import ctypes
from typing import Optional, Union, ByteString

from . import opus
from .pyogg_error import PyOggError

class OpusEncoder:
    """Encodes PCM data into Opus frames."""
    def __init__(self) -> None:
        self._encoder: Optional[ctypes.pointer] = None
        self._channels: Optional[int] = None
        self._samples_per_second: Optional[int] = None
        self._application: Optional[int] = None
        self._max_bytes_per_frame: Optional[opus.opus_int32] = None
        self._output_buffer: Optional[ctypes.Array] = None
        self._output_buffer_ptr: Optional[ctypes.pointer] = None

        # An output buffer of 4,000 bytes is recommended in

    # User visible methods

    def set_channels(self, n: int) -> None:
        """Set the number of channels.

        n must be either 1 or 2.

        if self._encoder is None:
            if n < 0 or n > 2:
                raise PyOggError(
                    "Invalid number of channels in call to "+
            self._channels = n
            raise PyOggError(
                "Cannot change the number of channels after "+
                "the encoder was created.  Perhaps "+
                "set_channels() was called after encode()?"

    def set_sampling_frequency(self, samples_per_second: int) -> None:
        """Set the number of samples (per channel) per second.

        This must be one of 8000, 12000, 16000, 24000, or 48000.

        Regardless of the sampling rate and number of channels
        selected, the Opus encoder can switch to a lower audio
        bandwidth or number of channels if the bitrate selected is
        too low. This also means that it is safe to always use 48
        kHz stereo input and let the encoder optimize the

        if self._encoder is None:
            if samples_per_second in [8000, 12000, 16000, 24000, 48000]:
                self._samples_per_second = samples_per_second
                raise PyOggError(
                    "Specified sampling frequency "+
                    "({:d}) ".format(samples_per_second)+
                    "was not one of the accepted values"
            raise PyOggError(
                "Cannot change the sampling frequency after "+
                "the encoder was created.  Perhaps "+
                "set_sampling_frequency() was called after encode()?"

    def set_application(self, application: str) -> None:
        """Set the encoding mode.

        This must be one of 'voip', 'audio', or 'restricted_lowdelay'.

        'voip': Gives best quality at a given bitrate for voice
        signals. It enhances the input signal by high-pass
        filtering and emphasizing formants and
        harmonics. Optionally it includes in-band forward error
        correction to protect against packet loss. Use this mode
        for typical VoIP applications. Because of the enhancement,
        even at high bitrates the output may sound different from
        the input.

        'audio': Gives best quality at a given bitrate for most
        non-voice signals like music. Use this mode for music and
        mixed (music/voice) content, broadcast, and applications
        requiring less than 15 ms of coding delay.

        'restricted_lowdelay': configures low-delay mode that
        disables the speech-optimized mode in exchange for
        slightly reduced delay. This mode can only be set on an
        newly initialized encoder because it changes the codec
        if self._encoder is not None:
            raise PyOggError(
                "Cannot change the application after "+
                "the encoder was created.  Perhaps "+
                "set_application() was called after encode()?"
        if application == "voip":
            self._application = opus.OPUS_APPLICATION_VOIP
        elif application == "audio":
            self._application = opus.OPUS_APPLICATION_AUDIO
        elif application == "restricted_lowdelay":
            self._application = opus.OPUS_APPLICATION_RESTRICTED_LOWDELAY
            raise PyOggError(
                "The application specification '{:s}' ".format(application)+
                "wasn't one of the accepted values."

    def set_max_bytes_per_frame(self, max_bytes: int) -> None:
        """Set the maximum number of bytes in an encoded frame.

        Size of the output payload. This may be used to impose an
        upper limit on the instant bitrate, but should not be used
        as the only bitrate control.

        TODO: Use OPUS_SET_BITRATE to control the bitrate.

        self._max_bytes_per_frame = opus.opus_int32(max_bytes)
        OutputBuffer = ctypes.c_ubyte * max_bytes
        self._output_buffer = OutputBuffer()
        self._output_buffer_ptr = (
    def encode(self, pcm: Union[bytes, bytearray, memoryview]) -> memoryview:
        """Encodes PCM data into an Opus frame.

        `pcm` must be formatted as bytes-like, with each sample taking
        two bytes (signed 16-bit integers; interleaved left, then
        right channels if in stereo).

        If `pcm` is not writeable, a copy of the array will be made.

        # If we haven't already created an encoder, do so now
        if self._encoder is None:
            self._encoder = self._create_encoder()
        # Sanity checks also satisfy mypy type checking
        assert self._channels is not None
        assert self._samples_per_second is not None
        assert self._output_buffer is not None

        # Calculate the effective frame duration of the given PCM
        # data.  Calculate it in units of 0.1ms in order to avoid
        # floating point comparisons.
        bytes_per_sample = 2
        frame_size = (
            len(pcm) # bytes
            // bytes_per_sample
            // self._channels
        frame_duration = (
            // (self._samples_per_second//1000)

        # Check that we have a valid frame size
        if int(frame_duration) not in [25, 50, 100, 200, 400, 600]:
            raise PyOggError(
                "The effective frame duration ({:.1f} ms) "
                "was not one of the acceptable values."

