* Added timeout to WiFiScan class to prevent haning at stucking at WIFI_SCAN_RUNNING when scan fails internally
* fixed tabs and returns, connected scanTimeout to max_scan_per_channel timeout
* Corrected tabs two
* Added static vars scanTimeout und scanStarted to WiFiScan.h protected section
* Fixed missing ; in line 64
* Fix wrong values in .cvs files
Add missing upload size for partitions bigger than default one
* Add new partion to generic
Fix hardcoded partition for 16M flash
* Expose uartStartDetectBaudrate(uart_t *) in esp32-hal-uart.h and call it from HardwareSerial::begin() if baudrate detection is requested (by passing a baudrate of 0) to solve baudrate detection problems
* Avoid a division by zero error in uartGetBaudRate()
* Use loc_buf for small strings, check for error return from vsnprintf
* cleanup arg when bailing out of new
* Use malloc/free instead of new/delete in printf
* Return actual bytes written in printf
* FIX: write before free
* Rework the sketch builder to match the IDE
* Link the board to the home folder
* Rename files for clarity
* move ci files to own subfolder
* Update Github CI to use the new script locations
* Fix persistance issue found, see ESP8266 issue #6152
* Correcting the parsing of the header for HTTP1.0
* Send 'Connection: Close' header in case of HTTP1.0
* Let reuse connection depend on protocol used: HTTP1.0 or HTTP1.1
* Fixed reuse, added null ptr checks, added check for _trainsportTraits in connect() in case _client was set null
* Fix reuse connection issues, similar to ESP8266 PR #6176
* Add generic IP calculations
calculateNetworkID(IPAddress ip, IPAddress subnet) => Calculate the network id using the ip and subnet (e.g.
calculateBroadcast(IPAddress ip, IPAddress subnet) => Calculate the broadcast ip using the ip and subnet (e.g.
calculateSubnetCIDR(IPAddress subnetMask) => Calculate the subnet CIDR using the subnet (e.g. 24)
broadcastIP() => Retrieve the network id (e.g.
networkID() => Retrieve the broadcast IP (e.g.
subnetCIDR() => Retrieve the subnet CIDR (e.g. 24)
broadcastIP() => Retrieve the network id (e.g.
networkID() => Retrieve the broadcast IP (e.g.
subnetCIDR() => Retrieve the subnet CIDR (e.g. 24)
softAPBroadcastIP() => Retrieve the network id (e.g.
softAPNetwrokID() => Retrieve the broadcast IP (e.g.
softAPSubnetCIDR() => Retrieve the subnet CIDR (e.g. 24)
Fixed bit shift in demo application of using RMT peripheral. Init data array to be transmitted was off by one, as for the first iteration (i==0) the mask was 1<<8, which results in shifted RGB value in color variable
Closes https://github.com/espressif/arduino-esp32/issues/2921