[title]: <> (Sideband) ## Sideband Sideband is an LXMF client for Android, Linux and macOS. It has built-in support for communicating over RNodes, and many other mediums, such as Packet Radio, WiFi, I2P, or anything else Reticulum supports. Sideband also supports exchanging messages through encrypted QR-codes on paper, or through messages embedded directly in lxm:// links.  The installation files for the Sideband program is too large to be included on this RNode, but downloads for Linux, Android and macOS can be obtained from following sources: - The [Sideband page](https://unsigned.io/sideband/) on [unsigned.io](https://unsigned.io/) - The [GitHub release page for Sideband](https://github.com/markqvist/Sideband/releases/latest) - The [IzzyOnDroid repository for F-Droid](https://android.izzysoft.de/repo/apk/io.unsigned.sideband)