''' TestFacade ========== Tested platforms: * Android * iOS * Windows * MacOS * Linux ''' import unittest import sys from types import MethodType from mock import Mock, patch import plyer def mock_platform_module(mod, platform, cls): ''' Create a stub module for a specific platform. This module contains: * class inheriting from facade implementing the desired feature * 'instance' function returning an instance of the implementing class ''' # assemble an instance returned from the instance() function # which is created from a dynamically created class # <class '<mod>.<platform><cls>'> e.g.: # <class 'plyer.platforms.win.dummy . WinDummy'> stub_inst = Mock( __module__=mod, __class__=type( '{}{}'.format(platform.title(), cls), (object, ), { '__module__': mod } ), ) # manual 'return_value' assign to Mock, so that the instance() call # can return stub_inst's own instance instead of creating another # unnecessary Mock object stub_inst.return_value = stub_inst # bind custom function returning the class name to stub_inst instance, # so that instance().show() call requires 'self' i.e. instance parameter # for the function to access the instance's class name stub_inst.show = MethodType(lambda slf: slf, stub_inst) stub_mod = Mock(instance=stub_inst) return stub_mod # dummy pyjnius class to silence the import + config class DummyJnius: ''' Mocked PyJNIus module. ''' def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): class JavaClass: ''' Mocked PyJNIus JavaClass object. ''' def __init__(self): self.ANDROID_VERSION = None self.SDK_INT = 1 self.mActivity = None self.autoclass = lambda *a, **kw: JavaClass() class TestFacade(unittest.TestCase): ''' TestCase for plyer.utils.Proxy and plyer.facades. ''' def test_facade_existing_platforms(self): ''' Test for returning an object for Android API implementation from Proxy object using a dynamically generated dummy objects. ''' _original = plyer.utils.platform for plat in {'android', 'ios', 'win', 'macosx', 'linux'}: plyer.utils.platform = plat if plat == 'android': # android platform automatically imports jnius sys.modules['jnius'] = DummyJnius() # create stub module with instance func and class stub_mod = mock_platform_module( mod='plyer.platforms.{}.dummy'.format(plat), platform=plyer.utils.platform, cls='Dummy' ) proxy_cls = plyer.utils.Proxy target = 'builtins.__import__' with patch(target=target, return_value=stub_mod): dummy = proxy_cls('dummy', stub_mod) self.assertEqual( str(dummy.__class__).split("'")[1], 'plyer.platforms.{}.dummy.{}Dummy'.format( plat, plat.title() ) ) self.assertEqual( str(dummy.show().__class__).split("'")[1], 'plyer.platforms.{}.dummy.{}Dummy'.format( plat, plat.title() ) ) plyer.utils.platform = _original def test_facade_unknown(self): ''' Test fallback of Proxy to facade if there is no such requested platform. ''' _original = plyer.utils.platform plyer.utils.platform = 'unknown' # no 'unknown' platform (folder), fallback to facade class MockedProxy(plyer.utils.Proxy): ''' Partially mocked Proxy class, so that we pull the error from traceback.print_exc to the test and check the calls. ''' # _ensure_obj is called only once, to either # get the platform object or fall back to facade # therefore the three self.asserts below will return # different values expected_asserts = [True, False, False] def _ensure_obj(inst): # called once, prints to stderr # mock stderr because traceback.print_exc uses it # https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/ # 16dfca4d829e45f36e71bf43f83226659ce49315/Lib/traceback.py#L99 sys.stderr = Mock() # call the original function to trigger # ImportError warnings in stderr super(MockedProxy, inst)._ensure_obj() # Traceback (most recent call last): # File "/app/plyer/utils.py", line 88, in _ensure_obj # mod = __import__(module, fromlist='.') # ImportError: No module named unknown.dummy # must not use self.assertX # (has to be checked on the go!) expected_bool = MockedProxy.expected_asserts.pop(0) call_count = sys.stderr.write.call_count assert (call_count == 6) == expected_bool, call_count # return stderr to the original state sys.stderr = sys.__stderr__ proxy_cls = MockedProxy facade = Mock() dummy = proxy_cls('dummy', facade) self.assertEqual(dummy._mock_new_parent, facade) plyer.utils.platform = _original if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()