2024-06-04 03:19:24 +02:00

1400 lines
48 KiB

from __future__ import division
import array
import os
import subprocess
from tempfile import TemporaryFile, NamedTemporaryFile
import wave
import sys
import struct
from .logging_utils import log_conversion, log_subprocess_output
from .utils import mediainfo_json, fsdecode
import base64
from collections import namedtuple
from StringIO import StringIO
from io import StringIO
from io import BytesIO
from itertools import izip
izip = zip
from .utils import (
from .exceptions import (
if sys.version_info >= (3, 0):
basestring = str
xrange = range
StringIO = BytesIO
class ClassPropertyDescriptor(object):
def __init__(self, fget, fset=None):
self.fget = fget
self.fset = fset
def __get__(self, obj, klass=None):
if klass is None:
klass = type(obj)
return self.fget.__get__(obj, klass)()
def __set__(self, obj, value):
if not self.fset:
raise AttributeError("can't set attribute")
type_ = type(obj)
return self.fset.__get__(obj, type_)(value)
def setter(self, func):
if not isinstance(func, (classmethod, staticmethod)):
func = classmethod(func)
self.fset = func
return self
def classproperty(func):
if not isinstance(func, (classmethod, staticmethod)):
func = classmethod(func)
return ClassPropertyDescriptor(func)
"m4a": "mp4",
"wave": "wav",
WavSubChunk = namedtuple('WavSubChunk', ['id', 'position', 'size'])
WavData = namedtuple('WavData', ['audio_format', 'channels', 'sample_rate',
'bits_per_sample', 'raw_data'])
def extract_wav_headers(data):
# def search_subchunk(data, subchunk_id):
pos = 12 # The size of the RIFF chunk descriptor
subchunks = []
while pos + 8 <= len(data) and len(subchunks) < 10:
subchunk_id = data[pos:pos + 4]
subchunk_size = struct.unpack_from('<I', data[pos + 4:pos + 8])[0]
subchunks.append(WavSubChunk(subchunk_id, pos, subchunk_size))
if subchunk_id == b'data':
# 'data' is the last subchunk
pos += subchunk_size + 8
return subchunks
def read_wav_audio(data, headers=None):
if not headers:
headers = extract_wav_headers(data)
fmt = [x for x in headers if == b'fmt ']
if not fmt or fmt[0].size < 16:
raise CouldntDecodeError("Couldn't find fmt header in wav data")
fmt = fmt[0]
pos = fmt.position + 8
audio_format = struct.unpack_from('<H', data[pos:pos + 2])[0]
if audio_format != 1 and audio_format != 0xFFFE:
raise CouldntDecodeError("Unknown audio format 0x%X in wav data" %
channels = struct.unpack_from('<H', data[pos + 2:pos + 4])[0]
sample_rate = struct.unpack_from('<I', data[pos + 4:pos + 8])[0]
bits_per_sample = struct.unpack_from('<H', data[pos + 14:pos + 16])[0]
data_hdr = headers[-1]
if != b'data':
raise CouldntDecodeError("Couldn't find data header in wav data")
pos = data_hdr.position + 8
return WavData(audio_format, channels, sample_rate, bits_per_sample,
data[pos:pos + data_hdr.size])
def fix_wav_headers(data):
headers = extract_wav_headers(data)
if not headers or headers[-1].id != b'data':
# TODO: Handle huge files in some other way
if len(data) > 2**32:
raise CouldntDecodeError("Unable to process >4GB files")
# Set the file size in the RIFF chunk descriptor
data[4:8] = struct.pack('<I', len(data) - 8)
# Set the data size in the data subchunk
pos = headers[-1].position
data[pos + 4:pos + 8] = struct.pack('<I', len(data) - pos - 8)
class AudioSegment(object):
AudioSegments are *immutable* objects representing segments of audio
that can be manipulated using python code.
