""" Components/DatePicker ===================== .. seealso:: `Material Design spec, Date picker <https://material.io/components/date-pickers>`_ .. rubric:: Includes date picker. .. image:: https://github.com/HeaTTheatR/KivyMD-data/raw/master/gallery/kivymddoc/picker-previous.png :align: center .. warning:: The widget is under testing. Therefore, we would be grateful if you would let us know about the bugs found. .. rubric:: Usage .. code-block:: python from kivy.lang import Builder from kivymd.app import MDApp from kivymd.uix.pickers import MDDatePicker KV = ''' MDFloatLayout: MDTopAppBar: title: "MDDatePicker" pos_hint: {"top": 1} elevation: 10 MDRaisedButton: text: "Open date picker" pos_hint: {'center_x': .5, 'center_y': .5} on_release: app.show_date_picker() ''' class Test(MDApp): def build(self): return Builder.load_string(KV) def on_save(self, instance, value, date_range): ''' Events called when the "OK" dialog box button is clicked. :type instance: <kivymd.uix.picker.MDDatePicker object>; :param value: selected date; :type value: <class 'datetime.date'>; :param date_range: list of 'datetime.date' objects in the selected range; :type date_range: <class 'list'>; ''' print(instance, value, date_range) def on_cancel(self, instance, value): '''Events called when the "CANCEL" dialog box button is clicked.''' def show_date_picker(self): date_dialog = MDDatePicker() date_dialog.bind(on_save=self.on_save, on_cancel=self.on_cancel) date_dialog.open() Test().run() .. image:: https://github.com/HeaTTheatR/KivyMD-data/raw/master/gallery/kivymddoc/MDDatePicker.gif :align: center Open date dialog with the specified date ---------------------------------------- .. code-block:: python def show_date_picker(self): date_dialog = MDDatePicker(year=1983, month=4, day=12) date_dialog.open() .. image:: https://github.com/HeaTTheatR/KivyMD-data/raw/master/gallery/kivymddoc/previous-date.png :align: center Interval date ------------- You can set the time interval from and to the set date. All days of the week that are not included in this range will have the status `disabled`. .. code-block:: python def show_date_picker(self): date_dialog = MDDatePicker( min_date=datetime.date(2021, 2, 15), max_date=datetime.date(2021, 3, 27), ) date_dialog.open() .. image:: https://github.com/HeaTTheatR/KivyMD-data/raw/master/gallery/kivymddoc/range-date.gif :align: center The range of available dates can be changed in the picker dialog: .. image:: https://github.com/HeaTTheatR/KivyMD-data/raw/master/gallery/kivymddoc/change-range-date.gif :align: center Select year ----------- .. image:: https://github.com/HeaTTheatR/KivyMD-data/raw/master/gallery/kivymddoc/select-year-date.gif :align: center .. warning:: The list of years when opening is not automatically set to the current year. You can set the range of years using the :attr:`~kivymd.uix.picker.MDDatePicker.min_year` and :attr:`~kivymd.uix.picker.MDDatePicker.max_year` attributes: .. code-block:: python def show_date_picker(self): date_dialog = MDDatePicker(min_year=2021, max_year=2030) date_dialog.open() .. image:: https://github.com/HeaTTheatR/KivyMD-data/raw/master/gallery/kivymddoc/min-max-year-date.png :align: center Set and select a date range --------------------------- .. code-block:: python def show_date_picker(self): date_dialog = MDDatePicker(mode="range") date_dialog.open() .. image:: https://github.com/HeaTTheatR/KivyMD-data/raw/master/gallery/kivymddoc/set-select-range-date.gif :align: center """ __all__ = ("MDDatePicker", "BaseDialogPicker", "DatePickerInputField") import calendar import datetime import os import time from datetime import date from typing import Union from kivy import Logger from kivy.animation import Animation from kivy.clock import Clock from kivy.lang import Builder from kivy.metrics import dp from kivy.properties import ( BooleanProperty, ColorProperty, ListProperty, NumericProperty, ObjectProperty, OptionProperty, StringProperty, ) from kivy.uix.anchorlayout import AnchorLayout from kivy.uix.behaviors import ButtonBehavior, FocusBehavior from kivy.uix.recyclegridlayout import RecycleGridLayout from kivy.uix.recycleview.layout import LayoutSelectionBehavior from kivy.uix.recycleview.views import RecycleDataViewBehavior from kivymd import uix_path from kivymd.theming import ThemableBehavior, ThemeManager from kivymd.toast import toast from kivymd.uix.behaviors import ( CircularRippleBehavior, FakeRectangularElevationBehavior, SpecificBackgroundColorBehavior, ) from kivymd.uix.boxlayout import MDBoxLayout from kivymd.uix.button import MDIconButton from kivymd.uix.dialog import BaseDialog from kivymd.uix.label import MDLabel from kivymd.uix.textfield import MDTextField from kivymd.uix.tooltip import MDTooltip with open( os.path.join(uix_path, "pickers", "datepicker", "datepicker.kv"), encoding="utf-8", ) as kv_file: Builder.load_string(kv_file.read()) class