import enum class MQTTErrorCode(enum.IntEnum): MQTT_ERR_AGAIN = -1 MQTT_ERR_SUCCESS = 0 MQTT_ERR_NOMEM = 1 MQTT_ERR_PROTOCOL = 2 MQTT_ERR_INVAL = 3 MQTT_ERR_NO_CONN = 4 MQTT_ERR_CONN_REFUSED = 5 MQTT_ERR_NOT_FOUND = 6 MQTT_ERR_CONN_LOST = 7 MQTT_ERR_TLS = 8 MQTT_ERR_PAYLOAD_SIZE = 9 MQTT_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED = 10 MQTT_ERR_AUTH = 11 MQTT_ERR_ACL_DENIED = 12 MQTT_ERR_UNKNOWN = 13 MQTT_ERR_ERRNO = 14 MQTT_ERR_QUEUE_SIZE = 15 MQTT_ERR_KEEPALIVE = 16 class MQTTProtocolVersion(enum.IntEnum): MQTTv31 = 3 MQTTv311 = 4 MQTTv5 = 5 class CallbackAPIVersion(enum.Enum): """Defined the arguments passed to all user-callback. See each callbacks for details: `on_connect`, `on_connect_fail`, `on_disconnect`, `on_message`, `on_publish`, `on_subscribe`, `on_unsubscribe`, `on_log`, `on_socket_open`, `on_socket_close`, `on_socket_register_write`, `on_socket_unregister_write` """ VERSION1 = 1 """The version used with paho-mqtt 1.x before introducing CallbackAPIVersion. This version had different arguments depending if MQTTv5 or MQTTv3 was used. `Properties` & `ReasonCode` were missing on some callback (apply only to MQTTv5). This version is deprecated and will be removed in version 3.0. """ VERSION2 = 2 """ This version fix some of the shortcoming of previous version. Callback have the same signature if using MQTTv5 or MQTTv3. `ReasonCode` are used in MQTTv3. """ class MessageType(enum.IntEnum): CONNECT = 0x10 CONNACK = 0x20 PUBLISH = 0x30 PUBACK = 0x40 PUBREC = 0x50 PUBREL = 0x60 PUBCOMP = 0x70 SUBSCRIBE = 0x80 SUBACK = 0x90 UNSUBSCRIBE = 0xA0 UNSUBACK = 0xB0 PINGREQ = 0xC0 PINGRESP = 0xD0 DISCONNECT = 0xE0 AUTH = 0xF0 class LogLevel(enum.IntEnum): MQTT_LOG_INFO = 0x01 MQTT_LOG_NOTICE = 0x02 MQTT_LOG_WARNING = 0x04 MQTT_LOG_ERR = 0x08 MQTT_LOG_DEBUG = 0x10 class ConnackCode(enum.IntEnum): CONNACK_ACCEPTED = 0 CONNACK_REFUSED_PROTOCOL_VERSION = 1 CONNACK_REFUSED_IDENTIFIER_REJECTED = 2 CONNACK_REFUSED_SERVER_UNAVAILABLE = 3 CONNACK_REFUSED_BAD_USERNAME_PASSWORD = 4 CONNACK_REFUSED_NOT_AUTHORIZED = 5 class _ConnectionState(enum.Enum): MQTT_CS_NEW = MQTT_CS_CONNECT_ASYNC = MQTT_CS_CONNECTING = MQTT_CS_CONNECTED = MQTT_CS_CONNECTION_LOST = MQTT_CS_DISCONNECTING = MQTT_CS_DISCONNECTED = class MessageState(enum.IntEnum): MQTT_MS_INVALID = 0 MQTT_MS_PUBLISH = 1 MQTT_MS_WAIT_FOR_PUBACK = 2 MQTT_MS_WAIT_FOR_PUBREC = 3 MQTT_MS_RESEND_PUBREL = 4 MQTT_MS_WAIT_FOR_PUBREL = 5 MQTT_MS_RESEND_PUBCOMP = 6 MQTT_MS_WAIT_FOR_PUBCOMP = 7 MQTT_MS_SEND_PUBREC = 8 MQTT_MS_QUEUED = 9 class PahoClientMode(enum.IntEnum): MQTT_CLIENT = 0 MQTT_BRIDGE = 1