AudioSegments are slicable using milliseconds.
for example:
a = AudioSegment.from_mp3(mp3file)
first_second = a[:1000] # get the first second of an mp3
slice = a[5000:10000] # get a slice from 5 to 10 seconds of an mp3
converter = get_encoder_name() # either ffmpeg or avconv
# TODO: remove in 1.0 release
# maintain backwards compatibility for ffmpeg attr (now called converter)
def ffmpeg(cls):
return cls.converter
def ffmpeg(cls, val):
cls.converter = val
"ogg": "libvorbis"
def __init__(self, data=None, *args, **kwargs):
self.sample_width = kwargs.pop("sample_width", None)
self.frame_rate = kwargs.pop("frame_rate", None)
self.channels = kwargs.pop("channels", None)
audio_params = (self.sample_width, self.frame_rate, self.channels)
if isinstance(data, array.array):
data = data.tobytes()
data = data.tostring()
# prevent partial specification of arguments
if any(audio_params) and None in audio_params:
raise MissingAudioParameter("Either all audio parameters or no parameter must be specified")
# all arguments are given
elif self.sample_width is not None:
if len(data) % (self.sample_width * self.channels) != 0:
raise ValueError("data length must be a multiple of '(sample_width * channels)'")
self.frame_width = self.channels * self.sample_width
self._data = data
# keep support for 'metadata' until audio params are used everywhere
elif kwargs.get('metadata', False):
# internal use only
self._data = data
for attr, val in kwargs.pop('metadata').items():
setattr(self, attr, val)
# normal construction
data = data if isinstance(data, (basestring, bytes)) else
d = b''
reader = ** 31 - 1)
while reader:
d += reader
reader = ** 31 - 1)
data = d
wav_data = read_wav_audio(data)
if not wav_data:
raise CouldntDecodeError("Couldn't read wav audio from data")
self.channels = wav_data.channels
self.sample_width = wav_data.bits_per_sample // 8
self.frame_rate = wav_data.sample_rate
self.frame_width = self.channels * self.sample_width
self._data = wav_data.raw_data
if self.sample_width == 1:
# convert from unsigned integers in wav
self._data = audioop.bias(self._data, 1, -128)
# Convert 24-bit audio to 32-bit audio.
# (stdlib audioop and array modules do not support 24-bit data)
if self.sample_width == 3:
byte_buffer = BytesIO()
# Workaround for python 2 vs python 3. _data in 2.x are length-1 strings,
# And in 3.x are ints.
pack_fmt = 'BBB' if isinstance(self._data[0], int) else 'ccc'
# This conversion maintains the 24 bit values. The values are
# not scaled up to the 32 bit range. Other conversions could be
# implemented.
i = iter(self._data)
padding = {False: b'\x00', True: b'\xFF'}
for b0, b1, b2 in izip(i, i, i):
byte_buffer.write(padding[b2 > b'\x7f'[0]])
old_bytes = struct.pack(pack_fmt, b0, b1, b2)
self._data = byte_buffer.getvalue()
self.sample_width = 4
self.frame_width = self.channels * self.sample_width
super(AudioSegment, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def raw_data(self):
public access to the raw audio data as a bytestring
return self._data
def get_array_of_samples(self, array_type_override=None):
returns the raw_data as an array of samples
if array_type_override is None:
array_type_override = self.array_type
return array.array(array_type_override, self._data)
def array_type(self):
return get_array_type(self.sample_width * 8)
def __len__(self):
returns the length of this audio segment in milliseconds
return round(1000 * (self.frame_count() / self.frame_rate))
def __eq__(self, other):
return self._data == other._data
return False
def __hash__(self):
return hash(AudioSegment) ^ hash((self.channels, self.frame_rate, self.sample_width, self._data))
def __ne__(self, other):
return not (self == other)
def __iter__(self):
return (self[i] for i in xrange(len(self)))
def __getitem__(self, millisecond):
if isinstance(millisecond, slice):
if millisecond.step:
return (
self[i:i + millisecond.step]
for i in xrange(*millisecond.indices(len(self)))
start = millisecond.start if millisecond.start is not None else 0
end = millisecond.stop if millisecond.stop is not None \
else len(self)
start = min(start, len(self))
end = min(end, len(self))
start = millisecond
end = millisecond + 1
start = self._parse_position(start) * self.frame_width
end = self._parse_position(end) * self.frame_width
data = self._data[start:end]
# ensure the output is as long as the requester is expecting
expected_length = end - start
missing_frames = (expected_length - len(data)) // self.frame_width
if missing_frames:
if missing_frames > self.frame_count(ms=2):
raise TooManyMissingFrames(
"You should never be filling in "
" more than 2 ms with silence here, "
"missing frames: %s" % missing_frames)
silence = audioop.mul(data[:self.frame_width],
self.sample_width, 0)
data += (silence * missing_frames)
return self._spawn(data)
def get_sample_slice(self, start_sample=None, end_sample=None):
Get a section of the audio segment by sample index.
