""" Components/Carousel =================== :class:`~kivy.uix.boxlayout.Carousel` class equivalent. Simplifies working with some widget properties. For example: Carousel --------- .. code-block:: python kv=''' YourCarousel: BoxLayout: [...] BoxLayout: [...] BoxLayout: [...] ''' builder.load_string(kv) class YourCarousel(Carousel): def __init__(self,*kwargs): self.register_event_type("on_slide_progress") self.register_event_type("on_slide_complete") def on_touch_down(self, *args): ["Code to detect when the slide changes"] def on_touch_up(self, *args): ["Code to detect when the slide changes"] def Calculate_slide_pos(self, *args): ["Code to calculate the current position of the slide"] def do_custom_animation(self, *args): ["Code to recreate an animation"] MDCarousel ----------- .. code-block:: kv MDCarousel: on_slide_progress: do_something() on_slide_complete: do_something() """ # TODO: Add documentation. from kivy.animation import Animation from kivy.uix.carousel import Carousel from kivymd.uix.behaviors import DeclarativeBehavior class MDCarousel(DeclarativeBehavior, Carousel): """ based on kivy's carousel. .. seealso:: `kivy.uix.carousel.Carousel <https://kivy.org/doc/stable/api-kivy.uix.carousel.html>`_ """ _scrolling = False def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.register_event_type("on_slide_progress") self.register_event_type("on_slide_complete") def on_slide_progress(self, *args): """ Event launched when the Slide animation is progress. remember to bind and unbid to this method. """ def on_slide_complete(self, *args): """ Event launched when the Slide animation is complete. remember to bind and unbid to this method. """ def _position_visible_slides(self, *args): slides, index = self.slides, self.index no_of_slides = len(slides) - 1 if not slides: return x, y, width, height = self.x, self.y, self.width, self.height _offset, direction = self._offset, self.direction _prev, _next, _current = self._prev, self._next, self._current get_slide_container = self.get_slide_container last_slide = get_slide_container(slides[-1]) first_slide = get_slide_container(slides[0]) skip_next = False _loop = self.loop if direction[0] in ["r", "l"]: xoff = x + _offset x_prev = {"l": xoff + width, "r": xoff - width} x_next = {"l": xoff - width, "r": xoff + width} if _prev: _prev.pos = (x_prev[direction[0]], y) elif _loop and _next and index == 0: if (_offset > 0 and direction[0] == "r") or ( _offset < 0 and direction[0] == "l" ): last_slide.pos = (x_prev[direction[0]], y) skip_next = True if _current: _current.pos = (xoff, y) if self._scrolling: self.dispatch("on_slide_progress", xoff) if skip_next: return if _next: _next.pos = (x_next[direction[0]], y) elif _loop and _prev and index == no_of_slides: if (_offset < 0 and direction[0] == "r") or ( _offset > 0 and direction[0] == "l" ): first_slide.pos = (x_next[direction[0]], y) if direction[0] in ["t", "b"]: yoff = y + _offset y_prev = {"t": yoff - height, "b": yoff + height} y_next = {"t": yoff + height, "b": yoff - height} if _prev: _prev.pos = (x, y_prev[direction[0]]) elif _loop and _next and index == 0: if (_offset > 0 and direction[0] == "t") or ( _offset < 0 and direction[0] == "b" ): last_slide.pos = (x, y_prev[direction[0]]) skip_next = True if _current: _current.pos = (x, yoff) if skip_next: return if _next: _next.pos = (x, y_next[direction[0]]) elif _loop and _prev and index == no_of_slides: if (_offset < 0 and direction[0] == "t") or ( _offset > 0 and direction[0] == "b" ): first_slide.pos = (x, y_next[direction[0]]) def on_touch_down(self, touch): self._scrolling = True return super().on_touch_down(touch) def on_touch_up(self, touch): self._scrolling = False return super().on_touch_up(touch) def _start_animation(self, *args, **kwargs): # compute target offset for ease back, next or prev new_offset = 0 direction = kwargs.get("direction", self.direction)[0] is_horizontal = direction in "rl" extent = self.width if is_horizontal else self.height min_move = kwargs.get("min_move", self.min_move) _offset = kwargs.get("offset", self._offset) if _offset < min_move * -extent: new_offset = -extent elif _offset > min_move * extent: new_offset = extent # if new_offset is 0, it wasnt enough to go next/prev dur = self.anim_move_duration if new_offset == 0: dur = self.anim_cancel_duration # detect edge cases if not looping len_slides = len(self.slides) index = self.index if not self.loop or len_slides == 1: is_first = index == 0 is_last = index == len_slides - 1 if direction in "rt": towards_prev = new_offset > 0 towards_next = new_offset < 0 else: towards_prev = new_offset < 0 towards_next = new_offset > 0 if (is_first and towards_prev) or (is_last and towards_next): new_offset = 0 anim = Animation(_offset=new_offset, d=dur, t=self.anim_type) anim.cancel_all(self) def _cmp(*args): self.dispatch( "on_slide_complete", self.previous_slide, self.current_slide, self.next_slide, ) if self._skip_slide is not None: self.index = self._skip_slide self._skip_slide = None anim.bind( on_complete=_cmp, on_progress=lambda *args: self.dispatch( "on_slide_progress", self._offset ), ) anim.start(self)