import ctypes from . import ogg from . import opus from .pyogg_error import PyOggError class OpusFileStream: def __init__(self, path): """Opens an OggOpus file as a stream. path should be a string giving the filename of the file to open. Unicode file names may not work correctly. An exception will be raised if the file cannot be opened correctly. """ error = ctypes.c_int() self.of = opus.op_open_file(ogg.to_char_p(path), ctypes.pointer(error)) if error.value != 0: self.of = None raise PyOggError("file couldn't be opened or doesn't exist. Error code : {}".format(error.value)) #: Number of channels in audio file self.channels = opus.op_channel_count(self.of, -1) #: Total PCM Length self.pcm_size = opus.op_pcm_total(self.of, -1) #: Number of samples per second (per channel) self.frequency = 48000 # The buffer size should be (per channel) large enough to # hold 120ms (the largest possible Opus frame) at 48kHz. # See self.buffer_size = self.frequency // 1000 * 120 * self.channels self.Buf = opus.opus_int16 * self.buffer_size self._buf = self.Buf() self.buffer_ptr = ctypes.cast( ctypes.pointer(self._buf), opus.opus_int16_p ) #: Bytes per sample self.bytes_per_sample = ctypes.sizeof(opus.opus_int16) def __del__(self): if self.of is not None: opus.op_free(self.of) def get_buffer(self): """Obtains the next frame of PCM samples. Returns an array of signed 16-bit integers. If the file is in stereo, the left and right channels are interleaved. Returns None when all data has been read. The array that is returned should be either processed or copied before the next call to :meth:`~get_buffer` or :meth:`~get_buffer_as_array` as the array's memory is reused for each call. """ # Read the next frame samples_read = opus.op_read( self.of, self.buffer_ptr, self.buffer_size, None ) # Check for errors if samples_read < 0: raise PyOggError( "Failed to read OpusFileStream. Error {:d}".format(samples_read) ) # Check if we've reached the end of the stream if samples_read == 0: return None # Cast the pointer to opus_int16 to an array of the # correct size result_ptr = ctypes.cast( self.buffer_ptr, ctypes.POINTER(opus.opus_int16 * (samples_read*self.channels)) ) # Convert the array to Python bytes return bytes(result_ptr.contents) def get_buffer_as_array(self): """Provides the buffer as a NumPy array. Note that the underlying data type is 16-bit signed integers. Does not copy the underlying data, so the returned array should either be processed or copied before the next call to :meth:`~get_buffer` or :meth:`~get_buffer_as_array`. """ import numpy # type: ignore # Read the next samples from the stream buf = self.get_buffer() # Check if we've come to the end of the stream if buf is None: return None # Convert the bytes buffer to a NumPy array array = numpy.frombuffer( buf, dtype=numpy.int16 ) # Reshape the array return array.reshape( (len(buf) // self.bytes_per_sample // self.channels, self.channels) )