""" HotReload ========= .. versionadded:: 1.0.0 .. image:: https://github.com/HeaTTheatR/KivyMD-data/raw/master/gallery/kivymddoc/hot-reload.png :align: center .. rubric:: Hot reload tool - is a fork of the project https://github.com/tito/kaki .. note:: Since the project is not developing, we decided to include it in the KivvMD library and hope that the further development of the hot reload tool in the KivyMD project will develop faster. .. rubric:: This library enhance Kivy frameworks with opiniated features such as: - Auto reloading kv or py (watchdog required, limited to some uses cases); - Idle detection support; - Foreground lock (Windows OS only); Usage ----- .. note:: See `create project with hot reload <https://kivymd.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api/kivymd/tools/patterns/create_project/#create-project-with-hot-reload>`_ for more information. TODO ---- - Add automatic reloading of Python classes; - Add save application state on reloading; FIXME ----- - On Windows, hot reloading of Python files may not work; """ import os import sys import traceback from fnmatch import fnmatch from os.path import join, realpath original_argv = sys.argv from kivy.base import ExceptionHandler, ExceptionManager # NOQA E402 from kivy.clock import Clock, mainthread # NOQA E402 from kivy.factory import Factory # NOQA E402 from kivy.lang import Builder # NOQA E402 from kivy.logger import Logger # NOQA E402 from kivy.properties import ( # NOQA E402 BooleanProperty, DictProperty, ListProperty, NumericProperty, ) from kivymd.app import MDApp as BaseApp # NOQA E402 try: from monotonic import monotonic except ImportError: monotonic = None try: from importlib import reload PY3 = True except ImportError: PY3 = False import watchdog # NOQA class ExceptionClass(ExceptionHandler): def handle_exception(self, inst): if isinstance(inst, (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit)): return ExceptionManager.RAISE app = MDApp.get_running_app() if not app.DEBUG and not app.RAISE_ERROR: return ExceptionManager.RAISE app.set_error(inst, tb=traceback.format_exc()) return ExceptionManager.PASS ExceptionManager.add_handler(ExceptionClass()) class MDApp(BaseApp): """HotReload Application class.""" DEBUG = BooleanProperty("DEBUG" in os.environ) """ Control either we activate debugging in the app or not. Defaults depend if 'DEBUG' exists in os.environ. :attr:`DEBUG` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.BooleanProperty`. """ FOREGROUND_LOCK = BooleanProperty(False) """ If `True` it will require the foreground lock on windows. :attr:`FOREGROUND_LOCK` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.BooleanProperty` and defaults to `False`. """ KV_FILES = ListProperty() """ List of KV files under management for auto reloader. :attr:`KV_FILES` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.ListProperty` and defaults to `[]`. """ KV_DIRS = ListProperty() """ List of managed KV directories for autoloader. :attr:`KV_DIRS` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.ListProperty` and defaults to `[]`. """ AUTORELOADER_PATHS = ListProperty([(".", {"recursive": True})]) """ List of path to watch for auto reloading. :attr:`AUTORELOADER_PATHS` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.ListProperty` and defaults to `([(".", {"recursive": True})]`. """ AUTORELOADER_IGNORE_PATTERNS = ListProperty(["*.pyc", "*__pycache__*"]) """ List of extensions to ignore. :attr:`AUTORELOADER_IGNORE_PATTERNS` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.ListProperty` and defaults to `['*.pyc', '*__pycache__*']`. """ CLASSES = DictProperty() """ Factory classes managed by hotreload. :attr:`CLASSES` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.DictProperty` and defaults to `{}`. """ IDLE_DETECTION = BooleanProperty(False) """ Idle detection (if True, event on_idle/on_wakeup will be fired). Rearming idle can also be done with `rearm_idle()`. :attr:`IDLE_DETECTION` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.BooleanProperty` and defaults to `False`. """ IDLE_TIMEOUT = NumericProperty(60) """ Default idle timeout. :attr:`IDLE_TIMEOUT` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.NumericProperty` and defaults to `60`. """ RAISE_ERROR = BooleanProperty(True) """ Raise error. When the `DEBUG` is activated, it will raise any error instead of showing it on the screen. If you still want to show the error when not in `DEBUG`, put this to `False`. :attr:`RAISE_ERROR` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.BooleanProperty` and