''' Module of Windows API for plyer.cpu. ''' from ctypes import ( c_ulonglong, c_ulong, byref, Structure, POINTER, Union, windll, create_string_buffer, sizeof, cast, c_void_p, c_uint32 ) from ctypes.wintypes import ( BYTE, DWORD, WORD ) from sbapp.plyer.facades import CPU KERNEL = windll.kernel32 ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER = 0x0000007A class CacheType: ''' Win API PROCESSOR_CACHE_TYPE enum. ''' unified = 0 instruction = 1 data = 2 trace = 3 class RelationshipType: ''' Win API LOGICAL_PROCESSOR_RELATIONSHIP enum. ''' processor_core = 0 # logical proc sharing single core numa_node = 1 # logical proc sharing single NUMA node cache = 2 # logical proc sharing cache processor_package = 3 # logical proc sharing physical package group = 4 # logical proc sharing processor group all = 0xffff # logical proc info for all groups class CacheDescriptor(Structure): ''' Win API CACHE_DESCRIPTOR struct. ''' _fields_ = [ ('Level', BYTE), ('Associativity', BYTE), ('LineSize', WORD), ('Size', DWORD), ('Type', DWORD) ] class ProcessorCore(Structure): ''' Win API ProcessorCore struct. ''' _fields_ = [('Flags', BYTE)] class NumaNode(Structure): ''' Win API NumaNode struct. ''' _fields_ = [('NodeNumber', DWORD)] class SystemLPIUnion(Union): ''' Win API SYSTEM_LOGICAL_PROCESSOR_INFORMATION union without name. ''' _fields_ = [ ('ProcessorCore', ProcessorCore), ('NumaNode', NumaNode), ('Cache', CacheDescriptor), ('Reserved', c_ulonglong) ] class SystemLPI(Structure): ''' Win API SYSTEM_LOGICAL_PROCESSOR_INFORMATION struct. ''' _fields_ = [ ('ProcessorMask', c_ulong), ('Relationship', c_ulong), ('LPI', SystemLPIUnion) ] class WinCPU(CPU): ''' Implementation of Windows CPU API. ''' @staticmethod def _countbits(mask): # make sure the correct ULONG_PTR size is used on 64bit # https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/ # desktop/WinProg/windows-data-types # note: not a pointer per-se, != PULONG_PTR ulong_ptr = c_ulonglong if sizeof(c_void_p) == 8 else c_ulong # note: c_ulonglong only on 64bit, otherwise c_ulong # DWORD == c_uint32 # https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/ # desktop/WinProg/windows-data-types lshift = c_uint32(sizeof(ulong_ptr) * 8 - 1) assert lshift.value in (31, 63), lshift # 32 or 64 bits - 1 lshift = lshift.value test = 1 << lshift assert test % 2 == 0, test count = 0 i = 0 while i <= lshift: i += 1 # do NOT remove!!! # test value has to be %2 == 0, # except the last case where the value is 1, # so that int(test) == int(float(test)) # and the mask bit is counted correctly assert test % 2 == 0 or float(test) == 1.0, test # https://stackoverflow.com/a/1746642/5994041 # note: useful to print(str(bin(int(...)))[2:]) count += 1 if (mask & int(test)) else 0 test /= 2 return count def _logprocinfo(self, relationship): get_logical_process_info = KERNEL.GetLogicalProcessorInformation # first call with no structure to get the real size of the required buff_length = c_ulong(0) result = get_logical_process_info(None, byref(buff_length)) assert not result, result error = KERNEL.GetLastError() assert error == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER, error assert buff_length, buff_length # create buffer from the real winapi buffer length buff = create_string_buffer(buff_length.value) # call again with buffer pointer + the same length as arguments result = get_logical_process_info(buff, byref(buff_length)) assert result, (result, KERNEL.GetLastError()) # memory size of one LPI struct in the array of LPI structs offset = sizeof(SystemLPI) # ok values = { key: 0 for key in ( 'relationship', 'mask', 'L1', 'L2', 'L3' ) } for i in range(0, buff_length.value, offset): slpi = cast( buff[i: i + offset], POINTER(SystemLPI) ).contents if slpi.Relationship != relationship: continue values['relationship'] += 1 values['mask'] += self._countbits(slpi.ProcessorMask) if slpi.LPI.Cache.Level == 1: values['L1'] += 1 elif slpi.LPI.Cache.Level == 2: values['L2'] += 1 elif slpi.LPI.Cache.Level == 3: values['L3'] += 1 return values def _sockets(self): # physical CPU sockets (or slots) on motherboard return self._logprocinfo( RelationshipType.processor_package )['relationship'] def _physical(self): # cores return self._logprocinfo( RelationshipType.processor_core )['relationship'] def _logical(self): # cores * threads # if hyperthreaded core -> more than one logical processor return self._logprocinfo( RelationshipType.processor_core )['mask'] def _cache(self): # L1, L2, L3 cache count result = self._logprocinfo( RelationshipType.cache ) return { key: result[key] for key in result if key in ('L1', 'L2', 'L3') } def _numa(self): # numa nodes return self._logprocinfo( RelationshipType.numa_node )['relationship'] def instance(): ''' Instance for facade proxy. ''' return WinCPU() # Resources: # GetLogicalProcessInformation # https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms683194(v=vs.85).aspx # SYSTEM_LOGICAL_PROCESSOR_INFORMATION # https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms686694(v=vs.85).aspx # LOGICAL_PROCESSOR_RELATIONSHIP enum (0 - 4, 0xffff) # https://msdn.microsoft.com/2ada52f0-70ec-4146-9ef7-9af3b08996f9 # CACHE_DESCRIPTOR struct # https://msdn.microsoft.com/38cfa605-831c-45ef-a99f-55f42b2b56e9 # PROCESSOR_CACHE_TYPE # https://msdn.microsoft.com/23044f67-e944-43c2-8c75-3d2fba87cb3c # C example # https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/904d2d35-f419-4e8f-a689-f39ed926644c