NOTE: Negative indices do *not* address samples backword
from the end of the audio segment like a python list.
This is intentional.
max_val = int(self.frame_count())
def bounded(val, default):
if val is None:
return default
if val < 0:
return 0
if val > max_val:
return max_val
return val
start_i = bounded(start_sample, 0) * self.frame_width
end_i = bounded(end_sample, max_val) * self.frame_width
data = self._data[start_i:end_i]
return self._spawn(data)
def __add__(self, arg):
if isinstance(arg, AudioSegment):
return self.append(arg, crossfade=0)
return self.apply_gain(arg)
def __radd__(self, rarg):
Permit use of sum() builtin with an iterable of AudioSegments
if rarg == 0:
return self
raise TypeError("Gains must be the second addend after the "
def __sub__(self, arg):
if isinstance(arg, AudioSegment):
raise TypeError("AudioSegment objects can't be subtracted from "
"each other")
return self.apply_gain(-arg)
def __mul__(self, arg):
If the argument is an AudioSegment, overlay the multiplied audio
If it's a number, just use the string multiply operation to repeat the
The following would return an AudioSegment that contains the
audio of audio_seg eight times
`audio_seg * 8`
if isinstance(arg, AudioSegment):
return self.overlay(arg, position=0, loop=True)
return self._spawn(data=self._data * arg)
def _spawn(self, data, overrides={}):
Creates a new audio segment using the metadata from the current one
and the data passed in. Should be used whenever an AudioSegment is
being returned by an operation that would alters the current one,
since AudioSegment objects are immutable.
# accept lists of data chunks
if isinstance(data, list):
data = b''.join(data)
if isinstance(data, array.array):
data = data.tobytes()
data = data.tostring()
# accept file-like objects
if hasattr(data, 'read'):
if hasattr(data, 'seek'):
data =
metadata = {
'sample_width': self.sample_width,
'frame_rate': self.frame_rate,
'frame_width': self.frame_width,
'channels': self.channels
return self.__class__(data=data, metadata=metadata)
def _sync(cls, *segs):
channels = max(seg.channels for seg in segs)
frame_rate = max(seg.frame_rate for seg in segs)
sample_width = max(seg.sample_width for seg in segs)
return tuple(
for seg in segs
def _parse_position(self, val):
if val < 0:
val = len(self) - abs(val)
val = self.frame_count(ms=len(self)) if val == float("inf") else \
return int(val)
def empty(cls):
return cls(b'', metadata={
"channels": 1,
"sample_width": 1,
"frame_rate": 1,
"frame_width": 1
def silent(cls, duration=1000, frame_rate=11025):
Generate a silent audio segment.
duration specified in milliseconds (default duration: 1000ms, default frame_rate: 11025).
frames = int(frame_rate * (duration / 1000.0))
data = b"\0\0" * frames
return cls(data, metadata={"channels": 1,
"sample_width": 2,
"frame_rate": frame_rate,
"frame_width": 2})
def from_mono_audiosegments(cls, *mono_segments):
if not len(mono_segments):
raise ValueError("At least one AudioSegment instance is required")
segs = cls._sync(*mono_segments)
if segs[0].channels != 1:
raise ValueError(
"AudioSegment.from_mono_audiosegments requires all arguments are mono AudioSegment instances")
channels = len(segs)
sample_width = segs[0].sample_width
frame_rate = segs[0].frame_rate
frame_count = max(int(seg.frame_count()) for seg in segs)
data = array.array(
b'\0' * (frame_count * sample_width * channels)
for i, seg in enumerate(segs):
data[i::channels] = seg.get_array_of_samples()
return cls(
def from_file_using_temporary_files(cls, file, format=None, codec=None, parameters=None, start_second=None, duration=None, **kwargs):
orig_file = file
file, close_file = _fd_or_path_or_tempfile(file, 'rb', tempfile=False)
if format:
format = format.lower()
format = AUDIO_FILE_EXT_ALIASES.get(format, format)
def is_format(f):
f = f.lower()
if format == f:
return True
if isinstance(orig_file, basestring):
return orig_file.lower().endswith(".{0}".format(f))
