#:import os os #:import date datetime.date #:import calendar calendar #:import platform platform #:import Clock kivy.clock.Clock #:import images_path kivymd.images_path <DatePickerBaseTooltip> on_enter: self.tooltip_text = "" if self.owner \ and self.owner._input_date_dialog_open \ or self.owner._select_year_dialog_open \ else self.hint_text <DatePickerIconTooltipButton> <MDDatePicker> _calendar_layout: _calendar_layout size_hint: None, None size: (dp(328), dp(512) - root._shift_dialog_height) \ if root.theme_cls.device_orientation == "portrait" \ else (dp(528), dp(328) - root._shift_dialog_height) MDRelativeLayout: id: container background: os.path.join(images_path, "transparent.png") canvas: Color: rgb: root.primary_color or app.theme_cls.primary_color RoundedRectangle: size: (dp(328), dp(120)) \ if root.theme_cls.device_orientation == "portrait" \ else (dp(168), dp(328) - root._shift_dialog_height) pos: (0, root.height - dp(120)) \ if root.theme_cls.device_orientation == "portrait" \ else (0, 0) radius: (root.radius[0], root.radius[1], dp(0), dp(0)) \ if root.theme_cls.device_orientation == "portrait" \ else (root.radius[0], dp(0), dp(0), root.radius[3]) Color: rgba: root.accent_color or app.theme_cls.bg_normal RoundedRectangle: size: (dp(328), dp(512) - dp(120) - root._shift_dialog_height) \ if root.theme_cls.device_orientation == "portrait" \ else (dp(360), dp(328) - root._shift_dialog_height) pos: (0, 0) \ if root.theme_cls.device_orientation == "portrait" \ else (dp(168), 0) radius: (dp(0), dp(0), root.radius[2], root.radius[3]) \ if root.theme_cls.device_orientation == "portrait" \ else (dp(0), root.radius[1], root.radius[2], dp(0)) MDLabel: id: label_title font_style: "Body2" bold: True theme_text_color: "Custom" size_hint_x: None width: root.width adaptive_height: True text: root.title font_name: root.font_name pos: (dp(24), root.height - self.height - dp(18)) \ if root.theme_cls.device_orientation == "portrait" \ else (dp(24), root.height - self.height - dp(24)) text_color: root.text_toolbar_color or root.specific_text_color MDLabel: id: label_full_date font_style: "H4" theme_text_color: "Custom" size_hint_x: None width: root.width adaptive_height: True font_name: root.font_name markup: True pos: (dp(24), root.height - dp(120) + dp(18)) \ if root.theme_cls.device_orientation == "portrait" \ else \ ( \ dp(24) if not root._input_date_dialog_open else dp(168) + dp(24), \ root.height - self.height - dp(96) \ ) text: root._date_label_text text_color: root.text_toolbar_color or root.specific_text_color \ if root.theme_cls.device_orientation == "portrait" else \ root.primary_color or self.theme_cls.primary_color \ if root._input_date_dialog_open else \ root.text_toolbar_color or root.specific_text_color RecycleView: id: _year_layout key_viewclass: "viewclass" size_hint: None, None size: _calendar_layout.size pos: _calendar_layout.pos disabled: True canvas.before: PushMatrix Scale: x: root._scale_year_layout y: root._scale_year_layout origin: self.center canvas.after: PopMatrix SelectYearList: cols: 3 default_size: dp(170), dp(36) default_size_hint: 1, None size_hint_y: None height: self.minimum_height MDIconButton: id: edit_icon icon: "pencil" icon_size: "24sp" theme_icon_color: "Custom" on_release: root.transformation_to_dialog_input_date() \ if not root._input_date_dialog_open else \ Clock.schedule_once(root.transformation_from_dialog_input_date, .15) x: (root.width - self.width - dp(12)) \ if root.theme_cls.device_orientation == "portrait" \ else dp(12) y: (root.height - dp(120) + dp(12)) \ if root.theme_cls.device_orientation == "portrait" \ else dp(12) text_color: root.text_toolbar_color or root.specific_text_color MDLabel: id: label_month_selector font_style: "Body2" -text_size: None, None theme_text_color: "Custom" adaptive_size: True text: calendar.month_name[root.month].capitalize() + " " + str(root.year) font_name: root.font_name pos: (dp(24), root.height - dp(120) - self.height - dp(20)) \ if root.theme_cls.device_orientation == "portrait" \ else (dp(168) + dp(24), label_title.y) text_color: root.text_color or app.theme_cls.text_color DatePickerIconTooltipButton: id: triangle owner: root icon: "menu-down" ripple_scale: .5 theme_icon_color: "Custom" hint_text: "Choose year" on_release: root.transformation_to_dialog_select_year() \ if not root._select_year_dialog_open else \ root.transformation_from_dialog_select_year() pos: (label_month_selector.width + dp(14), root.height - dp(123) - self.height) \ if root.theme_cls.device_orientation == "portrait" \ else (dp(180) + label_month_selector.width, label_title.y - dp(14)) text_color: root.text_color or app.theme_cls.text_color md_bg_color_disabled: 0, 0, 0, 0 DatePickerIconTooltipButton: id: chevron_left owner: root icon: "chevron-left" on_release: root.change_month("prev") theme_icon_color: "Custom" hint_text: "Previous month" x: dp(228) if root.theme_cls.device_orientation == "portrait" \ else dp(418) y: root.height - dp(120) - self.height / 2 - dp(30) \ if root.theme_cls.device_orientation == "portrait" \ else dp(272) text_color: root.text_color or app.theme_cls.text_color DatePickerIconTooltipButton: id: chevron_right owner: root icon: "chevron-right" on_release: root.change_month("next") theme_icon_color: "Custom" hint_text: "Next month" x: dp(272) if root.theme_cls.device_orientation == "portrait" \ else dp(464) y: root.height - dp(120) - self.height / 2 - dp(30) \ if root.theme_cls.device_orientation == "portrait" \ else dp(272) text_color: root.text_color or app.theme_cls.text_color # TODO: Replace the GridLayout with a RecycleView # if it improves performance. GridLayout: id: _calendar_layout cols: 7 size_hint: None, None size: (dp(44 * 7), dp(40 * 7)) \ if root.theme_cls.device_orientation == "portrait" \ else (dp(46 * 7), dp(32 * 7)) col_default_width: dp(42) if root.theme_cls.device_orientation == "portrait" \ else dp(39) padding: (dp(2), 0) if root.theme_cls.device_orientation == "portrait" \ else (dp(7), 0) spacing: (dp(2), 0) if root.theme_cls.device_orientation == "portrait" \ else (dp(7), 0) pos: (dp(10), dp(56)) \ if root.theme_cls.device_orientation == "portrait" \ else (dp(168) + dp(20), dp(44)) canvas.before: PushMatrix Scale: x: root._scale_calendar_layout y: root._scale_calendar_layout origin: self.center canvas.after: PopMatrix MDFlatButton: id: ok_button width: dp(32) pos: root.width - self.width, dp(10) text: "OK" theme_text_color: "Custom" font_name: root.font_name text_color: root.text_button_color or root.theme_cls.primary_color on_release: root.on_ok_button_pressed() MDFlatButton: id: cancel_button text: "CANCEL" on_release: root.dispatch("on_cancel", None) theme_text_color: "Custom" pos: root.width - self.width - ok_button.width - dp(10), dp(10) font_name: root.font_name text_color: root.text_button_color or root.theme_cls.primary_color <DatePickerDaySelectableItem> size_hint: None, None size: (dp(42), dp(42)) \ if root.theme_cls.device_orientation == "portrait" \ else (dp(32), dp(32)) disabled: True # Fill marking the available dates of the range, if using the `range` mode # or use `min_date/max_date`. canvas.before: Color: rgba: (self.owner.selector_color or self.theme_cls.primary_color)[:-1] + [.3] \ if self.is_in_range \ else (0, 0, 0, 0) RoundedRectangle: size: (dp(44), dp(32)) \ if root.theme_cls.device_orientation == "portrait" \ else \ (dp(32), dp(28)) \ if self.is_range_end or self.is_week_end or self.is_month_end \ else (dp(46), dp(28)) pos: (self.x - dp(1.5), self.y + dp(5)) \ if root.theme_cls.device_orientation == "portrait" else \ (self.x, self.y + 1) radius: [ self.width / 2 if self.is_range_start else 0, self.width / 2 if self.is_range_end else 0, self.width / 2 if self.is_range_end else 0, self.width / 2 if self.is_range_start else 0, ] # Selection circle. Color: rgba: root.owner.selector_color or self.theme_cls.primary_color \ if root.is_selected and not self.disabled \ else (0, 0, 0, 0) Ellipse: size: (dp(42), dp(42)) \ if root.theme_cls.device_orientation == "portrait" \ else (dp(32), dp(32)) pos: self.pos MDLabel: font_style: "Caption" size_hint_x: None halign: "center" text: root.text font_name: root.owner.font_name theme_text_color: "Custom" text_color: root.owner.accent_color or root.theme_cls.bg_normal \ if root.is_selected else \ root.owner.text_current_color or root.theme_cls.primary_color \ if root.is_today else \ root.owner.text_color or root.theme_cls.text_color <DatePickerWeekdayLabel> font_style: "Caption" theme_text_color: "Custom" size_hint: None, None text_size: self.size halign: "center" valign: "middle" if root.theme_cls.device_orientation == "portrait" \ else "center" size: (dp(40), dp(40)) if root.theme_cls.device_orientation == "portrait" \ else (dp(32), dp(32)) text_color: root.owner.text_weekday_color or app.theme_cls.disabled_hint_text_color <DatePickerYearSelectableItem> font_style: "Caption" size_hint_x: None valign: "middle" halign: "center" text: root.text theme_text_color: "Custom" text_color: (0, 0, 0, 0) \ if self.owner is None else \ self.owner.accent_color or self.owner.theme_cls.bg_normal \ if self.selected else \ self.owner.text_color or self.owner.theme_cls.text_color on_text: root.font_name = root.owner.font_name canvas.before: Color: rgba: self.owner.selector_color or self.theme_cls.primary_color \ if self.selected else \ (0, 0, 0, 0) RoundedRectangle: pos: self.x + dp(12), self.y size: self.width - dp(24), self.height radius: [root.height / 2, ] <DatePickerInputFieldContainer> adaptive_height: True size_hint_x: None spacing: dp(8) opacity: 0 width: self.owner.width - dp(48) \ if root.owner.theme_cls.device_orientation == "portrait" \ else self.owner.width - dp(168) - dp(48) y: self.owner.height - dp(123) - self.height - dp(20) \ if root.owner.theme_cls.device_orientation == "portrait" \ else self.owner.height - self.height - dp(24) x: dp(24) if root.owner.theme_cls.device_orientation == "portrait" \ else dp(168) + dp(24) <DatePickerInputField> mode: "fill" hint_text: "dd/mm/yyyy" input_filter: root.input_filter fill_color: root.owner.input_field_background_color or (0, 0, 0, .15)