<MDNavigationRailMenuButton> pos_hint: {"center_x": .5, "top": 1} <MDNavigationRailFabButton> type: "standard" pos_hint: {"center_x": .5} <MDNavigationRail> size_hint: None, 1 width: "80dp" PanelRoot: id: box_buttons PanelItems: id: box_items orientation: "vertical" spacing: "12dp" adaptive_size: True pos_hint: {"center_x": .5} <MDNavigationRailItem> orientation: "vertical" size_hint: None, None size: self.navigation_rail.width if self.navigation_rail else 100, "56dp" RelativeLayout: id: container size_hint: None, None size: root.size RippleWidget: id: ripple_widget size_hint: None, None size: (container.width, container.width) radius: container.width / 2 scale_value_x: 0 scale_value_y: 0 scale_value_z: 0 opacity: 0 md_bg_color: root.navigation_rail.ripple_color_item \ if root.navigation_rail and \ root.navigation_rail.ripple_color_item else \ app.theme_cls.primary_color MDIcon: id: icon icon: root.icon opposite_colors: root.opposite_colors font_size: "24sp" pos_hint: {"center_x": .5} badge_icon: root.badge_icon badge_font_size: root.badge_font_size badge_icon_color: root.badge_icon_color \ if root.badge_icon_color else \ (1, 1, 1, 1) badge_bg_color: root.badge_bg_color \ if root.badge_bg_color else \ app.theme_cls.error_color theme_text_color: "Custom" text_color: ( \ root.navigation_rail.icon_color_item_normal \ if root.navigation_rail \ and root.navigation_rail.icon_color_item_normal else \ app.theme_cls.text_color \ ) \ if not root.active else \ ( \ root.navigation_rail.icon_color_item_active \ if root.navigation_rail.icon_color_item_active else \ app.theme_cls.text_color \ ) y: container.height - \ ( \ (self.height + dp(4)) \ if root.navigation_rail and \ root.navigation_rail.type == "unselected" else \ (self.height - dp(8)) \ ) canvas.before: Color: rgba: ( \ ( \ ( \ app.theme_cls.primary_color \ if not root.navigation_rail.selected_color_background else \ root.navigation_rail.selected_color_background \ ) \ if root._release else \ (0, 0, 0, 0) \ ) \ ) \ if root.active else \ (0, 0, 0, 0) RoundedRectangle: radius: [root._selected_region_width / 2,] \ if root.navigation_rail and \ root.navigation_rail.type == "unselected" else \ [root._selected_region_width / 4,] size: root._selected_region_width, \ root._selected_region_width \ if root.navigation_rail and \ root.navigation_rail.type == "unselected" else \ root._selected_region_width / 2 pos: self.center_x - self.width - dp(4), \ self.center_y - root._selected_region_width / 2 \ if root.navigation_rail and \ root.navigation_rail.type == "unselected" else \ self.center_y - root._selected_region_width / 4 MDLabel: id: label text: root.text size_hint_x: None text_size: None, root.height adaptive_height: True opposite_colors: root.opposite_colors pos_hint: {"center_x": .5} y: "16" font_style: "Body2" theme_text_color: "Custom" font_name: root.navigation_rail.font_name \ if root.navigation_rail else \ "Roboto" text_color: ( \ root.navigation_rail.text_color_item_normal \ if root.navigation_rail and \ root.navigation_rail.text_color_item_normal else \ app.theme_cls.text_color \ ) \ if not root.active else \ ( \ root.navigation_rail.text_color_item_active \ if root.navigation_rail.text_color_item_active else \ app.theme_cls.text_color \ ) opacity: (0 if root.navigation_rail and \ root.navigation_rail.type == "unselected" else 1) \ if root.navigation_rail and \ root.navigation_rail.type != "selected" else \ (0 if not root.active else 1)