if isinstance(orig_file, bytes):
return orig_file.lower().endswith((".{0}".format(f)).encode('utf8'))
return False
if is_format("wav"):
obj = cls._from_safe_wav(file)
if close_file:
if start_second is None and duration is None:
return obj
elif start_second is not None and duration is None:
return obj[start_second*1000:]
elif start_second is None and duration is not None:
return obj[:duration*1000]
return obj[start_second*1000:(start_second+duration)*1000]
elif is_format("raw") or is_format("pcm"):
sample_width = kwargs['sample_width']
frame_rate = kwargs['frame_rate']
channels = kwargs['channels']
metadata = {
'sample_width': sample_width,
'frame_rate': frame_rate,
'channels': channels,
'frame_width': channels * sample_width
obj = cls(, metadata=metadata)
if close_file:
if start_second is None and duration is None:
return obj
elif start_second is not None and duration is None:
return obj[start_second * 1000:]
elif start_second is None and duration is not None:
return obj[:duration * 1000]
return obj[start_second * 1000:(start_second + duration) * 1000]
input_file = NamedTemporaryFile(mode='wb', delete=False)
input_file = NamedTemporaryFile(mode='wb', delete=False, buffering=2 ** 31 - 1)
if close_file:
close_file = True
file = open(orig_file, buffering=2 ** 13 - 1, mode='rb')
reader = ** 31 - 1)
while reader:
reader = ** 31 - 1)
if close_file:
output = NamedTemporaryFile(mode="rb", delete=False)
conversion_command = [cls.converter,
'-y', # always overwrite existing files
# If format is not defined
# ffmpeg/avconv will detect it automatically
if format:
conversion_command += ["-f", format]
if codec:
# force audio decoder
conversion_command += ["-acodec", codec]
conversion_command += [
"-i",, # input_file options (filename last)
"-vn", # Drop any video streams if there are any
"-f", "wav" # output options (filename last)
if start_second is not None:
conversion_command += ["-ss", str(start_second)]
if duration is not None:
conversion_command += ["-t", str(duration)]
conversion_command += []
if parameters is not None:
# extend arguments with arbitrary set
with open(os.devnull, 'rb') as devnull:
p = subprocess.Popen(conversion_command, stdin=devnull, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
p_out, p_err = p.communicate()
if p.returncode != 0:
raise CouldntDecodeError(
"Decoding failed. ffmpeg returned error code: {0}\n\nOutput from ffmpeg/avlib:\n\n{1}".format(
p.returncode, p_err.decode(errors='ignore') ))
obj = cls._from_safe_wav(output)
if start_second is None and duration is None:
return obj
elif start_second is not None and duration is None:
return obj[0:]
elif start_second is None and duration is not None:
return obj[:duration * 1000]
return obj[0:duration * 1000]
def from_file(cls, file, format=None, codec=None, parameters=None, start_second=None, duration=None, **kwargs):
orig_file = file
filename = fsdecode(file)
except TypeError:
filename = None
file, close_file = _fd_or_path_or_tempfile(file, 'rb', tempfile=False)
if format:
format = format.lower()
format = AUDIO_FILE_EXT_ALIASES.get(format, format)
def is_format(f):
f = f.lower()
if format == f:
return True
if filename:
return filename.lower().endswith(".{0}".format(f))
return False
if is_format("wav"):
if start_second is None and duration is None:
return cls._from_safe_wav(file)
elif start_second is not None and duration is None:
return cls._from_safe_wav(file)[start_second*1000:]
elif start_second is None and duration is not None:
return cls._from_safe_wav(file)[:duration*1000]
return cls._from_safe_wav(file)[start_second*1000:(start_second+duration)*1000]
elif is_format("raw") or is_format("pcm"):
sample_width = kwargs['sample_width']
frame_rate = kwargs['frame_rate']
channels = kwargs['channels']
metadata = {
'sample_width': sample_width,
'frame_rate': frame_rate,
'channels': channels,
'frame_width': channels * sample_width
