''' iOS GPS ----------- ''' from pyobjus import autoclass, protocol from pyobjus.dylib_manager import load_framework from sbapp.plyer.facades import GPS load_framework('/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreLocation.framework') CLLocationManager = autoclass('CLLocationManager') class IosGPS(GPS): def _configure(self): if not hasattr(self, '_location_manager'): self._location_manager = CLLocationManager.alloc().init() def _start(self, **kwargs): self._location_manager.delegate = self self._location_manager.requestWhenInUseAuthorization() # NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription key must exist in Info.plist # file. When the authorization prompt is displayed your app goes # into pause mode and if your app doesn't support background mode # it will crash. self._location_manager.startUpdatingLocation() def _stop(self): self._location_manager.stopUpdatingLocation() @protocol('CLLocationManagerDelegate') def locationManager_didChangeAuthorizationStatus_(self, manager, status): if self.on_status: s_status = '' provider_status = '' provider = 'standard-ios-provider' if status == 0: provider_status = 'provider-disabled' s_status = 'notDetermined' elif status == 1: provider_status = 'provider-enabled' s_status = 'restricted' elif status == 2: provider_status = 'provider-disabled' s_status = 'denied' elif status == 3: provider_status = 'provider-enabled' s_status = 'authorizedAlways' elif status == 4: provider_status = 'provider-enabled' s_status = 'authorizedWhenInUse' self.on_status(provider_status, '{}: {}'.format( provider, s_status)) @protocol('CLLocationManagerDelegate') def locationManager_didUpdateLocations_(self, manager, locations): location = manager.location description = location.description.UTF8String() split_description = description.split('<')[-1].split('>')[0].split(',') lat, lon = [float(coord) for coord in split_description] acc = float(description.split(' +/- ')[-1].split('m ')[0]) speed = location.speed altitude = location.altitude course = location.course self.on_location( lat=lat, lon=lon, speed=speed, bearing=course, altitude=altitude, accuracy=acc) def instance(): return IosGPS()