BaseDialogPicker( BaseDialog, FakeRectangularElevationBehavior, SpecificBackgroundColorBehavior, ): """ Base class for :class:`~kivymd.uix.picker.MDDatePicker` and :class:`~kivymd.uix.picker.MDTimePicker` classes. :Events: `on_save` Events called when the "OK" dialog box button is clicked. `on_cancel` Events called when the "CANCEL" dialog box button is clicked. """ title_input = StringProperty("INPUT DATE") """ Dialog title fot input date. .. code-block:: python MDDatePicker(title_input="INPUT DATE") .. image:: https://github.com/HeaTTheatR/KivyMD-data/raw/master/gallery/kivymddoc/md-date-picker-input-date.png :align: center :attr:`title_input` is an :class:`~kivy.properties.StringProperty` and defaults to `INPUT DATE`. """ title = StringProperty("SELECT DATE") """ Dialog title fot select date. .. code-block:: python MDDatePicker(title="SELECT DATE") .. image:: https://github.com/HeaTTheatR/KivyMD-data/raw/master/gallery/kivymddoc/md-date-picker-select-date.png :align: center :attr:`title` is an :class:`~kivy.properties.StringProperty` and defaults to `SELECT DATE`. """ radius = ListProperty([7, 7, 7, 7]) """ Radius list for the four corners of the dialog. .. code-block:: python MDDatePicker(radius=[7, 7, 7, 26]) .. image:: https://github.com/HeaTTheatR/KivyMD-data/raw/master/gallery/kivymddoc/md-date-picker-radius.png :align: center :attr:`radius` is an :class:`~kivy.properties.ListProperty` and defaults to `[7, 7, 7, 7]`. """ primary_color = ColorProperty(None) """ Background color of toolbar in (r, g, b, a) format. .. code-block:: python MDDatePicker(primary_color=get_color_from_hex("#72225b")) .. image:: https://github.com/HeaTTheatR/KivyMD-data/raw/master/gallery/kivymddoc/primary-color-date.png :align: center :attr:`primary_color` is an :class:`~kivy.properties.ColorProperty` and defaults to `None`. """ accent_color = ColorProperty(None) """ Background color of calendar/clock face in (r, g, b, a) format. .. code-block:: python MDDatePicker( primary_color=get_color_from_hex("#72225b"), accent_color=get_color_from_hex("#5d1a4a"), ) .. image:: https://github.com/HeaTTheatR/KivyMD-data/raw/master/gallery/kivymddoc/accent-color-date.png :align: center :attr:`accent_color` is an :class:`~kivy.properties.ColorProperty` and defaults to `None`. """ selector_color = ColorProperty(None) """ Background color of the selected day of the month or hour in (r, g, b, a) format. .. code-block:: python MDDatePicker( primary_color=get_color_from_hex("#72225b"), accent_color=get_color_from_hex("#5d1a4a"), selector_color=get_color_from_hex("#e93f39"), ) .. image:: https://github.com/HeaTTheatR/KivyMD-data/raw/master/gallery/kivymddoc/selector-color-date.png :align: center :attr:`selector_color` is an :class:`~kivy.properties.ColorProperty` and defaults to `None`. """ text_toolbar_color = ColorProperty(None) """ Color of labels for text on a toolbar in (r, g, b, a) format. .. code-block:: python MDDatePicker( primary_color=get_color_from_hex("#72225b"), accent_color=get_color_from_hex("#5d1a4a"), selector_color=get_color_from_hex("#e93f39"), text_toolbar_color=get_color_from_hex("#cccccc"), ) .. image:: https://github.com/HeaTTheatR/KivyMD-data/raw/master/gallery/kivymddoc/text-toolbar-color-date.png :align: center :attr:`text_toolbar_color` is an :class:`~kivy.properties.ColorProperty` and defaults to `None`. """ text_color = ColorProperty(None) """ Color of text labels in calendar/clock face in (r, g, b, a) format. .. code-block:: python MDDatePicker( primary_color=get_color_from_hex("#72225b"), accent_color=get_color_from_hex("#5d1a4a"), selector_color=get_color_from_hex("#e93f39"), text_toolbar_color=get_color_from_hex("#cccccc"), text_color=("#ffffff"), ) .. image:: https://github.com/HeaTTheatR/KivyMD-data/raw/master/gallery/kivymddoc/text-color-date.png :align: center :attr:`text_color` is an :class:`~kivy.properties.ColorProperty` and defaults to `None`. """ text_current_color = ColorProperty(None) """ Color of the text of the current day of the month/hour in (r, g, b, a) format. .. code-block:: python MDDatePicker( primary_color=get_color_from_hex("#72225b"), accent_color=get_color_from_hex("#5d1a4a"), selector_color=get_color_from_hex("#e93f39"), text_toolbar_color=get_color_from_hex("#cccccc"), text_color=("#ffffff"), text_current_color=get_color_from_hex("#e93f39"), ) .. image:: https://github.com/HeaTTheatR/KivyMD-data/raw/master/gallery/kivymddoc/text-current-color-date.png :align: center :attr:`text_current_color` is an :class:`~kivy.properties.ColorProperty` and defaults to `None`. """ text_button_color = ColorProperty(None) """ Text button color in (r, g, b, a) format. .. code-block:: python MDDatePicker( primary_color=get_color_from_hex("#72225b"), accent_color=get_color_from_hex("#5d1a4a"), selector_color=get_color_from_hex("#e93f39"), text_toolbar_color=get_color_from_hex("#cccccc"), text_color=("#ffffff"), text_current_color=get_color_from_hex("#e93f39"), text_button_color=(1, 