* Added timeout to WiFiScan class to prevent haning at stucking at WIFI_SCAN_RUNNING when scan fails internally
* fixed tabs and returns, connected scanTimeout to max_scan_per_channel timeout
* Corrected tabs two
* Added static vars scanTimeout und scanStarted to WiFiScan.h protected section
* Fixed missing ; in line 64
* Fix wrong values in .cvs files
Add missing upload size for partitions bigger than default one
* Add new partion to generic
Fix hardcoded partition for 16M flash
* Expose uartStartDetectBaudrate(uart_t *) in esp32-hal-uart.h and call it from HardwareSerial::begin() if baudrate detection is requested (by passing a baudrate of 0) to solve baudrate detection problems
* Avoid a division by zero error in uartGetBaudRate()
* Use loc_buf for small strings, check for error return from vsnprintf
* cleanup arg when bailing out of new
* Use malloc/free instead of new/delete in printf
* Return actual bytes written in printf
* FIX: write before free
* Rework the sketch builder to match the IDE
* Link the board to the home folder
* Rename files for clarity
* move ci files to own subfolder
* Update Github CI to use the new script locations
* Fix persistance issue found, see ESP8266 issue #6152
* Correcting the parsing of the header for HTTP1.0
* Send 'Connection: Close' header in case of HTTP1.0
* Let reuse connection depend on protocol used: HTTP1.0 or HTTP1.1
* Fixed reuse, added null ptr checks, added check for _trainsportTraits in connect() in case _client was set null
* Fix reuse connection issues, similar to ESP8266 PR #6176
* Add generic IP calculations
calculateNetworkID(IPAddress ip, IPAddress subnet) => Calculate the network id using the ip and subnet (e.g.
calculateBroadcast(IPAddress ip, IPAddress subnet) => Calculate the broadcast ip using the ip and subnet (e.g.
calculateSubnetCIDR(IPAddress subnetMask) => Calculate the subnet CIDR using the subnet (e.g. 24)
broadcastIP() => Retrieve the network id (e.g.
networkID() => Retrieve the broadcast IP (e.g.
subnetCIDR() => Retrieve the subnet CIDR (e.g. 24)
broadcastIP() => Retrieve the network id (e.g.
networkID() => Retrieve the broadcast IP (e.g.
subnetCIDR() => Retrieve the subnet CIDR (e.g. 24)
softAPBroadcastIP() => Retrieve the network id (e.g.
softAPNetwrokID() => Retrieve the broadcast IP (e.g.
softAPSubnetCIDR() => Retrieve the subnet CIDR (e.g. 24)