if start_second is None and duration is None:
return cls(, metadata=metadata)
elif start_second is not None and duration is None:
return cls(, metadata=metadata)[start_second*1000:]
elif start_second is None and duration is not None:
return cls(, metadata=metadata)[:duration*1000]
return cls(, metadata=metadata)[start_second*1000:(start_second+duration)*1000]
conversion_command = [cls.converter,
'-y', # always overwrite existing files
# If format is not defined
# ffmpeg/avconv will detect it automatically
if format:
conversion_command += ["-f", format]
if codec:
# force audio decoder
conversion_command += ["-acodec", codec]
read_ahead_limit = kwargs.get('read_ahead_limit', -1)
if filename:
conversion_command += ["-i", filename]
stdin_parameter = None
stdin_data = None
if cls.converter == 'ffmpeg':
conversion_command += ["-read_ahead_limit", str(read_ahead_limit),
"-i", "cache:pipe:0"]
conversion_command += ["-i", "-"]
stdin_parameter = subprocess.PIPE
stdin_data =
if codec:
info = None
info = mediainfo_json(orig_file, read_ahead_limit=read_ahead_limit)
if info:
audio_streams = [x for x in info['streams']
if x['codec_type'] == 'audio']
# This is a workaround for some ffprobe versions that always say
# that mp3/mp4/aac/webm/ogg files contain fltp samples
audio_codec = audio_streams[0].get('codec_name')
if (audio_streams[0].get('sample_fmt') == 'fltp' and
audio_codec in ['mp3', 'mp4', 'aac', 'webm', 'ogg']):
bits_per_sample = 16
bits_per_sample = audio_streams[0]['bits_per_sample']
if bits_per_sample == 8:
acodec = 'pcm_u8'
acodec = 'pcm_s%dle' % bits_per_sample
conversion_command += ["-acodec", acodec]
conversion_command += [
"-vn", # Drop any video streams if there are any
"-f", "wav" # output options (filename last)
if start_second is not None:
conversion_command += ["-ss", str(start_second)]
if duration is not None:
conversion_command += ["-t", str(duration)]
conversion_command += ["-"]
if parameters is not None:
# extend arguments with arbitrary set
p = subprocess.Popen(conversion_command, stdin=stdin_parameter,
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
p_out, p_err = p.communicate(input=stdin_data)
if p.returncode != 0 or len(p_out) == 0:
if close_file:
raise CouldntDecodeError(
"Decoding failed. ffmpeg returned error code: {0}\n\nOutput from ffmpeg/avlib:\n\n{1}".format(
p.returncode, p_err.decode(errors='ignore') ))
p_out = bytearray(p_out)
p_out = bytes(p_out)
obj = cls(p_out)
if close_file:
if start_second is None and duration is None:
return obj
elif start_second is not None and duration is None:
return obj[0:]
elif start_second is None and duration is not None:
return obj[:duration * 1000]
return obj[0:duration * 1000]
def from_mp3(cls, file, parameters=None):
return cls.from_file(file, 'mp3', parameters=parameters)
def from_flv(cls, file, parameters=None):
return cls.from_file(file, 'flv', parameters=parameters)
def from_ogg(cls, file, parameters=None):
return cls.from_file(file, 'ogg', parameters=parameters)
def from_wav(cls, file, parameters=None):
return cls.from_file(file, 'wav', parameters=parameters)
def from_raw(cls, file, **kwargs):
return cls.from_file(file, 'raw', sample_width=kwargs['sample_width'], frame_rate=kwargs['frame_rate'],
def _from_safe_wav(cls, file):
file, close_file = _fd_or_path_or_tempfile(file, 'rb', tempfile=False)
obj = cls(data=file)
if close_file:
return obj
def export(self, out_f=None, format='mp3', codec=None, bitrate=None, parameters=None, tags=None, id3v2_version='4',
Export an AudioSegment to a file with given options
out_f (string):
Path to destination audio file. Also accepts os.PathLike objects on
python >= 3.6
format (string)
Format for destination audio file.
('mp3', 'wav', 'raw', 'ogg' or other ffmpeg/avconv supported files)
codec (string)
Codec used to encode the destination file.
bitrate (string)
Bitrate used when encoding destination file. (64, 92, 128, 256, 312k...)
