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from mistune.core import BaseRenderer
from mistune.util import escape as escape_text, striptags, safe_entity
from urllib.parse import urljoin, urlparse
class BBCodeRenderer(BaseRenderer):
"""A renderer for converting Markdown to BBCode."""
_escape: bool
NAME = 'bbcode'
def __init__(self, escape=False, domain=None):
super(BBCodeRenderer, self).__init__()
self._escape = escape
self.domain = domain
def render_token(self, token, state):
func = self._get_method(token['type'])
attrs = token.get('attrs')
if 'raw' in token:
text = token['raw']
elif 'children' in token:
text = self.render_tokens(token['children'], state)
if attrs:
return func(**attrs)
return func()
if attrs:
return func(text, **attrs)
return func(text)
def safe_url(self, url: str) -> str:
# Simple URL sanitization
if url.startswith(('javascript:', 'vbscript:', 'data:')):
return '#harmful-link'
# Check if the URL is absolute by looking for a netloc part in the URL
if not urlparse(url).netloc:
url = urljoin(self.domain, url)
return url
def text(self, text: str) -> str:
if self._escape:
return escape_text(text)
return text
def emphasis(self, text: str) -> str:
return '[i]' + text + '[/i]'
def strong(self, text: str) -> str:
return '[b]' + text + '[/b]'
def link(self, text: str, url: str, title=None) -> str:
return '[url=' + self.safe_url(url) + ']' + text + '[/url]'
def image(self, text: str, url: str, title=None) -> str:
alt_text = f' alt="{text}"' if text else ''
img_tag = f'[img{alt_text}]' + self.safe_url(url) + '[/img]'
# Check if alt text starts with 'pixel' and treat it as pixel art
if text and text.lower().startswith('pixel'):
return f'[pixelate]{img_tag}[/pixelate]'
return img_tag
def codespan(self, text: str) -> str:
return '[icode]' + text + '[/icode]'
def linebreak(self) -> str:
return '\n'
def softbreak(self) -> str:
return ''
def inline_html(self, html: str) -> str:
if self._escape:
return escape_text(html)
return html
def paragraph(self, text: str) -> str:
return text + '\n\n'
def heading(self, text: str, level: int, **attrs) -> str:
if 1 <= level <= 3:
return f"[HEADING={level}]{text}[/HEADING]\n"
# Handle cases where level is outside 1-3
return f"[HEADING=3]{text}[/HEADING]\n"
def blank_line(self) -> str:
return ''
def thematic_break(self) -> str:
return '[hr][/hr]\n'
def block_text(self, text: str) -> str:
return text
def block_code(self, code: str, **attrs) -> str:
# Renders blocks of code using the language specified in Markdown
special_cases = {
'plaintext': None # Default [CODE]
if 'info' in attrs:
lang_info = safe_entity(attrs['info'].strip())
lang = lang_info.split(None, 1)[0].lower()
# Check if the language needs special handling
bbcode_lang = special_cases.get(lang, lang) # Use the special case if it exists, otherwise use lang as is
if bbcode_lang:
return f"[CODE={bbcode_lang}]{escape_text(code)}[/CODE]\n"
return f"[CODE]{escape_text(code)}[/CODE]\n"
# No language specified, render with a generic [CODE] tag
return f"[CODE]{escape_text(code)}[/CODE]\n"
def block_quote(self, text: str) -> str:
return '[QUOTE]\n' + text + '[/QUOTE]\n'
def block_html(self, html: str) -> str:
if self._escape:
return '<p>' + escape_text(html.strip()) + '</p>\n'
return html + '\n'
def block_error(self, text: str) -> str:
return '[color=red][icode]' + text + '[/icode][/color]\n'
def list(self, text: str, ordered: bool, **attrs) -> str:
# For ordered lists, always use [list=1] to get automatic sequential numbering
# For unordered lists, use [list]
tag = 'list=1' if ordered else 'list'
return '[{}]'.format(tag) + text + '[/list]\n'
def list_item(self, text: str) -> str:
return '[*]' + text + '\n'
def strikethrough(self, text: str) -> str:
return '[s]' + text + '[/s]'
def mark(self, text: str) -> str:
# Simulate the mark effect with a background color in BBCode
return '[mark]' + text + '[/mark]'
def insert(self, text: str) -> str:
# Use underline to represent insertion
return '[u]' + text + '[/u]'
def superscript(self, text: str) -> str:
return '[sup]' + text + '[/sup]'
def subscript(self, text: str) -> str:
return '[sub]' + text + '[/sub]'
def inline_spoiler(self, text: str) -> str:
return '[ISPOILER]' + text + '[/ISPOILER]'
def block_spoiler(self, text: str) -> str:
return '[SPOILER]\n' + text + '\n[/SPOILER]'
def footnote_ref(self, key: str, index: int):
# Use superscript for the footnote reference
return f'[sup][u][JUMPTO=fn-{index}]{index}[/JUMPTO][/u][/sup]'
def footnotes(self, text: str):
# Optionally wrap all footnotes in a specific section if needed
return '[b]Footnotes:[/b]\n' + text
def footnote_item(self, text: str, key: str, index: int):
# Define the footnote with an anchor at the end of the document
return f'[ANAME=fn-{index}]{index}[/ANAME]. {text}'
def table(self, children, **attrs):
# Starting with a full-width table by default if not specified
# width = attrs.get('width', '100%') # comment out until XF 2.3
# return f'[TABLE width="{width}"]\n' + children + '[/TABLE]\n' # comment out until XF 2.3
return '[TABLE]\n' + children + '[/TABLE]\n'
def table_head(self, children, **attrs):
return '[TR]\n' + children + '[/TR]\n'
def table_body(self, children, **attrs):
return children
def table_row(self, children, **attrs):
return '[TR]\n' + children + '[/TR]\n'
def table_cell(self, text, align=None, head=False, **attrs):
# BBCode does not support direct cell alignment,
# use [LEFT], [CENTER], or [RIGHT] tags
# Use th for header cells and td for normal cells
tag = 'TH' if head else 'TD'
# Initialize alignment tags
alignment_start = ''
alignment_end = ''
if align == 'center':
alignment_start = '[CENTER]'
alignment_end = '[/CENTER]'
elif align == 'right':
alignment_start = '[RIGHT]'
alignment_end = '[/RIGHT]'
elif align == 'left':
alignment_start = '[LEFT]'
alignment_end = '[/LEFT]'
return f'[{tag}]{alignment_start}{text}{alignment_end}[/{tag}]\n'
def task_list_item(self, text: str, checked: bool = False) -> str:
# Using emojis to represent the checkbox
checkbox_emoji = '🗹' if checked else '☐'
return checkbox_emoji + ' ' + text + '\n'
def def_list(self, text: str) -> str:
# No specific BBCode tag for <dl>, so we just use the plain text grouping
return '\n' + text + '\n'
def def_list_head(self, text: str) -> str:
return '[b]' + text + '[/b]' + ' ' + ':' + '\n'
def def_list_item(self, text: str) -> str:
return '[INDENT]' + text + '[/INDENT]\n'
def abbr(self, text: str, title: str) -> str:
if title:
return f'[abbr={title}]{text}[/abbr]'
return text |