1, 1, .5), ) .. image:: https://github.com/HeaTTheatR/KivyMD-data/raw/master/gallery/kivymddoc/text-button-color-date.png :align: center :attr:`text_button_color` is an :class:`~kivy.properties.ColorProperty` and defaults to `None`. """ input_field_background_color = ColorProperty(None) """ Background color of input fields in (r, g, b, a) format. .. code-block:: python MDDatePicker( primary_color=get_color_from_hex("#72225b"), accent_color=get_color_from_hex("#5d1a4a"), selector_color=get_color_from_hex("#e93f39"), text_toolbar_color=get_color_from_hex("#cccccc"), text_color=("#ffffff"), text_current_color=get_color_from_hex("#e93f39"), input_field_background_color=(1, 1, 1, 0.2), ) .. image:: https://github.com/HeaTTheatR/KivyMD-data/raw/master/gallery/kivymddoc/input-field-background-color-date.png :align: center :attr:`input_field_background_color` is an :class:`~kivy.properties.ColorProperty` and defaults to `None`. """ input_field_text_color = ColorProperty(None) """ Text color of input fields in (r, g, b, a) format. Background color of input fields. .. code-block:: python MDDatePicker( primary_color=get_color_from_hex("#72225b"), accent_color=get_color_from_hex("#5d1a4a"), selector_color=get_color_from_hex("#e93f39"), text_toolbar_color=get_color_from_hex("#cccccc"), text_color=("#ffffff"), text_current_color=get_color_from_hex("#e93f39"), input_field_background_color=(1, 1, 1, 0.2), input_field_text_color=(1, 1, 1, 1), ) .. image:: https://github.com/HeaTTheatR/KivyMD-data/raw/master/gallery/kivymddoc/input-field-background-color-date.png :align: center :attr:`input_field_text_color` is an :class:`~kivy.properties.ColorProperty` and defaults to `None`. """ font_name = StringProperty("Roboto") """ Font name for dialog window text. .. code-block:: python MDDatePicker( primary_color=get_color_from_hex("#72225b"), accent_color=get_color_from_hex("#5d1a4a"), selector_color=get_color_from_hex("#e93f39"), text_toolbar_color=get_color_from_hex("#cccccc"), text_color=("#ffffff"), text_current_color=get_color_from_hex("#e93f39"), input_field_background_color=(1, 1, 1, 0.2), input_field_text_color=(1, 1, 1, 1), font_name="Weather.ttf", ) .. image:: https://github.com/HeaTTheatR/KivyMD-data/raw/master/gallery/kivymddoc/font-name-date.png :align: center :attr:`font_name` is an :class:`~kivy.properties.StringProperty` and defaults to `'Roboto'`. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.register_event_type("on_save") self.register_event_type("on_cancel") def on_save(self, *args) -> None: """Events called when the "OK" dialog box button is clicked.""" self.dismiss() def on_cancel(self, *args) -> None: """Events called when the "CANCEL" dialog box button is clicked.""" self.dismiss() class DatePickerBaseTooltip(MDTooltip): """Implements tooltips for members of the :class:`~MDDatePicker` class.""" owner = ObjectProperty() # MDDatePicker object hint_text = StringProperty() class DatePickerIconTooltipButton(MDIconButton, DatePickerBaseTooltip): pass class DatePickerWeekdayLabel(MDLabel, DatePickerBaseTooltip): pass class DatePickerTypeDateError(Exception): pass class DatePickerInputField(MDTextField): """Implements date input in dd/mm/yyyy format.""" helper_text_mode = StringProperty("on_error") owner = ObjectProperty() # MDDatePicker object def set_error(self): """Sets a text field to an error state.""" self.error = True def input_filter(self, value: str, boolean: bool) -> Union[str, None]: """Filters the input according to the specified mode.""" if self.is_numeric(value): return value def is_numeric(self, value: str) -> bool: """ Returns true if the value of the `value` argument can be converted to an integer, or if the value of the `value` argument is '/'. """ try: if value == "/": return True int(value) return True except ValueError: return False def get_list_date(self) -> list: """ Returns a list as `[dd, mm, yyyy]` from a text fied for entering a date. """ return [d for d in self.text.split("/") if d] class DatePickerInputFieldContainer(MDBoxLayout): owner = ObjectProperty() # MDDatePicker object class SelectYearList(FocusBehavior, LayoutSelectionBehavior, RecycleGridLayout): """A class that implements a list for choosing a year.""" class DatePickerDaySelectableItem( ThemableBehavior, CircularRippleBehavior, ButtonBehavior, AnchorLayout ): """A class that implements a list for choosing a day.""" text = StringProperty() owner = ObjectProperty() is_today = BooleanProperty(False) is_selected = BooleanProperty(False) current_month = NumericProperty() current_year = NumericProperty() index = NumericProperty(0) def check_date(self, year: int, month: int, day: int): try: return date(year, month, day) in self.owner._date_range except ValueError as error: if str(error) == "day is out of range for month": return False def on_release(self): if ( self.owner.mode == "range" and self.owner._end_range_date and self.owner._start_range_date ): return if ( not self.owner._input_date_dialog_open and not self.owner._select_year_dialog_open ): if self.owner.mode == "range" and not self.owner._start_range_date: self.owner._start_range_date = date( self.current_year, self.current_month, int(self.text) ) self.owner.min_date = self.owner._start_range_date elif ( self.owner.mode == "range" and not self.owner._end_range_date and self.owner._start_range_date ): self.owner._end_range_date = date( self.current_year, self.current_month, int(self.text) ) if self.owner._end_range_date <= self.owner.min_date: toast(self.owner.date_range_text_error) Logger.error( "`Data Picker: max_date` value cannot be less than " "or equal to 'min_date' value." ) self.owner._start_range_date = 0 self.owner._end_range_date = 0 return self.owner.max_date = self.owner._end_range_date self.owner.update_calendar_for_date_range() self.owner.set_selected_widget(self) class DatePickerYearSelectableItem(RecycleDataViewBehavior, MDLabel): """Implements an item for a pick list of the year.""" index = None selected = BooleanProperty(False) selectable = BooleanProperty(True) selected_color = ColorProperty([0, 0, 0, 0]) owner = ObjectProperty() def refresh_view_attrs(self, rv, index, data): self.index = index return super().refresh_view_attrs(rv, index, data) def on_touch_down(self, touch): if super().on_touch_down(touch): return True if self.collide_point(*touch.pos) and self.selectable: self.owner.year = int(self.text) # self.owner.sel_year = self.owner.year self.owner.ids.label_full_date.text = self.owner.set_text_full_date( self.owner.sel_year, self.owner.sel_month, self.owner.sel_day, self.owner.theme_cls.device_orientation, ) return self.parent.select_with_touch(self.index, touch) def apply_selection(self, table_data, index, is_selected): self.selected = is_selected if is_selected: self.selected_color = ( self.owner.selector_color if self.owner.selector_color else self.theme_cls.primary_color ) self.text_color = (1, 1, 1, 1) else: if int(self.text) == self.owner.sel_year: self.text_color = ( self.theme_cls.primary_color if not self.owner.text_current_color else self.owner.text_current_color ) self.selected_color = [0, 0, 0, 0] self.text_color = (0, 0, 0, 1) # TODO: Add the feature to embed the `MDDatePicker` class in other layouts # and not use it as a modal dialog. # Add a date input mask. Currently, the date is entered in the format # 'dd/mm/yy'. In some countries, the date is formatted as 'mm/dd/yy'. class MDDatePicker(BaseDialogPicker): text_weekday_color = ColorProperty(None) """ Text color of weekday names in (r, g, b, a) format. .. image:: https://github.com/HeaTTheatR/KivyMD-data/raw/master/gallery/kivymddoc/md-date-picker-text-weekday-color.png :align: center :attr:`text_weekday_color` is an :class:`~kivy.properties.ColorProperty` and defaults to `None`. """ helper_text = StringProperty("Wrong date") """ Helper text when entering an invalid date. .. image:: https://github.com/HeaTTheatR/KivyMD-data/raw/master/gallery/kivymddoc/md-date-picker-helper-text.png :align: center :attr:`helper_text` is an :class:`~kivy.properties.StringProperty` and defaults to `'Wrong date'`. """ day = NumericProperty() """ The day of the month to be opened by default. If not specified, the current number will be used. See `Open date dialog with the specified date <https://kivymd.readthedocs.io/en/latest/components/datepicker/#open-date-dialog-with-the-specified-date>`_ for more information. :attr:`day` is an :class:`~kivy.properties.NumericProperty` and defaults to `0`. """ month = NumericProperty() """ The number of month to be opened by default. If not specified, the current number will be used. See `Open date dialog with the specified date <https://kivymd.readthedocs.io/en/latest/components/datepicker/#open-date-dialog-with-the-specified-date>`_ for more information. :attr:`month` is an :class:`~kivy.properties.NumericProperty` and defaults to `0`. """ year = NumericProperty() """ The year of month to be opened by default. If not specified, the current number will be used. See `Open date dialog with the specified date <https://kivymd.readthedocs.io/en/latest/components/datepicker/#open-date-dialog-with-the-specified-date>`_ for more information. :attr:`year` is an :class:`~kivy.properties.NumericProperty` and defaults to `0`. """ min_year = NumericProperty(1914) """ The year of month to be opened by default. If not specified, the current number will be used. :attr:`min_year` is an :class:`~kivy.properties.NumericProperty` and defaults to `1914`. """ max_year = NumericProperty(2121) """ The year of month to be opened by default. If not specified, the current number will be used. :attr:`max_year` is an :class:`~kivy.properties.NumericProperty` and defaults to `2121`. """ mode = OptionProperty("picker", options=["picker", "range"]) """ Dialog type:`'picker'` type allows you to select one date; `'range'` type allows to set a range of dates from which the user can select a date. Available options are: [`'picker'`, `'range'`]. :attr:`mode` is an :class:`~kivy.properties.OptionProperty` and defaults to `picker`. """ min_date = ObjectProperty() """ The minimum value of the date range for the `'mode`' parameter. Must be an object <class 'datetime.date'>. See `Open date dialog with the specified date <https://kivymd.readthedocs.io/en/latest/components/datepicker/#interval-date>`_ for more information. :attr:`min_date` is an :class:`~kivy.properties.ObjectProperty` and defaults to `None`. """ max_date = ObjectProperty() """ The minimum value of the date range for the `'mode`' parameter. Must be an object <class 'datetime.date'>. See `Open date dialog with the specified date <https://kivymd.readthedocs.io/en/latest/components/datepicker/#interval-date>`_ for more information. :attr:`max_date` is an :class:`~kivy.properties.ObjectProperty` and defaults to `None`. """ date_range_text_error = StringProperty("Error date range") """ Error text that will be shown on the screen in the form of a toast if the minimum date range exceeds the maximum. :attr:`date_range_text_error` is an :class:`~kivy.properties.StringProperty` and defaults to `'Error date range'`. """ input_field_cls = ObjectProperty(DatePickerInputField) """ A class that will implement date input in the format dd/mm/yyyy. See :class:`~DatePickerInputField` class for more information. .. code-block:: python class CustomInputField(MDTextField): owner = ObjectProperty() # required attribute # Required method. def set_error(self): [...] # Required method. def get_list_date(self): [...] # Required method. def input_filter(self): [...] def show_date_picker(self): date_dialog = MDDatePicker(input_field_cls=CustomInputField) :attr:`input_field_cls` is an :class:`~kivy.properties.ObjectProperty` and defaults to :class:`~DatePickerInputField`. """ sel_year = NumericProperty() sel_month = NumericProperty() sel_day = NumericProperty() _calendar_layout = ObjectProperty() _calendar_list = None _enter_data_field = None _enter_data_field_two = None _enter_data_field_container = None _date_range = [] _sel_day_widget = ObjectProperty() _scale_calendar_layout = NumericProperty(1) _scale_year_layout = NumericProperty(0) _shift_dialog_height = NumericProperty(0) _input_date_dialog_open = BooleanProperty(False) _select_year_dialog_open = False _start_range_date = 0 _end_range_date = 0 def __init__( self, year=None, month=None, day=None, firstweekday=0, **kwargs, ): self.today = date.today() self.calendar = calendar.Calendar(firstweekday) self.sel_year = year if year else self.today.year self.sel_month = month if month else self.today.month self.sel_day = day if day else self.today.day self.month = self.sel_month self.year = self.sel_year self.day = self.sel_day self._current_selected_date = ( self.sel_day, self.sel_month, self.sel_year, ) super().__init__(**kwargs) self.theme_cls.bind(device_orientation=self.on_device_orientation) if self.max_date and self.min_date: if self.min_date and not isinstance(self.min_date, date): raise DatePickerTypeDateError( "'min_date' must be of class <class 'datetime.date'>" ) if self.max_date and not isinstance(self.max_date, date): raise DatePickerTypeDateError( "'max_date' must be of class <class 'datetime.date'>" ) self.compare_date_range() self._date_range = self.get_date_range() self.generate_list_widgets_days() self.update_calendar(self.sel_year, self.sel_month) if ( not self.max_date and not self.min_date and not self._date_range and self.mode != "range" ): # Mark the current day. self.set_month_day(self.sel_day) self._sel_day_widget.dispatch("on_release") def on_device_orientation( self, instance_theme_manager: ThemeManager, orientation_value: str ) -> None: """Called when the device's screen orientation changes.""" if self._input_date_dialog_open: if orientation_value == "portrait": self._shift_dialog_height = dp(250) if orientation_value == "landscape": self._shift_dialog_height = dp(138) def on_ok_button_pressed(self) -> None: """ Called when the 'OK' button is pressed to confirm the date entered. """ if self._enter_data_field and not self.is_date_valaid( self._enter_data_field.text ): self._enter_data_field.set_error() return if self._enter_data_field_two and not self.is_date_valaid( self._enter_data_field_two.text ): self._enter_data_field_two.set_error() return self.dispatch( "on_save", date(self.sel_year, self.sel_month, self.sel_day), self._date_range, ) def is_date_valaid(self, date: str) -> bool: """Checks the valid of the currently entered date.""" try: time.strptime(date, "%d/%m/%Y") return True except ValueError: return False def transformation_from_dialog_select_year(self) -> None: self.ids.chevron_left.disabled = False self.ids.chevron_right.disabled = False