If you develop on windows and need cr/lf files, see this:
Git can handle this by auto-converting CRLF line endings into LF
when you add a file to the index, and vice versa when it checks out
code onto your filesystem. You can turn on this functionality with
the core.autocrlf setting. If you're on a Windows machine, set it
to true - this converts LF endings into CRLF when you check out code:
$ git config --global core.autocrlf true
* Update BLE lib
* Update IDF to f586f5e
* Restructure Bluetooth Serial includes
* Update esptool and gen_esp32part
* Add partition scheme selection for menuconfig
* Add partition scheme selection for Arduino IDE
* Fix BLE example
* Second attempt BLE fix
* Add exceptions to PIO
* Add BluetoothSerial library
A simple UART to Classical Bluetooth bridge for ESP32
* Create README.md
* Fix typos
* Replace deprecated header and small fixes
* Add coexistence with BLE
* Add missing semicolon
* Update mDNS and LEDC
* update toolchain
* Update IDF to 1c3dd23
* Advertise the board variant for Arduino OTA
* Add generic variant definition for mDNS
Usable for library developers who write code not dependent on Arduino.
Adding 3 lines to the includes will permit their debug messages to be
visible in Arduino IDE or when enabled under IDF
WiFi and BlueTooth can now be started and stopped at will.
basic functions added to esp32-hal to start and stop the BT radio
SimpleBLE class added to show the most basic functionality
Example to show how to switch between BT, WiFi or Both