Each codec accepts different bitrate arguments so take a look at the
ffmpeg documentation for details (bitrate usually shown as -b, -ba or
parameters (list of strings)
Aditional ffmpeg/avconv parameters
tags (dict)
Set metadata information to destination files
usually used as tags. ({title='Song Title', artist='Song Artist'})
id3v2_version (string)
Set ID3v2 version for tags. (default: '4')
cover (file)
Set cover for audio file from image file. (png or jpg)
id3v2_allowed_versions = ['3', '4']
if format == "raw" and (codec is not None or parameters is not None):
raise AttributeError(
'Can not invoke ffmpeg when export format is "raw"; '
'specify an ffmpeg raw format like format="s16le" instead '
'or call export(format="raw") with no codec or parameters')
out_f, _ = _fd_or_path_or_tempfile(out_f, 'wb+')
if format == "raw":
return out_f
# wav with no ffmpeg parameters can just be written directly to out_f
easy_wav = format == "wav" and codec is None and parameters is None
if easy_wav:
data = out_f
data = NamedTemporaryFile(mode="wb", delete=False)
pcm_for_wav = self._data
if self.sample_width == 1:
# convert to unsigned integers for wav
pcm_for_wav = audioop.bias(self._data, 1, 128)
wave_data =, 'wb')
# For some reason packing the wave header struct with
# a float in python 2 doesn't throw an exception
# for easy wav files, we're done (wav data is written directly to out_f)
if easy_wav:
return out_f
output = NamedTemporaryFile(mode="w+b", delete=False)
# build converter command to export
conversion_command = [
'-y', # always overwrite existing files
"-f", "wav", "-i",, # input options (filename last)
if codec is None:
codec = self.DEFAULT_CODECS.get(format, None)
if cover is not None:
if cover.lower().endswith(('.png', '.jpg', '.jpeg', '.bmp', '.tif', '.tiff')) and format == "mp3":
conversion_command.extend(["-i", cover, "-map", "0", "-map", "1", "-c:v", "mjpeg"])
raise AttributeError(
"Currently cover images are only supported by MP3 files. The allowed image formats are: .tif, .jpg, .bmp, .jpeg and .png.")
if codec is not None:
# force audio encoder
conversion_command.extend(["-acodec", codec])
if bitrate is not None:
conversion_command.extend(["-b:a", bitrate])
if parameters is not None:
# extend arguments with arbitrary set
if tags is not None:
if not isinstance(tags, dict):
raise InvalidTag("Tags must be a dictionary.")
# Extend converter command with tags
# print(tags)
for key, value in tags.items():
['-metadata', '{0}={1}'.format(key, value)])
if format == 'mp3':
# set id3v2 tag version
if id3v2_version not in id3v2_allowed_versions:
raise InvalidID3TagVersion(
"id3v2_version not allowed, allowed versions: %s" % id3v2_allowed_versions)
"-id3v2_version", id3v2_version
if sys.platform == 'darwin' and codec == 'mp3':
conversion_command.extend(["-write_xing", "0"])
"-f", format,, # output options (filename last)
# read stdin / write stdout
with open(os.devnull, 'rb') as devnull:
p = subprocess.Popen(conversion_command, stdin=devnull, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
p_out, p_err = p.communicate()
if p.returncode != 0:
raise CouldntEncodeError(
"Encoding failed. ffmpeg/avlib returned error code: {0}\n\nCommand:{1}\n\nOutput from ffmpeg/avlib:\n\n{2}".format(
p.returncode, conversion_command, p_err.decode(errors='ignore') ))
return out_f
def get_frame(self, index):
frame_start = index * self.frame_width
frame_end = frame_start + self.frame_width
return self._data[frame_start:frame_end]
def frame_count(self, ms=None):
returns the number of frames for the given number of milliseconds, or
if not specified, the number of frames in the whole AudioSegment
if ms is not None:
return ms * (self.frame_rate / 1000.0)
return float(len(self._data) // self.frame_width)
def set_sample_width(self, sample_width):
if sample_width == self.sample_width:
return self
frame_width = self.channels * sample_width
return self._spawn(
audioop.lin2lin(self._data, self.sample_width, sample_width),
overrides={'sample_width': sample_width, 'frame_width': frame_width}
def set_frame_rate(self, frame_rate):
if frame_rate == self.frame_rate:
return self
if self._data:
converted, _ = audioop.ratecv(self._data, self.sample_width,
self.channels, self.frame_rate,
frame_rate, None)
converted = self._data
return self._spawn(data=converted,
overrides={'frame_rate': frame_rate})
def set_channels(self, channels):
if channels == self.channels:
return self