defaults to `True`. """ __events__ = ["on_idle", "on_wakeup"] def build(self): if self.DEBUG: Logger.info("{}: Debug mode activated".format(self.appname)) self.enable_autoreload() self.patch_builder() self.bind_key(32, self.rebuild) if self.FOREGROUND_LOCK: self.prepare_foreground_lock() self.state = None self.approot = None self.root = self.get_root() self.rebuild(first=True) if self.IDLE_DETECTION: self.install_idle(timeout=self.IDLE_TIMEOUT) return super().build() def get_root(self): """ Return a root widget, that will contains your application. It should not be your application widget itself, as it may be destroyed and recreated from scratch when reloading. By default, it returns a RelativeLayout, but it could be a Viewport. """ return Factory.RelativeLayout() def get_root_path(self): """Return the root file path.""" return realpath(os.getcwd()) def build_app(self, first=False): """ Must return your application widget. If `first` is set, it means that will be your first time ever that the application is built. Act according to it. """ raise NotImplementedError() def unload_app_dependencies(self): """ Called when all the application dependencies must be unloaded. Usually happen before a reload """ for path_to_kv_file in self.KV_FILES: path_to_kv_file = realpath(path_to_kv_file) Builder.unload_file(path_to_kv_file) for name, module in self.CLASSES.items(): Factory.unregister(name) for path in self.KV_DIRS: for path_to_dir, dirs, files in os.walk(path): for name_file in files: if os.path.splitext(name_file)[1] == ".kv": path_to_kv_file = os.path.join(path_to_dir, name_file) Builder.unload_file(path_to_kv_file) def load_app_dependencies(self): """ Load all the application dependencies. This is called before rebuild. """ for path_to_kv_file in self.KV_FILES: path_to_kv_file = realpath(path_to_kv_file) Builder.load_file(path_to_kv_file) for name, module in self.CLASSES.items(): Factory.register(name, module=module) for path in self.KV_DIRS: for path_to_dir, dirs, files in os.walk(path): for name_file in files: if os.path.splitext(name_file)[1] == ".kv": path_to_kv_file = os.path.join(path_to_dir, name_file) Builder.load_file(path_to_kv_file) def rebuild(self, *args, **kwargs): print("{}: Rebuild the application".format(self.appname)) first = kwargs.get("first", False) try: if not first: self.unload_app_dependencies() # In case the loading fail in the middle of building a widget # there will be existing rules context that will break later # instanciation. # Just clean it. Builder.rulectx = {} self.load_app_dependencies() self.set_widget(None) self.approot = self.build_app() self.set_widget(self.approot) self.apply_state(self.state) except Exception as exc: import traceback Logger.exception("{}: Error when building app".format(self.appname)) self.set_error(repr(exc), traceback.format_exc()) if not self.DEBUG and self.RAISE_ERROR: raise @mainthread def set_error(self, exc, tb=None): print(tb) from kivy.core.window import Window from kivy.utils import get_color_from_hex Window.clearcolor = get_color_from_hex("#e50000") scroll = Factory.ScrollView(scroll_y=0) lbl = Factory.Label( text_size=(Window.width - 100, None), size_hint_y=None, text="{}\n\n{}".format(exc, tb or ""), ) lbl.bind(texture_size=lbl.setter("size")) scroll.add_widget(lbl) self.set_widget(scroll) def bind_key(self, key, callback): """Bind a key (keycode) to a callback (cannot be unbind).""" from kivy.core.window import Window def _on_keyboard(window, keycode, *args): if key == keycode: return callback() Window.bind(on_keyboard=_on_keyboard) @property def appname(self): """Return the name of the application class.""" return self.__class__.__name__ def enable_autoreload(self): """ Enable autoreload manually. It is activated automatically if "DEBUG" exists in environ. It requires the `watchdog` module. """ try: from watchdog.events import FileSystemEventHandler from watchdog.observers import Observer except ImportError: Logger.warn( "{}: Autoreloader is missing watchdog".format(self.appname) ) return Logger.info("{}: Autoreloader activated".format(self.appname)) rootpath = self.get_root_path() self.w_handler = handler = FileSystemEventHandler() handler.dispatch = self._reload_from_watchdog self._observer = observer = Observer() for path in self.AUTORELOADER_PATHS: options = {"recursive": True} if isinstance(path, (tuple, list)): path, options = path observer.schedule(handler, join(rootpath, path), **options) observer.start() def prepare_foreground_lock(self): """ Try forcing app to front permanently