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No commits in common. "afdb99f2a54f6d6e269d832866cf26559f0e3ccb" and "b42a829f95ce2bb63bc81de08024dffe1a89f8fd" have entirely different histories.

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@ -206,7 +206,6 @@ upload-freenode:
@echo This target currently uses a custom version of rnodeconf to set the firmware length on the device.
@echo This will be removed once the feature has been included upstream, or another solution has been found.
@sleep 1
python3 /dev/ttyACM0 --set-firmware-length $$(ls -l ./build/rakwireless.nrf52.WisCoreRAK4631Board/freeNode_Firmware.ino.bin | awk '{print $$5}')