self.ids._year_layout.disabled = True self.ids.triangle.disabled = False self._select_year_dialog_open = False self.ids.triangle.icon = "menu-down" Animation(opacity=1, d=0.15).start(self.ids.chevron_left) Animation(opacity=1, d=0.15).start(self.ids.chevron_right) Animation(_scale_year_layout=0, d=0.15).start(self) Animation( _shift_dialog_height=dp(0), _scale_calendar_layout=1, d=0.15 ).start(self) self._calendar_layout.clear_widgets() self.generate_list_widgets_days() self.update_calendar(self.year, self.month) if self.mode != "range": self.set_month_day(self.day) self._sel_day_widget.dispatch("on_release") def transformation_to_dialog_select_year(self) -> None: def disabled_chevron_buttons(*args): self.ids.chevron_left.disabled = True self.ids.chevron_right.disabled = True self._select_year_dialog_open = True self.ids._year_layout.disabled = False self._scale_calendar_layout = 0 Animation(opacity=0, d=0.15).start(self.ids.chevron_left) Animation(opacity=0, d=0.15).start(self.ids.chevron_right) anim = Animation(_scale_year_layout=1, d=0.15) anim.bind(on_complete=disabled_chevron_buttons) anim.start(self) self.ids.triangle.icon = "menu-up" self.generate_list_widgets_years() self.set_position_to_current_year() def transformation_to_dialog_input_date(self) -> None: def set_date_to_input_field(): if not self._enter_data_field_two: # Date of current day. self._enter_data_field.text = ( f"{'' if self.sel_day >= 10 else '0'}" f"{self.sel_day}/" f"{'' if self.sel_month >= 10 else '0'}" f"{self.sel_month}/{self.sel_year}" ) else: # Range start date. self._enter_data_field.text = ( f"{'' if self.min_date.day >= 10 else '0'}" f"{self.min_date.day}/" f"{'' if self.min_date.month >= 10 else '0'}" f"{self.min_date.month}/{self.min_date.year}" ) def set_date_to_input_field_two() -> None: # Range end date. self._enter_data_field_two.text = ( f"{'' if self.max_date.day >= 10 else '0'}" f"{self.max_date.day}/" f"{'' if self.max_date.month >= 10 else '0'}" f"{self.max_date.month}/{self.max_date.year}" ) self.ids.triangle.disabled = True if self._select_year_dialog_open: self.transformation_from_dialog_select_year() self._input_date_dialog_open = True self._enter_data_field_container = DatePickerInputFieldContainer( owner=self ) self._enter_data_field = self.get_field() if self.min_date and self.max_date: self._enter_data_field_two = self.get_field() set_date_to_input_field_two() set_date_to_input_field() self._enter_data_field_container.add_widget(self._enter_data_field) if self._enter_data_field_two: self._enter_data_field_container.add_widget( self._enter_data_field_two ) self.ids.container.add_widget(self._enter_data_field_container) self.ids.edit_icon.icon = "calendar" self.ids.label_title.text = self.title_input Animation( _shift_dialog_height=dp(250) if self.theme_cls.device_orientation == "portrait" else dp(138), _scale_calendar_layout=0, d=0.15, ).start(self) Animation( opacity=0, d=0.15 if self.theme_cls.device_orientation == "portrait" else 0, ).start(self.ids.chevron_left) Animation( opacity=0, d=0.15 if self.theme_cls.device_orientation == "portrait" else 0, ).start(self.ids.chevron_right) Animation(opacity=0, d=0.15).start(self.ids.label_month_selector) Animation(opacity=0, d=0.15).start(self.ids.triangle) Animation(opacity=1, d=0.15).start(self._enter_data_field) if self._enter_data_field_two: Animation(opacity=1, d=0.15).start(self._enter_data_field_two) self.ids.label_full_date.text = self.set_text_full_date( self.sel_year, self.sel_month, self.sel_day, self.theme_cls.device_orientation, ) def transformation_from_dialog_input_date( self, interval: Union[int, float] ) -> None: self._input_date_dialog_open = False self.ids.label_full_date.text = self.set_text_full_date( self.sel_year, self.sel_month, self.sel_day, self.theme_cls.device_orientation, ) self.ids.triangle.disabled = False self.ids.container.remove_widget(self._enter_data_field_container) Animation( _shift_dialog_height=dp(0), _scale_calendar_layout=1, d=0.15 ).start(self) Animation( opacity=1, d=0.15 if self.theme_cls.device_orientation == "portrait" else 0.65, ).start(self.ids.chevron_left) Animation( opacity=1, d=0.15 if self.theme_cls.device_orientation == "portrait" else 0.65, ).start(self.ids.chevron_right) Animation(opacity=1, d=0.15).start(self.ids.label_month_selector) Animation(opacity=1, d=0.15).start(self.ids.triangle) Animation(opacity=0, d=0.15).start(self._enter_data_field) self.ids.edit_icon.icon = "pencil" self.ids.label_title.text = self.title if not self.min_date and not self.max_date: list_date = self._enter_data_field.get_list_date() if len(list_date) == 3 and len(list_date[2]) == 4: # self._sel_day_widget.is_selected = False self.update_calendar(int(list_date[2]), int(list_date[1])) self.set_month_day(int(list_date[0])) # self._sel_day_widget.dispatch("on_release") if self.mode != "range": self._sel_day_widget.is_selected = False