if channels == 2 and self.channels == 1:
fn = audioop.tostereo
frame_width = self.frame_width * 2
fac = 1
converted = fn(self._data, self.sample_width, fac, fac)
elif channels == 1 and self.channels == 2:
fn = audioop.tomono
frame_width = self.frame_width // 2
fac = 0.5
converted = fn(self._data, self.sample_width, fac, fac)
elif channels == 1:
channels_data = [seg.get_array_of_samples() for seg in self.split_to_mono()]
frame_count = int(self.frame_count())
converted = array.array(
b'\0' * (frame_count * self.sample_width)
for raw_channel_data in channels_data:
for i in range(frame_count):
converted[i] += raw_channel_data[i] // self.channels
frame_width = self.frame_width // self.channels
elif self.channels == 1:
dup_channels = [self for iChannel in range(channels)]
return AudioSegment.from_mono_audiosegments(*dup_channels)
raise ValueError(
"AudioSegment.set_channels only supports mono-to-multi channel and multi-to-mono channel conversion")
return self._spawn(data=converted,
'channels': channels,
'frame_width': frame_width})
def split_to_mono(self):
if self.channels == 1:
return [self]
samples = self.get_array_of_samples()
mono_channels = []
for i in range(self.channels):
samples_for_current_channel = samples[i::self.channels]
mono_data = samples_for_current_channel.tobytes()
except AttributeError:
mono_data = samples_for_current_channel.tostring()
self._spawn(mono_data, overrides={"channels": 1, "frame_width": self.sample_width})
return mono_channels
def rms(self):
return audioop.rms(self._data, self.sample_width)
def dBFS(self):
rms = self.rms
if not rms:
return -float("infinity")
return ratio_to_db(self.rms / self.max_possible_amplitude)
def max(self):
return audioop.max(self._data, self.sample_width)
def max_possible_amplitude(self):
bits = self.sample_width * 8
max_possible_val = (2 ** bits)
# since half is above 0 and half is below the max amplitude is divided
return max_possible_val / 2
def max_dBFS(self):
return ratio_to_db(self.max, self.max_possible_amplitude)
def duration_seconds(self):
return self.frame_rate and self.frame_count() / self.frame_rate or 0.0
def get_dc_offset(self, channel=1):
Returns a value between -1.0 and 1.0 representing the DC offset of a
channel (1 for left, 2 for right).
if not 1 <= channel <= 2:
raise ValueError("channel value must be 1 (left) or 2 (right)")
if self.channels == 1:
data = self._data
elif channel == 1:
data = audioop.tomono(self._data, self.sample_width, 1, 0)
data = audioop.tomono(self._data, self.sample_width, 0, 1)
return float(audioop.avg(data, self.sample_width)) / self.max_possible_amplitude
def remove_dc_offset(self, channel=None, offset=None):
Removes DC offset of given channel. Calculates offset if it's not given.
Offset values must be in range -1.0 to 1.0. If channel is None, removes
DC offset from all available channels.
if channel and not 1 <= channel <= 2:
raise ValueError("channel value must be None, 1 (left) or 2 (right)")
if offset and not -1.0 <= offset <= 1.0:
raise ValueError("offset value must be in range -1.0 to 1.0")
if offset:
offset = int(round(offset * self.max_possible_amplitude))
def remove_data_dc(data, off):
if not off:
off = audioop.avg(data, self.sample_width)
return audioop.bias(data, self.sample_width, -off)
if self.channels == 1:
return self._spawn(data=remove_data_dc(self._data, offset))
left_channel = audioop.tomono(self._data, self.sample_width, 1, 0)
right_channel = audioop.tomono(self._data, self.sample_width, 0, 1)
if not channel or channel == 1:
left_channel = remove_data_dc(left_channel, offset)
if not channel or channel == 2:
right_channel = remove_data_dc(right_channel, offset)
left_channel = audioop.tostereo(left_channel, self.sample_width, 1, 0)
right_channel = audioop.tostereo(right_channel, self.sample_width, 0, 1)
return self._spawn(data=audioop.add(left_channel, right_channel,
def apply_gain(self, volume_change):
return self._spawn(data=audioop.mul(self._data, self.sample_width,
def overlay(self, seg, position=0, loop=False, times=None, gain_during_overlay=None):
Overlay the provided segment on to this segment starting at the
specificed position and using the specfied looping beahvior.
seg (AudioSegment):
The audio segment to overlay on to this one.
position (optional int):
The position to start overlaying the provided segment in to this
loop (optional bool):
Loop seg as many times as necessary to match this segment's length.