        # Create a ctypes object sharing the memory of the PCM data
        PcmCtypes = ctypes.c_ubyte * len(pcm)
            # Attempt to share the PCM memory
            # Unfortunately, as at 2020-09-27, the type hinting for
            # read-only and writeable buffer protocols was a
            # work-in-progress.  The following only works for writable
            # cases, but the method's parameters include a read-only
            # possibility (bytes), thus we ignore mypy's error.
            pcm_ctypes = PcmCtypes.from_buffer(pcm) # type: ignore[arg-type]
        except TypeError:
            # The data must be copied if it's not writeable
            pcm_ctypes = PcmCtypes.from_buffer_copy(pcm)

        # Create a pointer to the PCM data
        pcm_ptr = ctypes.cast(

        # Create an int giving the frame size per channel
        frame_size_int = ctypes.c_int(frame_size)

        # Encode PCM
        result = opus.opus_encode(

        # Check for any errors
        if result < 0:
            raise PyOggError(
                "An error occurred while encoding to Opus format: "+

        # Get memoryview of buffer so that the slice operation doesn't
        # copy the data.
        # Unfortunately, as at 2020-09-27, the type hints for
        # memoryview do not include ctype arrays.  This is because
        # there is no currently accepted manner to label a class as
        # supporting the buffer protocol.  However, it's clearly a
        # work in progress.  For more information, see:
        # *
        # *
        # *
        mv = memoryview(self._output_buffer) # type: ignore
        # Cast the memoryview to char
        mv = mv.cast('c')

        # Slice just the valid data from the memoryview
        valid_data_as_bytes = mv[:result]
        # DEBUG
        # Convert memoryview back to ctypes instance
        Buffer = ctypes.c_ubyte * len(valid_data_as_bytes)
        buf = Buffer.from_buffer( valid_data_as_bytes )
        # Convert PCM back to pointer and dump 4,000-byte buffer
        ptr = ctypes.cast(
        return valid_data_as_bytes

    def get_algorithmic_delay(self):
        """Gets the total samples of delay added by the entire codec.

        This can be queried by the encoder and then the provided
        number of samples can be skipped on from the start of the
        decoder's output to provide time aligned input and
        output. From the perspective of a decoding application the
        real data begins this many samples late.

        The decoder contribution to this delay is identical for all
        decoders, but the encoder portion of the delay may vary from
        implementation to implementation, version to version, or even
        depend on the encoder's initial configuration. Applications
        needing delay compensation should call this method rather than
        hard-coding a value.

        # If we haven't already created an encoder, do so now
        if self._encoder is None:
            self._encoder = self._create_encoder()
        # Obtain the algorithmic delay of the Opus encoder.  See
        delay = opus.opus_int32()

        result = opus.opus_encoder_ctl(
        if result != opus.OPUS_OK:
            raise PyOggError(
                "Failed to obtain the algorithmic delay of "+
                "the Opus encoder: "+
        delay_samples = delay.value
        return delay_samples

    # Internal methods

    def _create_encoder(self) -> ctypes.pointer:
        # To create an encoder, we must first allocate resources for it.
        # We want Python to be responsible for the memory deallocation,
        # and thus Python must be responsible for the initial memory
        # allocation.

        # Check that the application has been defined
        if self._application is None:
            raise PyOggError(
                "The application was not specified before "+
                "attempting to create an Opus encoder.  Perhaps "+
                "encode() was called before set_application()?"
        application = self._application

        # Check that the sampling frequency has been defined
        if self._samples_per_second is None:
            raise PyOggError(
                "The sampling frequency was not specified before "+
                "attempting to create an Opus encoder.  Perhaps "+
                "encode() was called before set_sampling_frequency()?"

        # The frequency must be passed in as a 32-bit int
        samples_per_second = opus.opus_int32(self._samples_per_second)

        # Check that the number of channels has been defined
        if self._channels is None:
            raise PyOggError(
                "The number of channels were not specified before "+
                "attempting to create an Opus encoder.  Perhaps "+
                "encode() was called before set_channels()?"
        channels = self._channels

        # Obtain the number of bytes of memory required for the encoder
        size = opus.opus_encoder_get_size(channels);

        # Allocate the required memory for the encoder
        memory = ctypes.create_string_buffer(size)

        # Cast the newly-allocated memory as a pointer to an encoder.  We
        # could also have used opus.oe_p as the pointer type, but writing
        # it out in full may be clearer.
        encoder = ctypes.cast(memory, ctypes.POINTER(opus.OpusEncoder))

        # Initialise the encoder
        error = opus.opus_encoder_init(

        # Check that there hasn't been an error when initialising the
        # encoder
        if error != opus.OPUS_OK:
            raise PyOggError(
                "An error occurred while creating the encoder: "+

        # Return our newly-created encoder
        return encoder