self._sel_day_widget.dispatch("on_release") elif self.min_date and self.max_date: list_min_date = self._enter_data_field.get_list_date() list_max_date = self._enter_data_field_two.get_list_date() if len(list_min_date) == 3 and len(list_min_date[2]) == 4: self.min_date = date( int(list_min_date[2]), int(list_min_date[1]), int(list_min_date[0]), ) if len(list_max_date) == 3 and len(list_max_date[2]) == 4: self.max_date = date( int(list_max_date[2]), int(list_max_date[1]), int(list_max_date[0]), ) self.update_calendar_for_date_range() self.ids.label_full_date.text = self.set_text_full_date( int(list_max_date[2]), int(list_max_date[1]), int(list_max_date[0]), self.theme_cls.device_orientation, ) def compare_date_range(self) -> None: # TODO: Add behavior if the minimum date range exceeds the maximum # date range. Use toast? if self.max_date <= self.min_date: raise DatePickerTypeDateError( "`max_date` value cannot be less than or equal " "to 'min_date' value" ) def update_calendar_for_date_range(self) -> None: # self.compare_date_range() self._date_range = self.get_date_range() self._calendar_layout.clear_widgets() self.generate_list_widgets_days() self.update_calendar(self.year, self.month) def update_text_full_date(self, list_date) -> None: """ Updates the title of the week, month and number day name in an open date input dialog. """ if len(list_date) == 1 and len(list_date[0]) == 2: self.ids.label_full_date.text = self.set_text_full_date( self.sel_year, self.sel_month, list_date[0], self.theme_cls.device_orientation, ) if len(list_date) == 2 and len(list_date[1]) == 2: self.ids.label_full_date.text = self.set_text_full_date( self.sel_year, int(list_date[1]), int(list_date[0]), self.theme_cls.device_orientation, ) if len(list_date) == 3 and len(list_date[2]) == 4: self.ids.label_full_date.text = self.set_text_full_date( int(list_date[2]), int(list_date[1]), int(list_date[0]), self.theme_cls.device_orientation, ) def update_calendar(self, year, month) -> None: try: dates = [x for x in self.calendar.itermonthdates(year, month)] except ValueError as e: if str(e) == "year is out of range": pass else: self.year = year self.month = month for idx in range(len(self._calendar_list)): self._calendar_list[idx].current_month = int(self.month) self._calendar_list[idx].current_year = int(self.year) # Dates of the month not in the range 1-31. if idx >= len(dates) or dates[idx].month != month: # self._calendar_list[idx].disabled = True self._calendar_list[idx].text = "" # Dates of the month in the range 1-31. else: self._calendar_list[idx].disabled = False self._calendar_list[idx].text = str(dates[idx].day) self._calendar_list[idx].is_today = dates[idx] == self.today # The marked date widget has a True value in the `is_selected` # attribute. In the KV file it is checked if the date widget # (DatePickerDaySelectableItem) has the `is_selected = False` # attribute value, then the date widget is not highlighted. if ( 0 if not self._calendar_list[idx].text else int(self._calendar_list[idx].text), self._calendar_list[idx].current_month, self._calendar_list[idx].current_year, ) == self._current_selected_date: self._calendar_list[idx].is_selected = True else: self._calendar_list[idx].is_selected = False # Dates outside the set range - disabled. if ( self.mode == "picker" and self._date_range and self._calendar_list[idx].text ) or ( self.mode == "range" and self._start_range_date and self._end_range_date and self._calendar_list[idx].text ): if ( date( self._calendar_list[idx].current_year, self._calendar_list[idx].current_month, int(self._calendar_list[idx].text), ) not in self._date_range ): self._calendar_list[idx].disabled = True def get_field(self) -> MDTextField: """Creates and returns a text field object used to enter dates.""" if issubclass(self.input_field_cls, MDTextField): field = self.input_field_cls( owner=self, helper_text=self.helper_text, line_color_normal=self.theme_cls.divider_color, ) field.color_mode = "custom" field.line_color_focus = ( self.theme_cls.primary_color if not self.input_field_text_color else self.input_field_text_color ) field.current_hint_text_color = field.line_color_focus field._current_hint_text_color = field.line_color_focus return field else: raise TypeError( "The `input_field_cls` parameter must be an object of the " "`kivymd.uix.textfield.MDTextField class`" ) def get_date_range(self) -> list: date_range = [ self.min_date + datetime.timedelta(days=x) for x in range((self.max_date - self.min_date).days + 1) ] return date_range def set_text_full_date(self, year, month, day, orientation): """ Returns a string of type "Tue, Feb 2" or "Tue,\nFeb 2" for a date choose and a string like "Feb 15 - Mar 23" or "Feb 15,\nMar 23" for a date range. """ if 12 < int(month) < 0: raise ValueError( "set_text_full_date:\n\t" f"Month [{month}] out of range." ) if int(day) > calendar.monthrange(int(year), (month))[1]: raise