to avoid windows pop ups and notifications etc.app. Requires fake full screen and borderless. .. note:: This function is called automatically if `FOREGROUND_LOCK` is set """ try: import ctypes LSFW_LOCK = 1 ctypes.windll.user32.LockSetForegroundWindow(LSFW_LOCK) Logger.info("App: Foreground lock activated") except Exception: Logger.warn("App: No foreground lock available") def set_widget(self, wid): """ Clear the root container, and set the new approot widget to `wid`. """ self.root.clear_widgets() self.approot = wid if wid is None: return self.root.add_widget(self.approot) try: wid.do_layout() except Exception: pass # State management. def apply_state(self, state): """Whatever the current state is, reapply the current state.""" # Idle management leave. def install_idle(self, timeout=60): """ Install the idle detector. Default timeout is 60s. Once installed, it will check every second if the idle timer expired. The timer can be rearm using :func:`rearm_idle`. """ if monotonic is None: Logger.exception( "{}: Cannot use idle detector, monotonic is missing".format( self.appname ) ) self.idle_timer = None self.idle_timeout = timeout Logger.info( "{}: Install idle detector, {} seconds".format( self.appname, timeout ) ) Clock.schedule_interval(self._check_idle, 1) self.root.bind( on_touch_down=self.rearm_idle, on_touch_up=self.rearm_idle ) def rearm_idle(self, *args): """Rearm the idle timer.""" if not hasattr(self, "idle_timer"): return if self.idle_timer is None: self.dispatch("on_wakeup") self.idle_timer = monotonic() # Internals. def patch_builder(self): Builder.orig_load_string = Builder.load_string Builder.load_string = self._builder_load_string def on_idle(self, *args): """Event fired when the application enter the idle mode.""" def on_wakeup(self, *args): """Event fired when the application leaves idle mode.""" @mainthread def _reload_from_watchdog(self, event): from watchdog.events import FileModifiedEvent if not isinstance(event, FileModifiedEvent): return for pat in self.AUTORELOADER_IGNORE_PATTERNS: if fnmatch(event.src_path, pat): return if event.src_path.endswith(".py"): # source changed, reload it try: Builder.unload_file(event.src_path) self._reload_py(event.src_path) except Exception as e: import traceback self.set_error(repr(e), traceback.format_exc()) return Clock.unschedule(self.rebuild) Clock.schedule_once(self.rebuild, 0.1) def _builder_load_string(self, string, **kwargs): if "filename" not in kwargs: from inspect import getframeinfo, stack caller = getframeinfo(stack()[1][0]) kwargs["filename"] = caller.filename return Builder.orig_load_string(string, **kwargs) def _check_idle(self, *args): if not hasattr(self, "idle_timer"): return if self.idle_timer is None: return if monotonic() - self.idle_timer > self.idle_timeout: self.idle_timer = None self.dispatch("on_idle") def _reload_py(self, filename): # We don't have dependency graph yet, so if the module actually exists # reload it. filename = realpath(filename) # Check if it's our own application file. try: mod = sys.modules[self.__class__.__module__] mod_filename = realpath(mod.__file__) except Exception: mod_filename = None # Detect if it's the application class // main. if mod_filename == filename: return self._restart_app(mod) module = self._filename_to_module(filename) if module in sys.modules: Logger.debug("{}: Module exist, reload it".format(self.appname)) Factory.unregister_from_filename(filename) self._unregister_factory_from_module(module) reload(sys.modules[module]) def _unregister_factory_from_module(self, module): # Check module directly. to_remove = [ x for x in Factory.classes if Factory.classes[x]["module"] == module ] # Check class name. for x in Factory.classes: cls = Factory.classes[x]["cls"] if not cls: continue if getattr(cls, "__module__", None) == module: to_remove.append(x) for name in set(to_remove): del Factory.classes[name] def _filename_to_module(self, filename): orig_filename = filename rootpath = self.get_root_path() if filename.startswith(rootpath): filename = filename[len(rootpath) :] if filename.startswith("/"): filename = filename[1:] module = filename[:-3].replace("/", ".") Logger.debug( "{}: Translated {} to {}".format( self.appname, orig_filename, module ) ) return module def _restart_app(self, mod): _has_execv = sys.platform != "win32" cmd = [sys.executable] + original_argv if not _has_execv: import subprocess subprocess.Popen(cmd) sys.exit(0) else: try: os.execv(sys.executable, cmd) except OSError: os.spawnv(os.P_NOWAIT, sys.executable, cmd) os._exit(0)