import ctypes from . import ogg from . import opus from .pyogg_error import PyOggError from .audio_file import AudioFile class OpusFile(AudioFile): def __init__(self, path: str) -> None: # Open the file error = ctypes.c_int() of = opus.op_open_file( ogg.to_char_p(path), ctypes.pointer(error) ) # Check for errors if error.value != 0: raise PyOggError( ("File '{}' couldn't be opened or doesn't exist. "+ "Error code: {}").format(path, error.value) ) # Extract the number of channels in the newly opened file #: Number of channels in audio file. self.channels = opus.op_channel_count(of, -1) # Allocate sufficient memory to store the entire PCM pcm_size = opus.op_pcm_total(of, -1) Buf = opus.opus_int16*(pcm_size*self.channels) buf = Buf() # Create a pointer to the newly allocated memory. It # seems we can only do pointer arithmetic on void # pointers. See # buf_ptr = ctypes.cast( ctypes.pointer(buf), ctypes.c_void_p ) assert buf_ptr.value is not None # for mypy buf_ptr_zero = buf_ptr.value #: Bytes per sample self.bytes_per_sample = ctypes.sizeof(opus.opus_int16) # Read through the entire file, copying the PCM into the # buffer samples = 0 while True: # Calculate remaining buffer size remaining_buffer = ( len(buf) # int - (buf_ptr.value - buf_ptr_zero) // self.bytes_per_sample ) # Convert buffer pointer to the desired type ptr = ctypes.cast( buf_ptr, ctypes.POINTER(opus.opus_int16) ) # Read the next section of PCM ns = opus.op_read( of, ptr, remaining_buffer, ogg.c_int_p() ) # Check for errors if ns<0: raise PyOggError( "Error while reading OggOpus file. "+ "Error code: {}".format(ns) ) # Increment the pointer buf_ptr.value += ( ns * self.bytes_per_sample * self.channels ) assert buf_ptr.value is not None # for mypy samples += ns # Check if we've finished if ns==0: break # Close the open file opus.op_free(of) # Opus files are always stored at 48k samples per second #: Number of samples per second (per channel). Always 48,000. self.frequency = 48000 # Cast buffer to a one-dimensional array of chars #: Raw PCM data from audio file. CharBuffer = ( ctypes.c_byte * (self.bytes_per_sample * self.channels * pcm_size) ) self.buffer = CharBuffer.from_buffer(buf)