Overrides loops param.
times (optional int):
Loop seg the specified number of times or until it matches this
segment's length. 1 means once, 2 means twice, ... 0 would make the
call a no-op
gain_during_overlay (optional int):
Changes this segment's volume by the specified amount during the
duration of time that seg is overlaid on top of it. When negative,
this has the effect of 'ducking' the audio under the overlay.
if loop:
# match loop=True's behavior with new times (count) mechinism.
times = -1
elif times is None:
# no times specified, just once through
times = 1
elif times == 0:
# it's a no-op, make a copy since we never mutate
return self._spawn(self._data)
output = StringIO()
seg1, seg2 = AudioSegment._sync(self, seg)
sample_width = seg1.sample_width
spawn = seg1._spawn
# drop down to the raw data
seg1 = seg1[position:]._data
seg2 = seg2._data
pos = 0
seg1_len = len(seg1)
seg2_len = len(seg2)
while times:
remaining = max(0, seg1_len - pos)
if seg2_len >= remaining:
seg2 = seg2[:remaining]
seg2_len = remaining
# we've hit the end, we're done looping (if we were) and this
# is our last go-around
times = 1
if gain_during_overlay:
seg1_overlaid = seg1[pos:pos + seg2_len]
seg1_adjusted_gain = audioop.mul(seg1_overlaid, self.sample_width,
output.write(audioop.add(seg1_adjusted_gain, seg2, sample_width))
output.write(audioop.add(seg1[pos:pos + seg2_len], seg2,
pos += seg2_len
# dec times to break our while loop (eventually)
times -= 1
return spawn(data=output)
def append(self, seg, crossfade=100):
seg1, seg2 = AudioSegment._sync(self, seg)
if not crossfade:
return seg1._spawn(seg1._data + seg2._data)
elif crossfade > len(self):
raise ValueError("Crossfade is longer than the original AudioSegment ({}ms > {}ms)".format(
crossfade, len(self)
elif crossfade > len(seg):
raise ValueError("Crossfade is longer than the appended AudioSegment ({}ms > {}ms)".format(
crossfade, len(seg)
xf = seg1[-crossfade:].fade(to_gain=-120, start=0, end=float('inf'))
xf *= seg2[:crossfade].fade(from_gain=-120, start=0, end=float('inf'))
output = TemporaryFile()
obj = seg1._spawn(data=output)
return obj
def fade(self, to_gain=0, from_gain=0, start=None, end=None,
Fade the volume of this audio segment.
to_gain (float):
resulting volume_change in db
start (int):
default = beginning of the segment
when in this segment to start fading in milliseconds
end (int):
default = end of the segment
when in this segment to start fading in milliseconds
duration (int):
default = until the end of the audio segment
the duration of the fade
if None not in [duration, end, start]:
raise TypeError('Only two of the three arguments, "start", '
'"end", and "duration" may be specified')
# no fade == the same audio
if to_gain == 0 and from_gain == 0:
return self
start = min(len(self), start) if start is not None else None
end = min(len(self), end) if end is not None else None
if start is not None and start < 0:
start += len(self)
if end is not None and end < 0:
end += len(self)
if duration is not None and duration < 0:
raise InvalidDuration("duration must be a positive integer")
if duration:
if start is not None:
end = start + duration
elif end is not None:
start = end - duration
duration = end - start
from_power = db_to_float(from_gain)
output = []
# original data - up until the crossfade portion, as is
before_fade = self[:start]._data
if from_gain != 0:
before_fade = audioop.mul(before_fade,
gain_delta = db_to_float(to_gain) - from_power
# fades longer than 100ms can use coarse fading (one gain step per ms),
# shorter fades will have audible clicks so they use precise fading
# (one gain step per sample)
if duration > 100:
scale_step = gain_delta / duration
for i in range(duration):
volume_change = from_power + (scale_step * i)
chunk = self[start + i]
chunk = audioop.mul(chunk._data,
start_frame = self.frame_count(ms=start)
end_frame = self.frame_count(ms=end)
fade_frames = end_frame - start_frame
scale_step = gain_delta / fade_frames
for i in range(int(fade_frames)):
volume_change = from_power + (scale_step * i)
sample = self.get_frame(int(start_frame + i))
sample = audioop.mul(sample, self.sample_width, volume_change)
# original data after the crossfade portion, at the new volume
after_fade = self[end:]._data
if to_gain != 0:
after_fade = audioop.mul(after_fade,
return self._spawn(data=output)
def fade_out(self, duration):
return self.fade(to_gain=-120, duration=duration, end=float('inf'))
def fade_in(self, duration):
return self.fade(from_gain=-120, duration=duration, start=0)
def reverse(self):
return self._spawn(
data=audioop.reverse(self._data, self.sample_width)
def _repr_html_(self):
src = """
<audio controls>
<source src="data:audio/mpeg;base64,{base64}" type="audio/mpeg"/>
Your browser does not support the audio element.
fh = self.export()
data = base64.b64encode('ascii')
return src.format(base64=data)
from . import effects