sweetymhaiske 2c9b648502
Add support of unified provisioning to Arduino
1. WiFiProv.ino sketch is added that allows arduino users to do provisioning via SoftAP or BLE. WiFi.beginProvision( ) API is designed for provisioning in Arduino.
2. In WiFiProv.h provisioning class is defined.
3. WiFiProv.cpp contains implementation for provisioning class.
4. file is added which contains detail information for working.
2020-04-15 23:37:55 +03:00

136 lines
4.4 KiB

# Provisioning for Arduino
This sketch implements provisioning using various IDF components
# Description
This example allows Arduino user to choose either BLE or SOFTAP as a mode of transport, over which the provisioning related communication is to take place, between the device (to be provisioned) and the client (owner of the device).
## API's introduced for provisioning
## WiFi.onEvent()
Using this API user can register to recieve WIFI Events and Provisioning Events
#### Parameters passed
A function with following signature
* void SysProvEvent(system_event_t * , wifi_prov_event_t * );
#### structure [ wifi_prov_event_t ]
* wifi_prov_cb_event_t event;
* void * event_data;
### WiFi.beginProvision()
WiFi.beginProvision(scheme prov_scheme, wifi_prov_scheme_event_handler_t scheme_event_handler, wifi_prov_security_t security, char * pop, char * service_name, char * service_key, uint8_t * uuid);
#### Parameters
* prov_scheme : choose the mode of transfer
* security : choose security type
* WIFI_PROV_SECURITY_1 - It allows secure communication which consists of secure handshake using key exchange and proof of possession (pop) and encryption/decryption of messages.
* WIFI_PROV_SECURITY_0 - It do not provide application level security, it involve simply plain text communication.
* scheme_event_handler : specify the handlers according to the mode chosen
* BLE :
- WIFI_PROV_SCHEME_BLE_EVENT_HANDLER_FREE_BTDM - This scheme event handler is used when application doesn't need BT and BLE after provisioning is finised
- WIFI_PROV_SCHEME_BLE_EVENT_HANDLER_FREE_BLE - This scheme event handler is used when application doesn't need BLE to be active after provisioning is finised
- WIFI_PROV_SCHEME_BLE_EVENT_HANDLER_FREE_BT - This scheme event handler is used when application doesn't need BT to be active after provisioning is finised
* SoftAp :
* pop : It is the string that is used to provide the authentication while provisioning
* service_name : Specify service name for the device while provisioning, if it is not specified then default chosen name via SoftAP is WIFI_XXX and for BLE service it is BLE_XXX where XXX is the last 3 bytes of the MAC address.
* service_key : Specify service key while provisioning, if chosen mode of provisioning is BLE then service_key is always NULL
* uuid : user can specify there own 128 bit UUID while provisioning using BLE, if not specified then default value taken is
- { 0xb4, 0xdf, 0x5a, 0x1c, 0x3f, 0x6b, 0xf4, 0xbf,
0xea, 0x4a, 0x82, 0x03, 0x04, 0x90, 0x1a, 0x02, }
* If none of the parameters are specified in beginProvision then default provisioning takes place using SoftAP with
* scheme_event_handler = WIFI_PROV_EVENT_HANDLER_NONE
* security = WIFI_PROV_SECURITY_1
* pop = "abcd1234"
* service_name = "WiFi_XXX"
* service_key = NULL
* uuid = NULL
# Log Output
* Enable debuger : [ Tools -> Core Debug Level -> Info ]
# App required for provisioning
##Gihub link
* Android : (
* iOS : (
## These apps are available on playstore
* For SoftAP : ESP SoftAP Prov
* For BLE : ESP BLE Prov
# Example output
## Provisioning using SoftAP
[I][WiFiProv.cpp:117] beginProvision(): Starting AP using SOFTAP
service_name : WIFI_XXX
password : 123456789
pop : abcd1234
Provisioning started
Give Credentials of your access point using " Android app "
Received Wi-Fi credentials
Password : 123456789
Connected IP address :
Provisioning Successful
Provisioning Ends
## Provisioning using BLE
[I][WiFiProv.cpp:115] beginProvision(): Starting AP using BLE
service_name : BLE_XXX
pop : abcd1234
Provisioning started
Give Credentials of your access point using " Android app "
Received Wi-Fi credentials
Password : 123456789
Connected IP address :
Provisioning Successful
Provisioning Ends
## Credentials are available on device
[I][WiFiProv.cpp:125] beginProvision(): Aleardy Provisioned, starting Wi-Fi STA
[I][WiFiProv.cpp:126] beginProvision(): CONNECTING ACCESS POINT CREDENTIALS :
[I][WiFiProv.cpp:126] beginProvision(): SSID : GIONEE M2