ValueError( "set_text_full_date:\n\t" f"Day [{day}] out of range for the month {month}" ) date = datetime.date(int(year), int(month), int(day)) separator = ( "\n" if (orientation == "landscape" and not self._input_date_dialog_open) else " " ) if self.mode == "picker": if not self.min_date and not self.max_date: return ( date.strftime("%a,").capitalize() + separator + date.strftime("%b ").capitalize() + str(day).lstrip("0") ) else: return ( self.min_date.strftime("%b ").capitalize() + str(self.min_date.day).lstrip("0") + ( " - " if orientation == "portrait" else ( ",\n" if not self._input_date_dialog_open else ", " ) ) + self.max_date.strftime("%b ").capitalize() + str(self.max_date.day).lstrip("0") ) elif self.mode == "range": if self._start_range_date and self._end_range_date: if ( orientation == "landscape" and "-" in self.ids.label_full_date.text ): return ( self.ids.label_full_date.text.split("-")[0].strip() + (",\n" if not self._input_date_dialog_open else " - ") + date.strftime("%b ").capitalize() + str(day).lstrip("0") ) else: if ( orientation == "landscape" and "," in self.ids.label_full_date.text ): return ( self.ids.label_full_date.text.split(",")[0].strip() + ( ",\n" if not self._input_date_dialog_open else "-" ) + date.strftime("%b ").capitalize() + str(day).lstrip("0") ) if ( orientation == "portrait" and "," in self.ids.label_full_date.text ): return ( self.ids.label_full_date.text.split(",")[0].strip() + "-" + date.strftime("%b ").capitalize() + str(day).lstrip("0") ) if ( orientation == "portrait" and "-" in self.ids.label_full_date.text ): return ( self.ids.label_full_date.text.split("-")[0].strip() + " - " + date.strftime("%b ").capitalize() + str(day).lstrip("0") ) elif self._start_range_date and not self._end_range_date: return ( ( date.strftime("%b ").capitalize() + str(day).lstrip("0") + " - End" ) if orientation != "landscape" else ( date.strftime("%b ").capitalize() + str(day).lstrip("0") + "{}End".format( ",\n" if not self._input_date_dialog_open else " - " ) ) ) elif not self._start_range_date and not self._end_range_date: return ( "Start - End" if orientation != "landscape" else "Start{}End".format( ",\n" if not self._input_date_dialog_open else " - " ) ) def set_selected_widget(self, widget) -> None: if self._sel_day_widget: self._sel_day_widget.is_selected = False widget.is_selected = True self.sel_month = int(self.month) self.sel_year = int(self.year) self.sel_day = int(widget.text) self._current_selected_date = ( self.sel_day, self.sel_month, self.sel_year, ) self._sel_day_widget = widget def set_month_day(self, day) -> None: for idx in range(len(self._calendar_list)): if str(day) == str(self._calendar_list[idx].text): self._sel_day_widget = self._calendar_list[idx] self.sel_day = int(self._calendar_list[idx].text) if self._sel_day_widget: self._sel_day_widget.is_selected = False self._sel_day_widget = self._calendar_list[idx] def set_position_to_current_year(self) -> None: # TODO: Add the feature to set the position of the list of years # for the current year. This is not currently possible because the # ``RecycleView`` class does not support this functionality. # There is a solution to this problem # - https://github.com/Bakterija/log_fruit/blob/dev/src/app_modules/widgets/app_recycleview/recycleview.py. # But I have not been able to get it to work. pass def generate_list_widgets_years(self) -> None: for i, number_year in enumerate(range(self.min_year, self.max_year)): self.ids._year_layout.data.append( { "owner": self, "text": str(number_year), "index": i, "selectable": True, "viewclass": "DatePickerYearSelectableItem", } ) def generate_list_widgets_days(self) -> None: calendar_list = [] for day in self.calendar.iterweekdays(): weekday_label = DatePickerWeekdayLabel( text=calendar.day_name[day][0].upper(), owner=self, hint_text=calendar.day_name[day], ) weekday_label.font_name = self.font_name self._calendar_layout.add_widget(weekday_label) for i, j in enumerate(range(6 * 7)): # 6 weeks, 7 days a week day_selectable_item = DatePickerDaySelectableItem( index=i, owner=self, current_month=int(self.month), current_year=int(self.year), ) calendar_list.append(day_selectable_item) self._calendar_layout.add_widget(day_selectable_item) self._calendar_list = calendar_list def change_month(self, operation: str) -> None: """ Called when "chevron-left" and "chevron-right" buttons are pressed. Switches the calendar to the previous/next month. """ operation = 1 if operation == "next" else -1 month = ( 12 if self.month + operation == 0 else 1 if self.month + operation == 13 else self.month + operation ) year = ( self.year - 1 if self.month + operation == 0 else self.year + 1 if self.month + operation == 13 else self.year ) self.update_calendar(year, month) if self.sel_day: x = calendar.monthrange(year, month)[1] if x < self.sel_day: self.sel_day = ( x if year <= self.sel_year and month <= self.sel_year else 1 )