._notify_data) self._notify_data = None def balloon_tip(**kwargs): ''' Instance for balloon tip notification implementation. ''' WindowsBalloonTip(**kwargs)